In such scenarios, you usually enable the super-user functionality. Open the ADRMs console > Security policies > Super users. Enable the feature then add members as needed.
How to mass-unlock Active Directory right management systesm(ARM now?)
Dear MS Support Team,
Let's say my company has used Active Directory Right Management System to secure 'confidential documents/emails' in the company.
Today, we have ediscovery issue with competitors, so need to provide some of 'confidential documents/emails' to our law firm/ediscovery vendor to submit as evidence.
In this situation, how we can de-activate the ADRMS of the 'confidential documents/emails' by mass operation, not manual job(one by one)?
In addition, even though we tried to de-activate the ADRMS as much as possible, some of encrypted(by ADRMS) could be appeared by extracting from archive files, etc.
Let's law firm/discovery vendors export/send several encrypted files to us(via FTP or external HDD), how we can do mass-deactivate them?
Please advise.
Thank you.