Hello @Kakehi Shunya (筧 隼弥) , welcome to Microsoft Q&A.
I see, during Copy Activity merging files, you get error stating it found more columns than expected. I also see your data looks uniform inside the indicated file. You want help resolving this.
There are a few things I can think of. First, did it write any data?
First, check your mapping in the Copy activity. Is any mapping set? If so, how many columns are there? Does the number of columns in the mapping match the number of columns shown in your file?
There are many things I would look at, but the mapping is my first suspect for several reasons:
- The visual inspection looks good for header row and first few rows. It is not bad data inside this file.
- You stated all files have the same schema. This should be visual confirmed anyway. This ties into point 3. The number of columns error usually happens when comparing columns of 2+ files.
- The error cited the first file. There is no guarantee that the first file is first. However, if this was the first file the Copy activity looked at, and has no other to compare to, then it must be comparing to the Copy activity mapping or the Dataset schema.
Is your dataset using option "first row as header"?
Another think to check: Is your dataset using the correct "row delimiter"?
If the row delimiter is set to "newline" (\n
), while the data is using "carriage return" (\r
), then the entire file looks like one row. This would mean too many columns.
There is one more thing to try. The Copy activity settings has option to log incompatible rows. We can use this to determine which data is the problem, or in this case, how much of the data. Is it all data or just some data?
Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.
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