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jonathan wells, product manager

.NET Rocks! - Billy Hollis Digs into Smart Client Architecture

'Billy Hollis went beyond the general Smart Client discussion we usually have and dug into...

Author: onoj Date: 12/06/2004

Resources for Packaging and Deploying .NET Compact Framework-based applications

MSDN Help Topics Walkthrough: Generating Custom CAB files for Device Projects - view Distributing...

Author: onoj Date: 12/04/2004

Forms Anywhere GDN Workplace

'Forms Anywhere is an attempt to provide a development platform for data capture using the Pocket...

Author: onoj Date: 12/04/2004

MSDN Smart Client Developer Center: Rebooted

The MSDN Smart Client Developer Center has recently received a face lift... Chris Sells joins me as...

Author: onoj Date: 12/03/2004

MSN Launches Beta of Blogging Service

"Seattle P-I - 12/2/2004MSN has rolled out a beta version of its MSN Spaces Weblog service. MSN...

Author: onoj Date: 12/02/2004

.NET Framework-based RSS/ATOM Feed reader - Omea from JetBrains

"Omea Reader is an easy to use, all-in-one RSS/ATOM feed reader, newsgroup reader, and web bookmark...

Author: onoj Date: 11/24/2004

.NET Framework-based Google Deskbar Plug-in Development Kit

"With the Google Deskbar API, you can write plug-ins to add your own features to the Google Deskbar....

Author: onoj Date: 11/24/2004


"Introducing the CATALYST Control Center - ATI’s brand new user interface that revolutionizes how...

Author: onoj Date: 11/19/2004

MSDN Magazine, December 2004 Mobility Issue

Read the editors note: going mobile. Grab the mag or check it out online for more mobility.

Author: onoj Date: 11/16/2004

Smart Client Video Presentations: How to Build and Deploy Smart Client Applications

Building and Deploying Smart Client Applications Microsoft Office 2003 Smart Client Applications...

Author: onoj Date: 11/16/2004

Box & Fox on: Securing .NET Compact Framework Solutions

An article by Jon Box and Dan Fox on the .NET Compact Framework and security for the .NET Developers...

Author: onoj Date: 11/13/2004

Video: Craig Neable talks about the new features in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0

Watch the video

Author: onoj Date: 11/13/2004

Intel Video Case Study: Smart Client vs Thin Client?

"This video discusses the benefits of smart computing and includes comments from Diny Golder of Jes...

Author: onoj Date: 11/13/2004

Windows Forms "Soup to Nuts" Webcast series

Soup to Nuts: Building .NET Framework-based Windows Applications "Tune in and learn how to build...

Author: onoj Date: 11/10/2004

Mobile Developer Resource Kits

Visit the Mobile Developer Resource Kits home page to order your own copies of these training DVDs...

Author: onoj Date: 11/10/2004

SOA and the .NET Compact Framework

Arif Kureshy, has written a very interesting article on the topic, "Architecting Disconnected Mobile...

Author: onoj Date: 11/09/2004

Track projects, defects and features from within Visual Studio .NET

PowerTrack Add-In for Visual Studio .NET - Free Single-User Installations "Axosoft PowerTrack is an...

Author: onoj Date: 11/09/2004

AtomicLava moblogging beta.. sharing pictures videos and videos from your Smartphone

Check out the moblogging beta from AtomicLava, written in the .NET Compact Framework. "AtomicLava is...

Author: onoj Date: 11/08/2004

Redist'ing the .NET Framework with you .NET Framework-based applications

If your are interested in learning how to redistributing the .NET Framework with your applications...

Author: onoj Date: 11/08/2004

Mobile Application Development Toolkit - Available for download

The Mobile Application Development Toolkit provides all the resources you need to start building...

Author: onoj Date: 10/19/2004

Sydney .NET Users Group Presentation - October 7, 2004

Thank you to everyone from the Sydney .NET Users Group (SDNUG) who attended my presentation on .NET...

Author: onoj Date: 10/07/2004

So just what is a "smart client"?

Webopedia's definition: (smärt klī´&nt) (n.) Term of the Week: Smart Client

Author: onoj Date: 10/04/2004

Ori Amiga on Smart Device Application Development

Robert Scoble interviews Ori Amiga on Smart Device development: Smartphone development demo Killer...

Author: onoj Date: 09/29/2004

J# and the .NET Compact Framework?

Itai Frenkel, writes: "J# will rescue Smartphones WMS (Windows Mobile-based Smartphones) does not...

Author: onoj Date: 08/14/2004

Internet Explorer - Page Not Found! ARRRGH!

short version:If you cannot browse the Internet but can use applications like Instant Messenger...

Author: onoj Date: 08/11/2004

An Overview of the .NET Compact Framework Garbage Collector

Understanding garbage collection is important when tuning the performance of your .NET Compact...

Author: onoj Date: 08/08/2004

Patterns & Practices Smart Client survey

A message from the Microsoft Patterns and Practices Smart Client team: “Smart clients are the...

Author: onoj Date: 08/04/2004

Announcing: Testing for and Responding to Network Connections in the .NET Compact Framework

Testing for and Responding to Network Connections in the .NET Compact Framework...

Author: onoj Date: 08/04/2004

Here are some links to supporting articles and information for this Tech.Ed...

Author: onoj Date: 08/01/2004

Here is a pointer to an article with a list of links to material relevant to this Tech.Ed 2004...

Author: onoj Date: 08/01/2004

.NET Compact Framework Performance, Tips and Tricks Presentation An Overview of the .NET Compact...

Author: onoj Date: 08/01/2004

MSDN Mobile and Embedded Developer Center: MSDN Smart Client Developer...

Author: onoj Date: 07/31/2004

Smart Device Framework v1.2 is out (

Smart Device Framework v1.2 The Smart Device Framework is an application framework which enriches...

Author: onoj Date: 07/22/2004

OpenNETCF: Coding Competition

Check out this coding competition from the OpenNETCF...

Author: onoj Date: 07/19/2004

Announcing: .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP3 Public Beta

For more details visit:

Author: onoj Date: 07/09/2004

.NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP3 Beta

The Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework Product Team would like to invite you to participate in...

Author: onoj Date: 07/09/2004

New Smart Client Blog to watch...

Tom Krueger has started a blog. Tom works in the developer division here at Microsoft. He spends a...

Author: onoj Date: 06/22/2004

Netscan from Microsoft Research

Netscan is a really cool online tool, which I use quite often to see what is going on in...

Author: onoj Date: 06/22/2004

Introducing RealConnect 1.5 (

Cool Smart Client code from the Intel Developer site. Although I don't know who is responsible for...

Author: onoj Date: 06/22/2004

Games, competitions and source code @ CodeProject

Vote and you could win a free iPaq! “Voting for the Mobile Developer Competition continues...

Author: onoj Date: 06/17/2004

FotoVision has arrived (End2End Smart Client Shared Source Sample)

“The FotoVision sample allows you to easily share photos on the web and demonstrates a variety...

Author: onoj Date: 06/15/2004

Learn247.NET - a message from Lester Madden re We Rock 247 .NET

Lest writes: Hi guys, Sorry for the performance of the Learn247 site when trying to download the...

Author: onoj Date: 06/10/2004

iPodSoft - more than music (Freeware Smart Client Apps)

The iPodSoft team have create a bunch of Windows Forms-based applications to help you get more from...

Author: onoj Date: 06/10/2004

Alternative download site for We Rock 247 .NET

The original download location for We Rock 247 .NET has not been performing so well due to demand....

Author: onoj Date: 06/10/2004

And the hits keep coming... "Bubble.NET Game"

Bubble.NET Game, by BenoitM - on Benoit makes use of GXInput for intercepting the...

Author: onoj Date: 06/10/2004

"WeROCK 247 .NET" - a complete end to end Smart Client sample

Whether or not you are new to Smart Client development be sure to check this site...

Author: onoj Date: 06/06/2004

How do I ensure a single instance of my Windows Form application?

I get this question quite a bit... One trick to ensuring a single instance of your Windows...

Author: onoj Date: 06/04/2004

it is 1945 again... the game that is

I took my eyes off the site for a week during Tech.Ed and upon return this week find...

Author: onoj Date: 06/04/2004

MSDN Smart Client Developer Center has launched!!!

Checkout the new MSDN Smart Client Developer Center launched last week. To learn more about what...

Author: onoj Date: 06/04/2004

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