Ever wondered why your .CHM file(s) does not work?
I had couple
of .CHM files, specially for C# .NET related stuff and I saw some of the chm
files when I open them I see "This page cannot be displayed" error.
Finally I figured out that there could be two reasons for this:
[Option 1
courtesy chan.chawla from the posted comment, adding as the first option to be
tried out before going any further]
1. Double
click the .chm file. It will open a security dialog. Uncheck "Always ask
after opening this file". Alternatively, right click on the file you want
to open, click Properties and then click Unblock. This should do the trick.
2. If you chm
file name or the path contains '#' character, just get rid of that and I guess
you would be able to start viewing your chm files again.
3. If nothing
works, try this.
Because of a
Microsoft Service Pack, the chm files does not have enough permissions (by
default). This case is usually when you try to open .chm files over network.
The resolution for this is as follows:
- Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and
then click OK. - Locate and then click the following
subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x\ItssRestrictions[If this registry subkey does not exist, create it] - Right-click the ItssRestrictions subkey,
point to New, and then click DWORD Value. - Type MaxAllowedZone, and then press Enter.
- Right-click the MaxAllowedZone value, and
then click Modify. - In the Value data box, type 1, and then
click OK. - Quit Registry Editor.
more information check https://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358.
4. One more reason provided for unable to open chm files [courtesy colin.cole]
Any chm file that is in a folder named *.col* will not open.
Example paths that will cause this error:
c:\documents and settings\john.coltrane\desktop\TFSInstall.chm
Solution: Move file somewhere else on your computer.
April 09, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 06, 2008
I don't believe it but I had my C# file in a older called C# and it didn't like the "#". I changed it to csharp and it worked. I don't believe it.Anonymous
July 27, 2008
Cool, my .chm file was inside a directory with name containing '#'. I removed '#' ,and now i can view .chm files.Anonymous
September 03, 2008
I didn't have the subkey ItssRestrictions in my registry, but just changing the # sign in the folder containing the .chm file fixed the issue (just like Rakesh Juyal menioned above)!Anonymous
September 13, 2008
OMG, i just had the same issue today. Taking the #s out of the directory name fixed all my C# chms! Thanks~!Anonymous
October 14, 2008
That was very very very helpful!!! Thanks a lot!!!Anonymous
November 27, 2008
....and watch out for dots in folder names too. My chm was on a network folder which I was referencing via a UNC path using the ip address.Anonymous
November 27, 2008
...or maybe it is just a problem with any network share - moving the file locally meets with success. But moving it to a UNC share using a server name rather than an IP address still had the problem. (on XP).Anonymous
February 01, 2009
It was very Help full. Thanks a lot :)Anonymous
February 03, 2009
A very helpul hint, thanks a lot!Anonymous
February 05, 2009
It was really very helpful.Thanks a lot:-)Anonymous
March 05, 2009
thanks man.. i removed the # from my file name and path and now i am able to view it.Anonymous
April 10, 2009
hey neeraj! That was very useful.Thank you so much for posting this - very useful piece of information. best wishesAnonymous
June 02, 2009
Tnxs, I had the same problem and the problem was C# in my folder name. After I renamed C# to C-sharp, everything was okay, Thank you once again for this info.Anonymous
June 28, 2009
Thanks Neeraj. It is very helpful.Anonymous
July 09, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 09, 2009
Hi gopalmyeni, Can you send me some more details about the problem. Did you checked if there is any # character in the file or entire path? Also what error do you get when you open your chm file? Thanks, NeerajAnonymous
July 09, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 20, 2009
Hey, Thanks .. I created a registry and it really worked. :)Anonymous
August 08, 2009
Great! Now I can open chm files...I was wondering what on earth was the problem, now it works.Anonymous
August 23, 2009
Thanks mr Chan Chawla, I alwayse wonder y my chm file is not working on my computer, and u have a simple solution that i dont know. Thanks again.Anonymous
September 04, 2009
hi neeraj, see the following images. i am not able to open chm files. help me.. http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy62/gopalmyneni/1.jpg http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy62/gopalmyneni/2.jpg http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy62/gopalmyneni/3.jpgAnonymous
September 25, 2009
It works thanks. Nice info as i have been wasting bandwidth downloading the same file again and again from different locations to see that it does not work.Anonymous
September 28, 2009
Hey Neeraj, thanks for this post. Unblocking the file property simply did the trick.Anonymous
November 17, 2009
I still can not open this file since i have the hh.exe and also set the open way and link path. It just still can not open.Anonymous
November 17, 2009
Hi Lee, I am surprised if all the above options are saturated. If the document is not very confidential, can you share that with me? Also let me know which version of OS are you using. Thanks, NeerajAnonymous
January 11, 2010
Hi Neeraj, Removing the '#'' character from the path worked. Many thanks for your post. Cheers.Anonymous
April 19, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 12, 2010
It worked. Thanks a lot for the useful info.Anonymous
August 10, 2010
Nice. Thanks for the reg entry pointer. Fixed my problem.Anonymous
November 20, 2010
I was going banannas with rhis error. I have used the HTML Help Workshop for a couple of years and could not see what was wrong. I poked around and rebuilt the project, etc., etc The problem was that I had a # in the path name. I am using it for C# documentation so the path had the # along the way. I changed the path name and voila! As a tip I would recommend you try the python sphinx documentor. It will generate a Help Workshop project that you can tune from standard txt files. It is best installed on a Linux OS. I( never could find windows installation instructions.) After generation you copy the directory to Windows and use the Workshop there. It saves a bunch of time. Good Luck.Anonymous
December 19, 2010
i got this nice book in .chm extension and couldn't believe it could not open.. but the first trick did it for me!!! thanks man,, all d best!!!Anonymous
January 26, 2011
That did it! Thanks. After several useless KBs, your registry fix was the key.Anonymous
April 18, 2011
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I have the best error!
- Take any CHM file. (ANY CHM file!)
- Copy it.
- Create a folder with the letters ".col" in it. (note: folder can't start with period, so do something like asdf.col)
- Put the chm file in that folder or any subfolder of it.
- It will give you the "cannot open file" error. Example paths that will cause this error: c:asdf.colTFSInstall.chm c:documents and settingsjohn.coltranedesktopTFSInstall.chm
April 25, 2011
WOW....Amazing... Thank you !! Option 1 worked for me.Anonymous
December 04, 2011
wow it's amazing,i just removed the # symbol from my folder,now its working,thx a lot guys....:)Anonymous
December 15, 2011
Your suggestion of using "unblock" really worked for me. Thanks a lot.Anonymous
December 22, 2011
It didn't work for me even after editing the registry and adding the keys. Just right click on the '.chm' file, select properties, and click on 'unblock' button! Viola!! everything works!Anonymous
September 14, 2012
thanx friendAnonymous
January 13, 2013
'Unblock' did it for me.. Thanks dude..Anonymous
March 20, 2013
Thanks a lot... I spend 2 hours trying to figure out the reason for this..Anonymous
October 18, 2014
Thanks a lot.....it workedAnonymous
April 07, 2015
Ran into this irritating issue...thanks for the registry tip, worked a treat!Anonymous
November 12, 2015
Thanks very much. Solved the problem for me!Anonymous
November 18, 2015
Tried all option but it didn't openAnonymous
February 28, 2016
Thanks it worked for me after unblock