Monitor Azure AI Video Indexer data reference


The deadline for migrating Azure Video Indexer content due to the Azure Media Services retirement has passed. See the retirement guide for more information.

See Monitoring Azure AI Video Indexer for details on collecting and analyzing monitoring data for Azure AI Video Indexer.


Azure AI Video Indexer currently does not support any metrics monitoring.

For more information, see a list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.

Metric dimensions

Azure AI Video Indexer currently does not support any metrics monitoring.

Azure AI Video Indexer has the following dimensions associated with its metrics.

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for Azure AI Video Indexer.

For reference, see a list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Azure AI Video Indexer

Resource Provider and Type: Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts

Category Display Name Additional information
VIAudit Azure AI Video Indexer Audit Logs Logs are produced from both the Azure AI Video Indexer website and the REST API.
IndexingLogs Indexing Logs Azure AI Video Indexer indexing logs to monitor all files uploads, indexing and reindexing jobs.

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section refers to all of the Azure Monitor Logs Kusto tables relevant to Azure AI Video Indexer and available for query by Log Analytics.

Resource Type Notes
Azure AI Video Indexer

Azure AI Video Indexer

Table Description Additional information
VIAudit Events produced using the Azure AI Video Indexer website or the REST API portal.
VIIndexing Events produced using the Azure AI Video Indexer upload and re-index APIs.

For a reference of all Azure Monitor Logs / Log Analytics tables, see the Azure Monitor Log Table Reference.

Activity log

The following table lists the operations related to Azure AI Video Indexer that may be created in the Activity log.

Operation Description
Write tags
Create or update resource diagnostic setting
Delete resource diagnostic setting

For more information on the schema of Activity Log entries, see Activity Log schema.


The following schemas are in use by Azure AI Video Indexer:

Audit schema

    "time": "2022-03-22T10:59:39.5596929Z",
    "operationName": "Get-Video-Thumbnail",
    "category": "Audit",
    "location": "westus2",
    "durationMs": "192",
    "resultSignature": "200",
    "resultType": "Success",
    "resultDescription": "Get Video Thumbnail",
    "correlationId": "33473fc3-bcbc-4d47-84cc-9fba2f3e9faa",
    "callerIpAddress": "46.*****",
    "operationVersion": "Operations",
    "identity": {
      "externalUserId": "4704F34286364F2*****",
      "upn": "",
      "claims": { "permission": "Reader", "scope": "Account" }
    "properties": {
      "accountName": "videoIndexerAccoount",
      "accountId": "8878b584-d8a0-4752-908c-00d6e5597f55",
      "videoId": "1e2ddfdd77"

Indexing schema

    "time": "2022-09-28T09:41:08.6216252Z",
    "operationName": "UploadStarted",
    "category": "IndexingLogs",
    "correlationId": "5cc9a3ea-126b-4f53-a4b5-24b1a5fb9736",
    "resultType": "Success",
    "location": "eastus",
    "operationVersion": "2.0",
    "durationMs": "0",
    "identity": {
        "upn": "",
        "claims": null
    "properties": {
        "accountName": "my-vi-account",
        "accountId": "6961331d-16d3-413a-8f90-f86a5cabf3ef",
        "videoId": "46b91bc012",
        "indexing": {
            "Language": "en-US",
            "Privacy": "Private",
            "Partition": null,
            "PersonModelId": null,
            "LinguisticModelId": null,
            "AssetId": null,
            "IndexingPreset": "Default",
            "StreamingPreset": "Default",
            "Description": null,
            "Priority": null,
            "ExternalId": null,
            "Filename": "1 Second Video 1.mp4",
            "AnimationModelId": null,
            "BrandsCategories": null,
            "CustomLanguages": "en-US,ar-BH,hi-IN,es-MX",
            "ExcludedAIs": "Faces",
            "LogoGroupId": "ea9d154d-0845-456c-857e-1c9d5d925d95"