Terminal server 2016 won't download WSUS updates

ChriSch 11 Reputation points

in our organisation we are already using WSUS. It is providing updates for Win10 clients and a few MS servers (2016, 2019). Only ther terminalservers with windows server 2016 can't download updates. WSUS is running on Windows Server 2019.

After restarting Server 2016 a few updates has been found, by clicking download Installation process seems to start but is hangig with: Updates are downloading - 0%.

Already tried to fix the issue with the following steps:

  • Restart services wuauserv, BITS, appidsvc, cryptsvc
  • Remove folder SoftwareDistribution
  • Removed device and reregistered in WSUS
  • WSUSPool queue length 25000
  • Kaspersky Services deactivated and also uninstalled
  • WSUSPool, advanced settings

Limit Interval (minutes): 15

Limit for private memory: 0

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate

    DisableDualScan = 1

    UpdateServiceUrlAlternate = http://WSUS-IP:8530

Does anyone else has got any idea?

Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2019
A Microsoft server operating system that supports enterprise-level management updated to data storage.
3,520 questions
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
A Microsoft server operating system that supports enterprise-level management updated to data storage.
2,408 questions
Windows Server
Windows Server
A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.
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12 answers

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  1. ChriSch 11 Reputation points

    I removed the device out of WSUS MMC and run the client side script after that.
    The machine reappears in WSUS and goes through the update process as before without success. Also after reboot. I will now wait for next week to get some more updates!

    Which specific update do you mean to decline and re-approve? KB5012596?

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  2. Adam J. Marshall 8,966 Reputation points MVP

    I would look at installing KB5015019 (May+OOB) instead of KB5012596 (April). You will have to import KB5015019 into WSUS as it's an OOB update.

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  3. Rita Hu -MSFT 9,626 Reputation points

    Thanks for your posting on Q&A.

    Please try to follow the below link to reset Windows Update components on the affected Windows Server 2016 servers:

    Then we could try to download the approved updates again. If the link isn't helpful, please try to provide the windowsupdate.log for us to research further.
    We could open the PowerShell as an administrator and print the get-windowsupdatelog command to get the log file. Note that the log will be placed into the desktop by default.

    Best regards,

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  4. ChriSch 11 Reputation points

    Hi @Rita Hu -MSFT ,
    thank you for your support. Due to public holidays I was off for a few days.

    After going through all the steps described in your link above windows updates aren't working until now.

    While reregistering BITS and WINDOWS UPDATE files in step '6.' I got a few error messages.
    a) For example the following files does not exist:
    gpkcsp.dll, initpki.dll, msxml.dll, muweb.dll, qmgrprxy.dll, sccbase.dll, slbcsp.dll, wuaueng1.dll, wucltui.dll, wucltux.dll, wuweb.dll, wuwebv.dll

    b) And more DLLs are not able to load:
    browseui.dll, mshtml.dll, qmgr.dll, shdocvw.dll, wuaueng.dll

    For a) these DLLs doesn't exist on an other WIN 2016 server - but Win updates are running on this machine.

    Attached you can find the WindowsUpdate.log:

  5. ChriSch 11 Reputation points

    As requested you can find one more WindowsUpdate.log and Version of Windows Server

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