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Problem caused by Comcast PlayGames Gamesbar (oberontbd.dll)

Hello, you just arrived from the Windows Error Reporting site, because you received the response that Internet Explorer was crashing due to the Comcast PlayGames GamesBar.

If you were to call into Microsoft about this problem and get me on the phone, this is what I would tell you:

Internet Explorer is open to many companies to write programs that run within it and they can cause it to crash. In this case, the oberontbd.dll is accessing memory improperly and crashing. The advice I can provide, is to contact ComCast and ask them to fix it or uninstall it. Or, you could just disable it temporarily and enable it just when you want to use it's features.

We have received comments that people don't think the add-on is installed. It could be that you are viewing an old report, but if not, this error is very specific to this add on crashing.

The add-on is usually located in the following directory.

C:\Program Files\GamesBar\oberontb.dll

In case you can't get back to the Windows Error Reporting Page:

Click here to how you can provide feedback to Comcast.

Click here for uninstall instructions.

Click here for instructions on how to disable an Add On.

To manually remove, please follow these instructions.

1. Click Start
2. Type cmd in the Start Search text box, right-click cmd.exe, click Run as administrator, and then click Continue.
3. At the command prompt, type cd "C:\Program Files\GamesBar\"
4. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 /u oberontb.dll, and then click OK.
5. At the command prompt, type del oberontb.dll

If you discover that a new fixed version becomes available, please tell us and we'll change the response so everyone knows!



Update 5/27/08: Per a user comment, updated blog to reflect manual method to uninstall if it is not appears as "GamesBar" in Manage Add ons or "GamesBar" in Uninstall a program.