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TechEd Australia 2013 - PowerShell for ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 - Demo 1

Demo 1: Three Minute Intro to PowerShellDisplay all Bluetooth servicesGet-Service –DisplayName...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 08/27/2013

Creating Lab Computer Objects

So I’m getting my preparation done for TechEd 2013 on the Gold Coast and needed to fill my ConfigMgr...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 08/23/2013

Teched Australia 2013: Powershell for ConfigMgr 2012 SP1

  For the second year running, I’ll be speaking at the Teched Australia 2013 conference on the...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 08/04/2013

Package & Application Source Modification Scripts

I promised in my last post to provide you all with my scripts for modifying all your package and...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 05/08/2013

ConfigMgr & Intune: Creating An Apple APN Certificate Request

With the introduction of Configuration Manager 2012 SP1, we now have rich management capabilities...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 05/07/2013

Moving your package source after migration

UPDATE: I’ve posted my Package and Application scripts...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 02/17/2013

My Experience Upgrading to CM12 SP1

  Hi All, it’s been a while since my last post and one of Matts posts hit-count just past my...

Author: George Smpyrakis Date: 01/29/2013

MDT Monitoring: Another Reason to Implement MDT 2012 Update 1 into your ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 Environment

I have been doing a number of customer engagements recently around Windows 8 deployments through...

Author: Ian Bartlett Date: 01/24/2013

Version and Build numbers for ConfigMgr 2012 RTM and SP1

If you need to distinguish whether or not a site has been upgraded to ConfigMgr 2012 SP1, here is...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 01/17/2013

ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 hits GA!

The long awaited System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 has officially hit General...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 01/15/2013

Set Windows 8 Lock Screen Image (KB2770917)

Microsoft have recently released a Windows 8 and Server 2012 cumulative update KB2770917....

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 11/19/2012

ConfigMgr 2012 SP1: Deploy iOS and Android Apps!

With all of the excitement surrounding the Beta 1 release of ConfigMgr 2012 SP1, there’s been a...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 10/08/2012

Home, Sweet Home

Well the PFE team are now back from TechEd 2012 held on the Gold Coast, Australia. As nice as it is...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 09/18/2012

PFE's at TechEd Australia 2012!

  Heaps of PFE’s speaking at this years TechEd Australia!   Ian Bartlett & Mohnish...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 08/28/2012

ConfigMgr 2012 – Where’s my PXE CacheExpire gone!?

In ConfigMgr 2007 we had a registry key called CacheExpire which would allow a client to start a new...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 08/28/2012

ConfigMgrDogs at TechEd Australia!

Your ConfigMgrDogs team will be speaking at TechEd Australia 2012! Come and check out our sessions...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 08/13/2012

How NOIDMIFs can extend your Hardware Inventory

ConfigMgr hardware inventory is a very important and widely used feature. We use it to collect all...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 07/25/2012

ConfigMgr 2012: Upcoming Enhancements in SP1

The Product Group have recently announced the Beta of ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 at TechNet 2012 North...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 06/13/2012

Trace32.exe/CMTrace.exe Hidden Features

So I posted this on my blog ages ago, but for some reason it didn’t make the migration...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 06/06/2012

List of ConfigMgr 2012 KB Articles and Hotfixes

A list of Knowledge Base Articles and Hotfix information for Configuration Manager 2012 has been...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 05/18/2012

New logs in ConfigMgr 2012 – Client Logs

With the new version of Configuration Manager, comes a bunch of new juicy logs. I’ll separate...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 05/18/2012

ConfigMgr 2012 Automatic Deployment Rules

  In CM12 we have a number of changes in Software Updates. One of the most anticipated one’s is...

Author: George Smpyrakis Date: 05/07/2012

Package Conversion Manager (PCM) in ConfigMgr 2012

The ConfigMgr 2012 Package Conversion Manager (PCM) tool allows administrators to convert their...

Author: Ian Bartlett Date: 04/27/2012

Find domain membership via WMI

Here’s a quick and dirty VBScript to find the domain of a certain computer. Great for things...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 04/27/2012

ConfigMgr 2012 Content Library Overview

Content Management in ConfigMgr 2012 has completely changed to what we did in SCCM 2007. When you...

Author: Ian Bartlett Date: 04/26/2012

Collection Membership Rule based on Client Status Message

Quick post today. Here’s a t-sql query to update a collection based on a specific Client...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 04/26/2012

Include/Exclude Collections Rule

My last post on ConfigMgr 2012 Collections (I promise!). I wanted to go over Include and Exclude...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 04/23/2012

ConfigMgr 2012 Incremental Collection Update/Delta Discovery

Dynamic Collection Updates and Delta Discovery were features introduced in SCCM 2007 R3 and promised...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 04/16/2012

Applying Windows Updates to a base WIM using DISM and Powershell

Manual installation Firstly, locate your most up to date image and make a copy of it. This is so we...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 02/14/2012

How to find SCCM duplicate computer objects

One of the many tasks an SCCM admin faces is checking for ConfigMgr duplicate computer records....

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 12/18/2011

SCCM 2012 Beta 2: setupdl.exe doesn’t launch

Had an annoying one this afternoon. While trying to install the new (ish) SCCM 2012 Beta 2 the...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 04/28/2011

Custom WinPE Boot Image Script

I’m on a scripting rampage at the moment writing tools for the common things I do for each...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 03/08/2011

USMT Test Environment Setup Script

I’ve been working hard lately on the various USMT migration scenarios using SCCM with...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 03/07/2011

IIS LogParser – Hits in last 7 Days

Here’s an IIS LogParser query I’ve written that will output the top hits for your...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 05/18/2009

IIS ODBC Logging Event ID 1016 (error data 80070057)

“The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not configure logging for site X. The...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 04/16/2009

PowerShell: Remove Files based on date

I’ve had the need to remove a bunch of differential backup images from my backup server for a...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 12/15/2008

Changing Company Wide AD mapped Home Drives

This is a quick and easy way to change all of your users mapped home drives without manually editing...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 12/07/2008

Audit User Logon and Logoff

A quick and easy way to audit your users login times (and some other details) is by using this...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 09/25/2008

Deploying Office 2007 Compatibility pack via Group Policy

Since Microsoft released 2007 and the new .*x file format there have been some compatibility...

Author: Matt Shadbolt [MSFT] Date: 09/12/2008
