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Blog or Die

Have you ever thought about blogging and wondered why we do this or what benefits it has?  What about how blogging may change the world?  Robert Scoble has posted a draft of the first chapter of the book he and Shel Israel are writing titled Blog or Die.  All in all I really liked their view points and I look forward to reading more.  I have had a chance to meet and talk with Robert twice now and both times I walked away thinking he is a really nice guy with a tons of thoughts on blogging and where to use it.  Actually, now that I think about it, our initial conversation is what prompted me to start blogging about a year ago.  Anyway, he will have great things to say in this book, possibly even profound.

For me, I write a blog for the fun of it.  I like to share some of the things I learn in hope that the reader will not struggle with the same issues I have.  I also get a kick out of seeing my name in different spots on the web.

I'm curious, for those of you that blog, why do you blog and for those of you that don't, why not?  Send you answers through the feedback for this post so everyone can see what you have to say.


  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2005
    I started blogging to establish that I was a decent writer, when I decided to end a lengthy career as a PR consultant. It has resulted in my partnering with Robert on this project. You are right,he's a guy with tons of thoughts on blogging and its meaning and it's an honor for me to be collaborating with him.
  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2005
  1. I support the CF ng so rather than repeat my answers to FAQs, I create posts that I then link to.

    2. Writing about a technical subject makes me understand it better plus gives me something to go back and refer to.

    3. Publicly exposing my technical understanding of a topic, means if I am wrong there are more chances it will get pointed it out.

    4. If I know/learn something and a quick search shows it is not documented anywhere, I blog about it thus contributing to the collective knowledge of the web.

    4. Through feedback I receive on blog entries I meet interesting people (and their blogs).

    5. If I ever have to use my resume/CV, my blog will be a good compliment :-)