Closing the SoftInput Keyboard: User vs Programmatic
I have a Xamarin.Android app in which the user shows/hides different views using several buttons. Sometimes the soft input keyboard is open when the user clicks a button to display a different view. If the user manually closes the keyboard (using the…
Editing Query String Structure
Standard query string; /products.aspx?productID=1 I want /products/productname I have searched a lot but the results I have reached are generally valid for mvc. How do I provide this structure in webform?
Xamarin loops over the contents of a list view
Hallo, I have a small app in Xamarin for Andrios and IOS in c#. A list is displayed there via a list view. Itemsource is an ObservableCollection that is used to load data from a local database (SQLite). These data can be filtered by the user using…
How do I use declarative markup for a RelativeLayout
I use plain C# code and Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup for my UI layout. I am trying to embrace declarative layout but struggle sometimes with the required syntax. My latest difficulty is with a RelativeLayout. This works okay... RelativeLayout…
How to clear cached pages in Shell?
Hi! In my Shell application I need to clear all data from pages after logout. How can I do this? How can I clear content for all flyout items? I see here a property ContentCache, I need to clear that property to recreate my page. Or do it by another…
How can I make sliding tab pages under Xamarin.Android
I have been developing a store management program for Zebra Barcode readers, and I want to make the usage more easier with slidable pages. I working with two or three pages under the same Activity and I want to slide between them with finger slide…
Accessing DisplayMetrics At Design Time
I have a custom control in my Xamarin.Android app that includes the following property: public bool WrapTakenString { get { return this._wraptakenstring; } set { this._wraptakenstring = value; …
Logging from .NET 5 Application Doesn't Reach Application Insights
I'm setting up a new web app with Application Insights. I've installed AI, and am seeing all the expected telemetry (server requests, failed requests, etc.) in the portal--except for logging sent through ILogger. I'm using .NET 5 and version 2.17.0…
Can the DBConnection class be connected to by multiple STA threads in parallel?
When multiple STA threads try to access the DB using the DBConncetion class, all but the first one will not return a Connet function. When the program is stopped, the locked thread will get an exception saying "COM object that has been separated…
cpp_with_xamarin example runs on iOS simulator but not on iOS device.
I am trying to run the cpp_with_xamarin sample from as example of wrapping native libraries for use in xamarin applications. I can run the ios sample app on the iPhone Simulator without a problem but when running…
add docker file support error
My IDE is Visual Studio for Mac 2019, I had create a ASP.NET Core WEB App( MVC ), i can run it correctly. But when i click the project ,and select "add docker file support", it will show error information:"Python runtimes…
How to use Smooth streaming in xamain forms
Hi , I am using Media Element toolkit to MP4 play video. But my requirement is video smooth streaming with different video size(quality). I checked in Internet on the same. but didn't get proper solution. Could anyone help me on this. (For IOS and…
How to push a content view on top of another content view
I have a content page that hosts a top view and a bottom content view. The top view should stay fixed. Based on the users' choice, another content view should be added on top of the existing bottom view. I cannot find a push function that can achieve…
Change the Glyph dinamically
Hello I have a little issue, I want to change my Glyph, based on the order of the Listview Here is my little method, to control that [AddINotifyPropertyChangedInterface] public class NotebooksVM { public…
Pass jQuery data from View to Controller and save it as many-to-many
Hi, can you help ? I have a many to many relationship. I generated controller and view for the 2 below entities (Product and Invoice) from scaffolding in 3.0 and ef core 3.1 I'm able to do CRUD from both entities. I have a requirement, in Invoice…
EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.8
Team , How to execute the oracle 11g stored procedure which resides in the package using EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.8
EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.8
Team , How to execute the oracle 11g stored procedure which resides in the package using EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.8
ClickOnce Bootstrapper Packages for access database engine 2016/2010 for Visual Studio 2019/ 2017
Hello All, I'm trying to create Setup project for my application in Visual Studio 2019 that needs Access Database Engine 2010/2016. I tried following all the information that I could find on web but no success. I created accessdatabaseegine folder…
Can't debug core api in visual studio 2019 (No button IIS Express)
Please help me!!!! I installed visual studio 2019 community program and trying to build an api project. How can i test the result. IIS Express button not showing or tell me how to run it to see the result thank you very much
Excel Generated Through open XML programatically causing issue with styles exceeding limit 65490.
Excel Generated Through open XML programatically causing issue with styles exceeding limit 65490. Unable to Open the Generated Excel due to the breach of style limit 65490. excel Contains:170 Pages Each Page contains 640 cells.( Total will…