Azure Web PubSub output binding for Azure Functions

Use the Web PubSub output binding to invoke Azure Web PubSub service to do something. You can send a message to:

  • All connected clients
  • Connected clients authenticated to a specific user
  • Connected clients joined in a specific group
  • A specific client connection

The output binding also allows you to manage clients and groups, and grant/revoke permissions targeting specific connectionId with group.

  • Add connection to group
  • Add user to group
  • Remove connection from a group
  • Remove user from a group
  • Remove user from all groups
  • Close all client connections
  • Close a specific client connection
  • Close connections in a group
  • Grant permission of a connection
  • Revoke permission of a connection

For information on setup and configuration details, see the overview.


[WebPubSubOutput(Hub = "<hub>", Connection = "<web_pubsub_connection_name>")]
public static WebPubSubAction Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post")] HttpRequestData req)
    return new SendToAllAction
        Data = BinaryData.FromString("Hello Web PubSub!"),
        DataType = WebPubSubDataType.Text

const { app, output } = require('@azure/functions');
const wpsMsg = output.generic({
    type: 'webPubSub',
    name: 'actions',
    hub: '<hub>',

app.http('message', {
    methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
    authLevel: 'anonymous',
    extraOutputs: [wpsMsg],
    handler: async (request, context) => {
        context.extraOutputs.set(wpsMsg, [{
            "actionName": "sendToAll",
            "data": `Hello world`,
            "dataType": `text`


Complete samples for this language are pending


The Web PubSub extensions for Java is not supported yet.


WebPubSubAction is the base abstract type of output bindings. The derived types represent the action server want service to invoke.

In C# language, we provide a few static methods under WebPubSubAction to help discover available actions. For example, user can create the SendToAllAction by call WebPubSubAction.CreateSendToAllAction().

Derived Class Properties
SendToAllAction Data, DataType, Excluded
SendToGroupAction Group, Data, DataType, Excluded
SendToUserAction UserId, Data, DataType
SendToConnectionAction ConnectionId, Data, DataType
AddUserToGroupAction UserId, Group
RemoveUserFromGroupAction UserId, Group
RemoveUserFromAllGroupsAction UserId
AddConnectionToGroupAction ConnectionId, Group
RemoveConnectionFromGroupAction ConnectionId, Group
CloseAllConnectionsAction Excluded, Reason
CloseClientConnectionAction ConnectionId, Reason
CloseGroupConnectionsAction Group, Excluded, Reason
GrantPermissionAction ConnectionId, Permission, TargetName
RevokePermissionAction ConnectionId, Permission, TargetName

actionName is the key parameter to resolve the type. Available actions are listed as follows.

ActionName Properties
sendToAll Data, DataType, Excluded
sendToGroup Group, Data, DataType, Excluded
sendToUser UserId, Data, DataType
sendToConnection ConnectionId, Data, DataType
addUserToGroup UserId, Group
removeUserFromGroup UserId, Group
removeUserFromAllGroups UserId
addConnectionToGroup ConnectionId, Group
removeConnectionFromGroup ConnectionId, Group
closeAllConnections Excluded, Reason
closeClientConnection ConnectionId, Reason
closeGroupConnections Group, Excluded, Reason
grantPermission ConnectionId, Permission, TargetName
revokePermission ConnectionId, Permission, TargetName


The message data property in the sent message related actions must be string if data type is set to json or text to avoid data conversion ambiguity. Please use JSON.stringify() to convert the json object in need. This is applied to any place using message property, for example, UserEventResponse.Data working with WebPubSubTrigger.

When data type is set to binary, it's allowed to leverage binding naturally supported dataType as binary configured in the function.json, see Trigger and binding definitions for details.


The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file and the WebPubSub attribute.

function.json property Attribute property Description
type n/a Must be set to webPubSub
direction n/a Must be set to out
name n/a Variable name used in function code for output binding object.
hub Hub The value must be set to the name of the Web PubSub hub for the function to be triggered. We support set the value in attribute as higher priority, or it can be set in app settings as a global value.
connection Connection The name of the app setting that contains the Web PubSub Service connection string (defaults to "WebPubSubConnectionString").


Setting up console logging

You can also easily enable console logging if you want to dig deeper into the requests you're making against the service.