I've managed to activate dev mode through the hidden developer settings menu rather than the dev mode activation app. To access the hidden menu go to Settings > System > Console Info > Press LB RB LT RT > Developer Settings > Developer Mode
almost there trying activate dev console
hello, y puchase y put code for activate console but stop in phase 4 and say this.
you're almost ready for development, but first we need to update your xbox. after the update, come back to this app and you'll be able to switch to developer.
i try update xbox is ready, i try update game is ready, but still stay in phse 4, what can i do?
sorry for my bad english
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Roy Li - MSFT • 34,096 Reputation points • Microsoft External Staff
2020-08-31T02:59:41.563+00:00 Here is the document about how to activate the Xbox dev mode: Xbox One Developer Mode activation. Are you following this to activate the dev mode? If it is, could you please tell me which step that you failed? Is it Step 4?
user_Slipsy • 1 Reputation point
2020-08-31T20:37:21.613+00:00 This is also happening to me, except mine has been activated already and used for development for almost a year now. The recent Xbox update must have messed something up. I went as far as deactivating it from partner center and also resetting the console. After activating with the code, it stays at step 4.
Paul Jezek • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-01T22:48:13.207+00:00 I also see the same issue with Dev Mode Activation (v1.1.1703.14), Console is on version 10.0.19041.1462, stuck at the same step (4) too.
Roy Li - MSFT • 34,096 Reputation points • Microsoft External Staff
2020-09-02T03:04:34.297+00:00 Could you please tell me the OS version and the Dev Mode Activation version? Is it the same as @Paul Jezek 's scenario?
user_Slipsy • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-02T05:42:30.25+00:00 OS version: 10.0.19041.4162
Dev mode activation version: 1.1.1703.14 -
Roy Li - MSFT • 34,096 Reputation points • Microsoft External Staff
2020-09-02T06:32:11.22+00:00 Thanks for sharing this information. I'll ask the Xbox team about this. You could also ask about this in the Xbox Development Forum.
猫叔Vincent • 16 Reputation points
2020-09-02T08:05:36.487+00:00 Mine xbox is the same situation. 10.0.19041.4162(OS version is rs_xbox_release_2008.200824-1730).
This is a urgent situation, it delays my work 2 days already.
Squarebananas • 406 Reputation points
2020-09-02T10:47:01.66+00:00 I was having the same issue. However I've managed to activate dev mode through the hidden developer settings menu rather than the dev mode activation app. To access the hidden menu go to Settings > System > Console Info > Press LB RB LT RT > Developer Settings > Developer Mode
Paul Jezek • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-02T19:42:37.01+00:00 Activating by using the hidden menu worked for me too! Thank you!
user_Slipsy • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-02T21:21:52.01+00:00 Thanks, this solved for me too.
Etienne BAUDOUX • 1 Reputation point • Microsoft Employee
2020-09-02T23:36:23.777+00:00 Worked for me too, thanks !
Roy Li - MSFT • 34,096 Reputation points • Microsoft External Staff
2020-09-03T03:02:39.953+00:00 If @Squarebananas 's solution works, you could accept his reply as answer so that it could help others who are facing the same issue.
Tyler M • 21 Reputation points
2020-09-04T01:53:27.863+00:00 Worked for me. Thank you!
Tyler M • 21 Reputation points
2020-09-04T01:56:19.19+00:00 Thank you, this worked!
Kevin Acevedo • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-06T01:32:42.537+00:00 Buenas noches
Disculpa si activo por el método del menú oculto (menú de configuración de desarrollador oculto)como dices al iniciar la consola en modo normal no se borran mis juegos? ni apps ya que e leído en diferentes Post que comentan que se les borran sus juegos y tienen que volver a descargarlos.
GoodnightSorry if I activate by the hidden menu method (hidden developer settings menu) as you say when starting the console in normal mode my games are not deleted? nor apps since I have read in different Post that they comment that their games are deleted and they have to download them again.
Mikey Entwistle • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-20T16:15:30.25+00:00 Thanks ALOT!
PunkRockDrifter • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-27T05:09:36.31+00:00 This worked for me Sept 2020
José Braz de Oliveira Filho Filho • 1 Reputation point
2020-09-30T01:42:21.98+00:00 It worked perfectly here in my Congratulations for the tip !
Hector Henrique • 1 Reputation point
2020-10-02T19:07:41.04+00:00 It worked for me! Thanks!
Stephen Watson • 21 Reputation points
2020-10-15T07:11:05.187+00:00 Thanks for your solution, it worked.
Aurore Baudoin • 1 Reputation point
2020-10-27T20:21:23.887+00:00 Oh thank you very much! It fixed it for me too after so many days of trying everything ! 😁
Future Today Inc • 1 Reputation point
2020-12-03T13:46:38.253+00:00 Indeed it saved my day, thanks a lot!!
freddie mackey • 1 Reputation point
2021-01-22T01:19:57.033+00:00 Thanks work for me to
Dylan Schooner • 1 Reputation point
2021-02-14T20:47:09.28+00:00 Works perfectly. Thanks!
tp • 1 Reputation point
2021-02-19T01:28:31.903+00:00 worked, thanks
JAMMER • 1 Reputation point
2021-06-10T22:40:59.22+00:00 Thanks mate.
Onomorph • 1 Reputation point
2021-07-13T20:07:05.993+00:00 Thank you, it worked for me too
Sebastian Knott • 1 Reputation point
2021-09-02T06:39:06.467+00:00 Thank you big square this fixed it for me! So epic
Zhane Johnson • 1 Reputation point
2021-10-28T12:17:22.397+00:00 Thats what I had to do too. Worked for me!
Frederick Hetu • 1 Reputation point
2021-12-17T01:52:40.937+00:00 Once in console info menu when I press the 4 buttons at the same time nothing happens..... Am I doing something wrong?
Frederick Hetu • 1 Reputation point
2021-12-17T01:53:39.453+00:00 Once in console info menu when I press the 4 buttons at the same time nothing happens..... Am I doing something wrong?
Øistein • 11 Reputation points
2021-12-17T18:16:27.023+00:00 If you are using One, One S or One X, try using "Xbox Dev Mode" app as commented by me further down the page.
Øistein • 11 Reputation points
2021-12-17T18:17:36.953+00:00 If you are using One, One S or One X, try using "Xbox Dev Mode" app as commented by me further down the page.
Ifrit Miah • 1 Reputation point
2022-09-30T06:27:33.773+00:00 I got the same issue, but this worked great! Would have never have figured this out without this. Thank you so much!
Jin Kazama • 1 Reputation point
2022-11-19T02:10:57.127+00:00 Holly crap, that worked! God some people are so smart, how did you know how to do that? Thank you!
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8 answers
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Squarebananas • 406 Reputation points
2020-09-02T10:50:16.527+00:00 -
猫叔Vincent • 16 Reputation points
2020-09-03T03:18:05.383+00:00 Thanks, it works.
Victor Chen • 106 Reputation points
2020-09-19T05:41:21.043+00:00 Worked for me. Thank you!
Frederick Hetu • 1 Reputation point
2021-12-17T01:54:31.163+00:00 Once in console info menu when I press the 4 buttons at the same time nothing happens..... Am I doing something wrong?
Øistein • 11 Reputation points
2021-12-17T18:38:40.163+00:00 If you are using One, One S or One X, try using "Xbox Dev Mode" app as commented by me further down the page. Kind regards.
Frederick Hetu • 1 Reputation point
2021-12-20T17:15:10.127+00:00 If I'm trying to do it with the 4 button method it's because the Dev App doesn't work.... I have the message Almost there, your console needs to be updated, and it's been like that for months. I recently went through the whole process again following a great walkthru I found and same result. My last option was the 4 button method I discovered here but unfortunatly that doesn't work either.
Øistein • 11 Reputation points
2021-12-20T20:23:05.957+00:00 Okay. You didn't write that you had tried both "Dev Mode Activation" app and the "Xbox Dev Mode" app. Just tried to help. Kind regards.
tarheaq thomas • 0 Reputation points
2023-03-23T22:16:13.9666667+00:00 this was the answer we needed what a goat!
DJ • 0 Reputation points
2023-04-20T17:08:25.3433333+00:00 This was CLUTCH AF! Appreciate it bro. Kept wondering why mines kept getting stuck on my XB One S.
Xnbander • 0 Reputation points
2023-04-21T16:48:22.8466667+00:00 This worked for me as well, thank you!
King Morales • 0 Reputation points
2023-07-26T02:44:55.3566667+00:00 Not me tho
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AHMED ISMAIL GOMAA BAKIR 906 Reputation points
2022-04-27T09:59:03.097+00:00 Activating by using the hidden menu worked for me too!
Thank you -
Roy Li - MSFT • 34,096 Reputation points • Microsoft External Staff
2020-09-03T03:01:38.387+00:00 Hello,
@Squarebananas 's reply is the solution to this issue. It the same one as the solution I got from the team. If you are having the same issue, you could try @Squarebananas 's solution.
Thank you.
Tyler M • 21 Reputation points
2020-09-04T01:56:08.213+00:00 Will the team fix this issue? Ideally, the menu should not be hidden while an Xbox is registered for development.
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Øistein • 11 Reputation points
2020-11-28T10:11:20.407+00:00 Seems this problem is solved now, but I don't think the documents are updated yet.
Late september 2020 a new app was released that's called "Xbox Dev Mode", and not "Dev Mode Activation".
I don't know if this app is intended to be the new app for activating developer mode, it doesn't say anywhere, but it seems to be. When using "Xbox Dev Mode" everything works as the "Dev Mode Activation" used to.
Kind regards
JPPresents • 11 Reputation points
2020-12-30T17:18:39.137+00:00 This is the actual answer!
The new app has the newly released Consoles as an Icon and works!
tlee • 1 Reputation point
2021-08-24T01:57:34.407+00:00 This works. If you're on a next gen console (Series X or Series S) then you need to use a different app.
Frederick Hetu • 1 Reputation point
2021-12-20T17:17:23.61+00:00 That new App is for Series S or X and doesn't work on the first One generation consoles.
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Michele Iafrancesco • 6 Reputation points
2020-11-28T13:19:53.347+00:00 Same thing for me. I also see now the new app (as @Øistein mentioned) in the store. I have an xbox one "all digital". Furtunately, the "hidden menu" solution made the trick!
I have to say I also had quite a few issues in activating the developer mode using the "older app", the istructions steps given in here seem not work anymore. Also, I had to pay (here in Germany) an €14 yearly fee to register me as developer, and not the one-time $20 as advertised.