
Elasticsearch is the distributed search and analytics engine at the heart of the Elastic Stack. It is where the indexing, search, and analysis magic happen. This article describes how to configure Azure Managed Prometheus with Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) to monitor elastic search clusters by scraping prometheus metrics.


Install Elasticsearch Exporter

Install the Elasticsearch exporter using the helm chart.

helm install azmon-elasticsearch-exporter --version 5.7.0 prometheus-community/prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter --set es.uri="https://username:password@elasticsearch-service.namespace:9200" --set podMonitor.enabled=true --set podMonitor.apiVersion=azmonitoring.coreos.com/v1


Managed prometheus pod/service monitor configuration with helm chart installation is only supported with the helm chart version >=5.7.0.

The prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter helm chart can be configured with values yaml. Please specify the right server address where the Elasticsearch server can be reached. Based on your configuration set the username,password or certs used to authenticate with the Elasticsearch server. Set the address where Elasticsearch is reachable using the argument "es.uri" ex - .

You could also use service monitor, instead of pod monitor by using the --set serviceMonitor.enabled=true helm chart paramaters. Make sure to use the api version supported by Azure Managed Prometheus using the parameter serviceMonitor.apiVersion=azmonitoring.coreos.com/v1.

If you want to configure any other service or pod monitors, please follow the instructions here.

Deploy Rules

  1. Download the template and parameter files

    Recording Rules

    Alerting Rules

  2. Edit the following values in the parameter files. Retrieve the resource ID of the resources from the JSON View of their Overview page.

    Parameter Value
    azureMonitorWorkspace Resource ID for the Azure Monitor workspace. Retrieve from the JSON view on the Overview page for the Azure Monitor workspace.
    location Location of the Azure Monitor workspace. Retrieve from the JSON view on the Overview page for the Azure Monitor workspace.
    clusterName Name of the AKS cluster. Retrieve from the JSON view on the Overview page for the cluster.
    actionGroupId Resource ID for the alert action group. Retrieve from the JSON view on the Overview page for the action group. Learn more about action groups
  3. Deploy the template by using any standard methods for installing ARM templates. For guidance, see ARM template samples for Azure Monitor.

  4. Once deployed, you can view the rules in the Azure portal as described in - Prometheus Alerts


Review the alert thresholds to make sure it suits your cluster/worklaods and update it accordingly.

Please note that the above rules are not scoped to a cluster. If you would like to scope the rules to a specific cluster, see Limiting rules to a specific cluster for more details.

Learn more about Prometheus Alerts.

If you want to use any other OSS prometheus alerting/recording rules please use the converter here to create the azure equivalent prometheus rules az-prom-rules-converter

Import the Grafana Dashboard

Follow the instructions on Import a dashboard from Grafana Labs to import the grafana dashboards using the ID or JSON.

Elastic Search Overview(ID-2322)
Elasticsearch Exporter Quickstart and Dashboard(ID-14191)


When the service monitors is successfully applied, if you want to make sure that the service monitor targets get picked up by the addon, follow the instructions here.