How do I know what size Azure VM supports nested virtualization?

David 41 Reputation points

I guess I am looking for documentation that doesn't seem to exist.

I need to spin up a VM on which I will be running a docker application.
This requires nested virtualization.
The VM size I picked does not appear to support it.

All I can find it some old docs saying that it is enabled on an older Size.
How do I find the availability for the current set of available sizes?

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
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Accepted answer
  1. Devaraj G 2,091 Reputation points

    Hi David,

    Dv3 and Ev3 VM sizes supports the nested virtualisation.

    Also you can looks for machine type in azure docs to find if the nested virtualisation is supported.



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  1. Numa Mendes de Oliveira Neto 0 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi, actually using this list that supports nested virtualization, I can't enable Hyper-V role. I already tried change location; I was using spot instance but remove them wasn't work. In all cases, the error was the same: the virtualization support was disabled at Bios level. what can I do?

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