When using NavigationPage as the main page, I do not receive back button events.
Hi, in App.xaml.cscs I have my main page initiated like this: MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage()); However when I do that, this event is never called from any of my pages: protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed() If I use …
Permanent MAUI config file survives update of application
Hello experts I have a MAUI C# code below, for reading and writing a text file of user setting (like colors, ids, last state..) of MAUI application. Works perfect (development)! (MAUI Android and MAUI Windows) But what happends with this setting file, if…
Maui app in mac using VS Code stop working
Hi, Maui app in mac using VS Code stop working. I got this error. Using .Net 8.
Called multiple times
Minimal code example AppShellViewModel public partial class AppShellViewModel { private readonly IConnectivity _connectivity; public AppShellViewModel(IConnectivity connectivity, NoInternetPopUp noInternetPopUp) { …
Weird disappearing error
I have a very weird error where everything disappears after a while and I think the fault is here <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage x:Class="METROWIND.Views.NewsPage" …
MAUI: Serilog log file is not creating
I am trying to write all log details to a file and send that to our server using an API. I am using Serilog for this. I did below steps: Installed Serilog, Serilog.Extensions.Logging and Serilog.Sinks.File. MAUIProgram.cs added below code: public static…
Create exe for .NET MAUI windows
I am developing a windows application in .NET MAUI using Visual Studios 2022. I need to test it on another machine so I publish the app and create MSIX file. But when I install the certificate there, it is installed successfully but on executing the…
compile binding help
So I am trying to follow the docs <HorizontalStackLayout BindingContext="{x:Reference slider}" x:DataType="Slider"> <Label Text="{Binding Value}" /> <Label Text="{Binding Text,…
COMException -2147023728 when calling BackgroundTaskRegistration in MAUI WinUI project
I downloaded the C#/WinRT example here for implementing background tasks and it runs successfully, but it's a WPF app. Attempting to do the same in a single or multi-project MAUI app results in COMException -2147023728 when calling…
Unable to Save Edited DOCX File in MAUI App
When using the OpenFile() method to open Word documents from a file path such as "content://com.app.fileapp.fileprovider/doc_files/demo_241211113315.docx," I am able to edit the document but encounter an issue when attempting to save it—I'm…
adding a maui class library to maui project - fails to find reference to a method when compiling
Hi, I am using VS 2022, net 9.0 I have a Maui App project with a reference to Maui Class Library project. The reference is loaded correctly and I can reference the method in MauiProgram.cs, ( can do right click and go to implementation) I have set the…
Hot restart issue
I always get this error message..., is the same for Individual or Enterprise keys. What goes wrong? My Apple keys ID-s are all valid, I have a paid Apple Developer account
How to clear navigation stack in App Shell
I'm currently using the App Shell in my application. I would like to clear the previously opened pages in my app. How to clear the previously opened pages in MAUI App Shell?
Firebase crashlytics not listing any crashes did from MAUI mobile app
I did below steps to Set Up Firebase Crashlytics in my .NET MAUI app. Created a new project in firebase console and added android and ios project. Downloaded the google-services.json file and GoogleService-Info.plist file and added it on the project.…
When adding a new source at the end of the previous song finished, the plugin media element will report an error
I want to realize that auto play next song when the previous song was finished playing,so I add a function for the event of mediaended, and add a new source by the mediaelemen object's properties source(mediaelement.source) ,however it report a bug, I…
Developing Cross-Platform MAUI Applications with VB.NET
Is it possible to develop cross-platform MAUI applications using VB.NET? Guidance and resources on this topic have been difficult to find.
.NET MAUI and flutter
I’m still new to .NET but have a basic understanding of C#. I’ve also worked with Flutter, but I find its extensive widgets overwhelming and hard to read. This has made me consider focusing on .NET instead. For someone relatively new to .NET but familiar…
Burn Selected Folders/Files in CD-Rom
Hi, I have treeview of drive/folders + files as you see . While pressing on copy command I copied the selected files to temp folder. I want code that will burn this files with all folder structure not only the files to CD-ROM. Can you please supply all…
Cannot install my app on my iPad. Error MT1006: Could not install the application
I always get this error in Visual Studio on Windows when I try to debug my iOS project on my iPad: error MT1006: Could not install the application…
Problems with binding Google's TapAndPay SDK on .NET MAUI
Has anyone had any luck integrating Google's TapAndPay SDK with .NET MAUI? I'm looking to support in-app card provisioning from my MAUI app to Google Pay Following the standard project setup does not map the methods correctly. I've tried mapping the…