Use Scale-down Mode to delete/deallocate nodes in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

By default, scale-up operations performed manually or by the cluster autoscaler require the allocation and provisioning of new nodes, and scale-down operations delete nodes. Scale-down Mode allows you to decide whether you would like to delete or deallocate the nodes in your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster upon scaling down.

When an Azure VM is in the Stopped (deallocated) state, you will not be charged for the VM compute resources. However, you'll still need to pay for any OS and data storage disks attached to the VM. This also means that the container images will be preserved on those nodes. For more information, see States and billing of Azure Virtual Machines. This behavior allows for faster operation speeds, as your deployment uses cached images. Scale-down Mode removes the need to pre-provision nodes and pre-pull container images, saving you compute cost.

Before you begin


In order to preserve any deallocated VMs, you must set Scale-down Mode to Deallocate. That includes VMs that have been deallocated using IaaS APIs (Virtual Machine Scale Set APIs). Setting Scale-down Mode to Delete will remove any deallocate VMs. Once applied the deallocated mode and scale down operation occurred, those nodes keep registered in APIserver and appear as NotReady state.

This article assumes that you have an existing AKS cluster. If you don't have an AKS cluster, for guidance on a designing an enterprise-scale implementation of AKS, see Plan your AKS design.


  • Ephemeral OS disks aren't supported. Be sure to specify managed OS disks by including the argument --node-osdisk-type Managed when creating a cluster or node pool.


Previously, while Scale-down Mode was in preview, spot node pools were unsupported. Now that Scale-down Mode is Generally Available, this limitation no longer applies.

Using Scale-down Mode to deallocate nodes on scale-down

By setting --scale-down-mode Deallocate, nodes will be deallocated during a scale-down of your cluster/node pool. All deallocated nodes are stopped. When your cluster/node pool needs to scale up, the deallocated nodes are started first before any new nodes are provisioned.

In this example, we create a new node pool with 20 nodes and specify that upon scale-down, nodes are to be deallocated using the argument --scale-down-mode Deallocate.

Azure CLI
az aks nodepool add --node-count 20 --scale-down-mode Deallocate --node-osdisk-type Managed --max-pods 10 --name nodepool2 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup

By scaling the node pool and changing the node count to 5, we'll deallocate 15 nodes.

Azure CLI
az aks nodepool scale --node-count 5 --name nodepool2 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup

To deallocate Windows nodes during scale-down, run the following command. The default behavior is consistent with Linux nodes, where nodes are deleted during scale-down.

Azure CLI
az aks nodepool add --node-count 20 --scale-down-mode Deallocate --os-type Windows --node-osdisk-type Managed --max-pods 10 --name npwin2 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup

Deleting previously deallocated nodes

To delete your deallocated nodes, you can change your Scale-down Mode to Delete by setting --scale-down-mode Delete. The 15 deallocated nodes will now be deleted.

Azure CLI
az aks nodepool update --scale-down-mode Delete --name nodepool2 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup


Changing your scale-down mode from Deallocate to Delete then back to Deallocate will delete all deallocated nodes while keeping your node pool in Deallocate scale-down mode.

Using Scale-down Mode to delete nodes on scale-down

The default behavior of AKS without using Scale-down Mode is to delete your nodes when you scale-down your cluster. With Scale-down Mode, this behavior can be explicitly achieved by setting --scale-down-mode Delete.

In this example, we create a new node pool and specify that our nodes will be deleted upon scale-down using the argument --scale-down-mode Delete. Scaling operations will be handled using the cluster autoscaler.

Azure CLI
az aks nodepool add --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count 1 --max-count 10 --max-pods 10 --node-osdisk-type Managed --scale-down-mode Delete --name nodepool3 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup

Next steps