Tutorial: Create a data product batch

In this tutorial, experiment with Azure resources and see what's created in a one-click data product batch deployment in the Azure portal. Learn how to:

  • Use the Deploy to Azure option
  • Select settings and options for your deployment
  • Validate deployment parameters
  • Create the deployment

The Deploy to Azure feature is a customized deployment template that deploys resources for the data product batch in a data landing zone. The applicable scenarios for a data product batch include working with data products and data integration. As described in other tutorials, data products are a unit of scale in a data landing zone. You can use the template that's described in this tutorial to deploy a data product batch and add data integration to the platform.


Before you begin setting up your deployment, make sure you meet these prerequisites:

  • Azure subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create your Azure free account today.

  • Permissions for the Azure subscription. You must have the User Access Administrator role or the Owner role for the subscription to create a service principal and role assignments for the service principal.

  • Deployed resources. To complete the tutorial, these resources must already be deployed in your Azure subscription:

Set up the data product batch deployment

You can use a one-click customized deployment template to deploy a data product batch in your Azure subscription. The deployment template deploys all the required resources.

  1. To deploy a data product batch, select the Deploy to Azure button:

    Deploy to Azure

    The Cloud-scale Analytics Scenario - Data Product Batch customized deployment template opens in the Azure portal.

  2. In Data Product, select or enter the following information:

    Setting Action
    Subscription Select the subscription to use to deploy the data product batch. If you have access to multiple subscriptions, be sure to choose the correct one.
    Resource Group Enter dev-dp001 and select the resource group that has the DLZ prefix you created earlier, plus the -dev-dp001 suffix. Example: <DLZ-prefix>dev-dp001
    Location In the dropdown, select one of the Azure regions that are supported for this scenario. If no organizational policies influence the region you choose, it's a good idea to choose a region that's physically close to you. For more information, see Supported regions.
    Environment For this tutorial, select Development.
    Data Product Prefix Enter a unique string that's a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters. The string is a unique prefix that's added to all resource groups and resources in the deployment.

    Screenshot that shows settings to create a data product batch deployment.

    Select Next : General Settings.

  3. In General Settings, select or enter the following information:

    Setting Action
    Create Data Processing Service Select Data Factory.
    Connect to Purview Account Select the Microsoft Purview instance you created when you deployed your data management landing zone.
    SQL Flavor Select SQL Server.
    Password Enter a strong password for your Azure SQL server, and then reenter the password to confirm it.
    Enable Azure Cosmos DB Leave this option cleared.
    Enable role assignments This setting is optional, but we recommend that you select it to add required permissions.

    Screenshot that shows the general settings in a data product batch deployment.

    Select Next : Connectivity Settings.

  4. In Connectivity Settings, complete these steps:

    1. For Virtual Network, select the virtual network in your data landing zone.

    2. For Subnet, select the DataProduct001Subnet subnet.

      Screenshot that shows the connectivity settings in a data product batch deployment.

    3. Under Private DNS Zones, select or enter the following information:

      Setting Action
      DNS A-Records are deployed through Azure Policy Select No.
      Subscription with Private DNS Zones Select the subscription you used to deploy the data landing zone.
      Private DNS Zone Key Vault Select privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net.
      Private DNS Zone Synapse Dev Select privatelink.dev.azuresynapse.net.
      Private DNS Zone Synapse SQL Select privatelink.sql.azuresynapse.net.
      Private DNS Zone DataFactory Select privatelink.datafactory.azure.net.
      Private DNS Zone DataFactory Portal Select privatelink.adf.azure.net.
      Private DNS Zone Cosmos SQL Select privatelink.documents.azure.com.
      Private DNS Zone SQL Server Select privatelink.database.windows.net.
      Private DNS Zone MySQL Server Select privatelink.mysql.database.azure.com.
      Private DNS Zone MariaDB Server Select privatelink.mariadb.database.azure.com.
      Private DNS Zone PostgreSQL Server Select privatelink.postgres.database.azure.com.

      Screenshot that shows the Private DNS zones settings in a data product batch deployment.

  5. Select Review + create.

  6. When the parameters are validated, select Create to start the deployment.

    Screenshot that shows the Create step in a data product batch deployment.

Deployment might take a few minutes to finish.

Next steps