I have never tested that, sorry. When I see something like that in a Microsoft Doc that tells me either it doesnt work or its not supported.
Public Folder Local or Remote
I have a question on Exchange PF from Onprem to 365.
Is it possible to point all Users to 365 PF while they are still residing Onprem before migrating their mailboxes to 365?
Source: Onprem Exchange 2016
Target: 365
- Migrate all Public Folders to 365
- Then point all users Onprem to the Public folders in 365 with the following Powershell command:
Set-OrganizationConfig -PublicFoldersEnabled Remote -RemotePublicFolderMailboxes PFMailbox1,PFMailbox2,PFMailbox3 - At this point all Onprem users will point to the PublicFolders in 365
- When Users get their mailboxes migrated to 365, they will point to the PublicFolders in 365
2 additional answers
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Andy David - MVP 150.4K Reputation points MVP
2022-04-22T14:39:56.427+00:00 All the mailboxes should be migrated first:
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/collaboration/public-folders/migrate-to-exchange-online?view=exchserver-2019 -
Eric 121 Reputation points
2022-04-22T14:45:41.02+00:00 Hello Andy,
The key word there is should. My question does the following command allow Onprem users to query the PF Remotely instead of local, while still part of the Onprem Exchange Org
Set-OrganizationConfig -PublicFoldersEnabled Remote -RemotePublicFolderMailboxes PFMailbox1,PFMailbox2,PFMailbox3.
The reason is the intention is to migrate the PF first from Onprem to 365. Then migrate the users to 365
Thank you