Microsoft.Storage.MultiStorageAccountCombo UI element
A group of controls for creating several storage accounts with names that start with a common prefix.
"name": "element1",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.MultiStorageAccountCombo",
"label": {
"prefix": "Storage account prefix",
"type": "Storage account type"
"toolTip": {
"prefix": "",
"type": ""
"defaultValue": {
"prefix": "sa",
"type": "Premium_LRS"
"constraints": {
"allowedTypes": [],
"excludedTypes": []
"count": 2,
"visible": true
"prefix": "sa",
"count": 2,
"resourceGroup": "rg01",
"type": "Premium_LRS"
- The value for
is concatenated with one or more integers to generate the sequence of storage account names. For example, ifdefaultValue.prefix
is sa andcount
is 2, then storage account names sa1 and sa2 are generated. Generated storage account names are validated for uniqueness automatically. - The storage account names are generated lexicographically based on
. For example, ifcount
is 10, then the storage account names end with two-digit integers (01, 02, 03). - The default value for
, and fordefaultValue.type
is Premium_LRS. - Any type not specified in
is hidden, and any type not specified inconstraints.excludedTypes
is shown.constraints.allowedTypes
are both optional, but can't be used simultaneously. - In addition to generating storage account names,
is used to set the appropriate multiplier for the element. It supports a static value, like 2, or a dynamic value from another element, like[steps('step1').storageAccountCount]
. The default value is 1.
- For an introduction to creating UI definitions, see Getting started with CreateUiDefinition.
- For a description of common properties in UI elements, see CreateUiDefinition elements.