Hello anonymous user-MSFT
I am so sorry for my late response. I was trying get tunnels up with your instructions. I tried following possible solutions but no success
Used active passive VPN GW with two local N/w GW & azure connection (for each site) connecting to public IP of VPN GW from both on-prem sites ( used 10.x.x.x/30 IP for BGP peering ) : Failed
Used active passive VPN GW with two local N/w GW & azure connection (for each site) connecting to public IP of VPN GW from both on-prem sites ( used 169.254.21.x/30 & 169.254.22.x/30 IP for BGP peering ): Failed
Used active-active VPN GW with two local N/w GW & azure connection (for each site) connecting to primary public IP of VPN GW from both on-prem sites ( used 10.x.x.x/30 IP for BGP peering ) : Failed
Used active-active VPN GW with two local N/w GW & azure connection (for each site) connecting to primary public IP to site-A & secondary to site-B of VPN GW from on-prem sites ( used 10.x.x.x/30 IP for BGP peering ) : Failed
Used active-active VPN GW with two local N/w GW & azure connection (for each site) connecting to primary public IP of VPN GW from on-prem sites ( used 169.254.21.x/30 & 169.254.22.x/30 IP for BGP peering ) : Failed
Used active-active VPN GW with two local N/w GW & azure connection (for each site) connecting to primary public IP to site-A & secondary to site-B of VPN GW from on-prem sites ( used 169.254.21.x/30 & 169.254.22.x/30 IP for BGP peering ) : Failed
Please note: I am getting tunnel UP & running with site-A working absolutely fine but tunnel with Site-B is not coming up, I can see traffic from 169.254.x.x. IPs for site-B on my Palo Alto but tunnel is not coning up. Below is a Screen shot of communication which I can see on my palo alto. Any comment on it?
Thank very much for help :-)