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Azure Cosmos DB trigger and bindings for Azure Functions 2.x and higher overview

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This set of articles explains how to work with Azure Cosmos DB bindings in Azure Functions 2.x and higher. Azure Functions supports trigger, input, and output bindings for Azure Cosmos DB.

Action Type
Run a function when an Azure Cosmos DB document is created or modified Trigger
Read an Azure Cosmos DB document Input binding
Save changes to an Azure Cosmos DB document Output binding


This reference is for Azure Functions version 2.x and higher. For information about how to use these bindings in Functions 1.x, see Azure Cosmos DB bindings for Azure Functions 1.x.

This binding was originally named DocumentDB. In Azure Functions version 2.x and higher, the trigger, bindings, and package are all named Azure Cosmos DB.

Supported APIs

Azure Cosmos DB bindings are only supported for use with Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL. Support for Azure Cosmos DB for Table is provided by using the Table storage bindings, starting with extension 5.x. For all other Azure Cosmos DB APIs, you should access the database from your function by using the static client for your API, including Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB, Azure Cosmos DB for Cassandra, and Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Gremlin.

Install extension

The extension NuGet package you install depends on the C# mode you're using in your function app:

Functions execute in an isolated C# worker process. To learn more, see Guide for running C# Azure Functions in an isolated worker process.

The process for installing the extension varies depending on the extension version:

Add the extension to your project by installing the NuGet package, version 3.x.

Install bundle

The Azure Cosmos DB bindings extension is part of an extension bundle, which is specified in your host.json project file. You may need to modify this bundle to change the version of the binding, or if bundles aren't already installed. To learn more, see extension bundle.

Because of schema changes in the Azure Cosmos DB SDK, version 4.x of the Azure Cosmos DB extension requires azure-functions-java-library V3.0.0 for Java functions.

You can install this version of the extension in your function app by registering the extension bundle, version 2.x or 3.x.

    "version": "2.0",
    "extensionBundle": {
        "id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
        "version": "[3.3.0, 4.0.0)"

Binding types

The binding types supported for .NET depend on both the extension version and C# execution mode, which can be one of the following:

An isolated worker process class library compiled C# function runs in a process isolated from the runtime.

Choose a version to see binding type details for the mode and version.

Earlier versions of extensions in the isolated worker process only support binding to JSON serializable types. Additional options are available to extension 4.x and higher.

Exceptions and return codes

Binding Reference
Azure Cosmos DB HTTP status codes for Azure Cosmos DB

host.json settings

This section describes the configuration settings available for this binding in versions 2.x and higher. Settings in the host.json file apply to all functions in a function app instance. The example host.json file below contains only the version 2.x+ settings for this binding. For more information about function app configuration settings in versions 2.x and later versions, see host.json reference for Azure Functions.

    "version": "2.0",
    "extensions": {
        "cosmosDB": {
            "connectionMode": "Gateway",
            "protocol": "Https",
            "leaseOptions": {
                "leasePrefix": "prefix1"
Property Default Description
connectionMode Gateway The connection mode used by the function when connecting to the Azure Cosmos DB service. Options are Direct and Gateway
protocol Https The connection protocol used by the function when connection to the Azure Cosmos DB service. Read here for an explanation of both modes.
leasePrefix n/a Lease prefix to use across all functions in an app.

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