Tutorial: Enable file attachment support in your Chat app

The Chat SDK works seamlessly with Microsoft Teams in the context of a meeting. Only a Teams user can send file attachments to an Azure Communication Services user. An Azure Communication Services user can't send file attachments to a to Teams user. For the current capabilities, see Teams Interop Chat.

Add file attachment support

The Chat SDK provides previewUrl for each file attachment. Specifically, the previewUrl links to a webpage on SharePoint where the user can see the content of the file, edit the file, and download the file if permission allows.

Some constraints associated with this feature:

  • The Teams admin of the sender's tenant could impose policies that limit or disable this feature entirely. For example, the Teams admin could disable certain permissions (such as "Anyone") that could cause the file attachment URL (previewUrl) to be inaccessible.

  • We currently support only these two file permissions:

    • "Anyone," and
    • "People you choose" (with email address)

    Let your Teams users know that all other permissions (such as "People in your organization") aren't supported. Your Teams users should double check to make sure the default permission is supported after uploading the file on their Teams client.

  • The direct download URL (url) isn't supported.

In addition to regular files (with AttachmentType of file), the Chat SDK also provides the AttachmentType of image. Azure Communication Services users can attach images in a way that mirrors the behavior of how Microsoft Teams client converts image attachment to inline images at the UI layer. For more information, see Handle image attachments.

Azure Communication Services users can add images via Upload from this device, which renders on the Teams side and Chat SDK returns such attachments as image. For images uploaded via Attach cloud files however, images are treated as regular files on the Teams side, so Chat SDK returns such attachments as file.

Also note that Azure Communication Services users can only upload files using drag-and-drop or via the attachment menu commands Upload from this device and Attach cloud files. Certain types of messages with embedded media (such as video clips, audio messages, and weather cards) aren't currently supported.

This tutorial describes how to enable file attachment support using the Azure Communication Services Chat SDK for JavaScript.

Sample code

Find the finalized code of this tutorial on GitHub.


  • You've gone through the quickstart - Join your chat app to a Teams meeting.
  • Create an Azure Communication Services resource. For details, see Create an Azure Communication Services resource. You need to record your connection string for this tutorial.
  • You've set up a Teams meeting using your business account and have the meeting URL ready.
  • You're using the Chat SDK for JavaScript (@azure/communication-chat) 1.5.0 or the latest. See here.


  • Render file attachment in the message thread. Each file attachment card has an Open button.
  • Render image attachments as inline images.

Handle file attachments

The Chat SDK for JavaScript returns a ChatAttachmentType of file for regular file attachments and image for message-inlined images.

export interface ChatMessageReceivedEvent extends BaseChatMessageEvent {
   * Content of the message.
  message: string;

   * Chat message attachment.
  attachments?: ChatAttachment[];

export interface ChatAttachment {
  /** Id of the attachment */
  id: string;
  /** The type of attachment. */
  attachmentType: AttachmentType;
  /** The name of the attachment content. */
  name?: string;
  /** The URL that is used to provide original size of the inline images */
  url?: string;
  /** The URL that provides the preview of attachment */
  previewUrl?: string;

/** Type of Supported Attachments. */
export type ChatAttachmentType = "image" | "file" | "unknown";

For example, the following JSON shows what ChatAttachment might look like for an image attachment and a file attachment:

"attachments": [
        "id": "08a182fe-0b29-443e-8d7f-8896bc1908a2",
        "attachmentType": "file",
        "name": "business report.pdf",
        "previewUrl": "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/user/h8jTwB0Zl1AY"
        "id": "9d89acb2-c4e4-4cab-b94a-7c12a61afe30",
        "attachmentType": "image", 
        "name": "Screenshot.png",
        "url": "https://contoso.communication.azure.com/chat/threads/19:9d89acb29d89acb2@thread.v2/messages/123/images/9d89acb2-c4e4-4cab-b94a-7c12a61afe30/views/original?api-version=2023-11-15-preview",
        "previewUrl": "https://contoso.communication.azure.com/chat/threads/19:9d89acb29d89acb2@thread.v2/messages/123/images/9d89acb2-c4e4-4cab-b94a-7c12a61afe30/views/small?api-version=2023-11-15-preview"

Now let's go back to event handler we created in Quickstart: Join your chat app to a Teams meeting and add some extra logic to handle attachments with attachmentType of file:

chatClient.on("chatMessageReceived", (e) => {
  console.log("Notification chatMessageReceived!");
  // check whether the notification is intended for the current thread
  if (threadIdInput.value != e.threadId) {
  if (e.sender.communicationUserId != userId) {
  } else {

async function renderReceivedMessage(event) {
    messages += `<div class="container lighter"> ${event.message} </div>`;
    messagesContainer.innerHTML = messages;

    // get list of attachments and calls renderFileAttachments to construct a file attachment card
    var attachmentHtml = event.attachments
        .filter(attachment => attachment.attachmentType === "file")
        .map(attachment => renderFileAttachments(attachment))
    messagesContainer.innerHTML += attachmentHtml;

function renderFileAttachments(attachment) {
    var re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;
    var fileExtension = re.exec(attachment.name)[1];  
    return '<div class="attachment-container">' +
        '<img class="attachment-icon" alt="attachment file icon" />' +
        '<div>' +
        '<p class="attachment-type">' + fileExtension + '</p>' +
        '<p>' + attachment.name + '</p>' +
        '<a href=' + attachment.previewUrl + ' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Open</a>' +
        '</div>' +

Let's make sure we add some CSS for the attachment card:

  /* let's make chat popup scrollable */
  .chat-popup {


     max-height: 650px;
     overflow-y: scroll;

 .attachment-container {
     overflow: hidden;
     background: #f3f2f1;
     padding: 20px;
     margin: 0;
     border-radius: 10px;
 .attachment-container img {
     width: 50px;
     height: 50px;
     float: left;
     margin: 0;
 .attachment-container p {
     font-weight: 700;
     margin: 0 5px 20px 0;
 .attachment-container {
     display: grid;
     grid-template-columns: 100px 1fr;
     margin-top: 5px;
 .attachment-icon {
     content: url("data:image/svg+xml;base64, ...");
 .attachment-container a {
     background-color: #dadada;
     color: black;
     font-size: 12px;
     padding: 10px;
     border: none;
     cursor: pointer;
     border-radius: 5px;
     text-align: center;
     margin-right: 10px;
     text-decoration: none;
     margin-top: 10px;
 .attachment-container a:hover {
     background-color: black;
     color: white;
 .attachment-type {
     position: absolute;
     color: black;
     border: 2px solid black;
     background-color: white;
     margin-top: 50px;
     font-family: sans-serif;
     font-weight: 400;
     padding: 2px;
     text-transform: uppercase;
     font-size: 8px;

That's all we need for handling file attachments. Next let's run the code.

Run the code

For Webpack, you can use the webpack-dev-server to build and run your app. Run the following command to bundle your application host on a local webserver:

npx webpack-dev-server --entry ./client.js --output bundle.js --debug --devtool inline-source-map


npm start

File attachment demo

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/. Enter the meeting URL and the thread ID.

  2. Now let's send some file attachments from Teams client like this:

    A screenshot of Teams client showing a sent message with three file attachments.

  3. Then you should see the new message being rendered along with file attachments:

    A screenshot of sample app showing a received incoming message with three file attachments.

Handle image attachments

Image attachments need to be treated differently than standard file attachments. Image attachments have the attachmentType of image, which requires the communication token to retrieve either the preview or full-size images.

Before continuing, complete the tutorial that demonstrates how to enable inline image support in your chat app. This tutorial describes how to fetch images that require a communication token in the request header. Upon receiving the image blob, we need to create an ObjectUrl that points to this blob. Then we inject this URL into the src attribute of each inline image.

Now you're familiar with how inline images work, and it's easy to render image attachments just like a regular inline image.

First, inject an image tag into message content whenever there's an image attachment:

async function renderReceivedMessage(event) {
    messages += '<div class="container lighter">' + event.message + '</div>';
    messagesContainer.innerHTML = messages;

    // Inject image tag for all image attachments
    var imageAttachmentHtml = event.attachments
        .filter(attachment => attachment.attachmentType === "image" && !messages.includes(attachment.id))
        .map(attachment => renderImageAttachments(attachment))
    messagesContainer.innerHTML += imageAttachmentHtml;

    // get list of attachments and calls renderFileAttachments to construct a file attachment card
    var attachmentHtml = event.attachments
        .filter(attachment => attachment.attachmentType === "file")
        .map(attachment => renderFileAttachments(attachment))
    messagesContainer.innerHTML += attachmentHtml;

    // filter out inline images from attchments
    const imageAttachments = event.attachments.filter((attachment) =>
        attachment.attachmentType === "image" && messages.includes(attachment.id));

    // fetch and render preview images

function renderImageAttachments(attachment) {
    return `<img alt="image" src="" itemscope="png" id="${attachment.id}" style="max-width: 100px">`

Now let's borrow fetchPreviewImages() from the Tutorial: Enable Inline Image Support, and use it as is without any changes:

function fetchPreviewImages(attachments) {
    if (!attachments.length > 0) {
        attachments.map(async (attachment) => {
            const response = await fetch(attachment.previewUrl, {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: {
                    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tokenString,
            return {
                id: attachment.id,
                content: await response.blob(),
    ).then((result) => {
        result.forEach((imageRef) => {
            const urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
            const url = urlCreator.createObjectURL(imageRef.content);
            document.getElementById(imageRef.id).src = url;
    }).catch((e) => {
        console.log('error fetching preview images');

This function needs a tokenString so we need a global copy initialized in init() as demonstrated in the following code snippet:

var tokenString = '';

async function init() {
    const {
    } = tokenResponse;
    tokenString = token;

Now you have image attachment support. Continue to run the code and see it in action.

Image attachment demo

  1. Send some image attachments from Teams client like this:

    A screenshot of Teams client showing a send box with an image attachment uploaded.

  2. Upon sending the image attachment, notice that it becomes an inline image on the Teams client side:

    A screenshot of Teams client showing a message with the image attachment sent to the other participant.

  3. Return to the sample app and make sure the same image is rendered:

    A screenshot of sample app showing an incoming message with one inline image rendered.

This tutorial describes how to enable file attachment support using the Azure Communication Services Chat SDK for C#.

Sample code

Find the finalized code for this tutorial at GitHub.


Handle file attachments

The Chat SDK for C# returns a ChatAttachmentType of file for regular file attachments and image for inline images.

public readonly partial struct ChatAttachmentType : IEquatable<ChatAttachmentType>
        private const string ImageValue = "image";
        private const string FileValue = "file";
        /// <summary> image. </summary>
        public static ChatAttachmentType Image { get; } = new ChatAttachmentType(ImageValue);
        /// <summary> file. </summary>
        public static ChatAttachmentType File { get; } = new ChatAttachmentType(FileValue);

For example, the following JSON shows what ChatAttachment might look like for an image attachment and a file attachment when receiving requests from the server side:

"attachments": [
        "id": "08a182fe-0b29-443e-8d7f-8896bc1908a2",
        "attachmentType": "file",
        "name": "business report.pdf",
        "previewUrl": "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/user/h8jTwB0Zl1AY"
        "id": "9d89acb2-c4e4-4cab-b94a-7c12a61afe30",
        "attachmentType": "image", 
        "name": "Screenshot.png",
        "url": "https://contoso.communication.azure.com/chat/threads/19:9d89acb29d89acb2@thread.v2/messages/123/images/9d89acb2-c4e4-4cab-b94a-7c12a61afe30/views/original?api-version=2023-11-15-preview",
        "previewUrl": "https://contoso.communication.azure.com/chat/threads/19:9d89acb29d89acb2@thread.v2/messages/123/images/9d89acb2-c4e4-4cab-b94a-7c12a61afe30/views/small?api-version=2023-11-15-preview"

Now let's go back to the event handler we created in previous quickstart and add some extra logic to handle attachments with ChatAttachmentType of file:

await foreach (ChatMessage message in allMessages)
    // Get message attachments that are of type 'file'
    IEnumerable<ChatAttachment> fileAttachments = message.Content.Attachments.Where(x => x.AttachmentType == ChatAttachmentType.File);
    var chatAttachmentFileUris = new List<Uri>();
    foreach (var file in fileAttachments) 

    // Build message list
    if (message.Type == ChatMessageType.Html || message.Type == ChatMessageType.Text)
        var userPrefix = message.Sender.Equals(currentUser) ? "[you]:" : "";
        var strippedMessage = StripHtml(message.Content.Message);

        var chatAttachments = fileAttachments.Count() > 0 ? "[Attachments]:\n" + string.Join(",\n", chatAttachmentFileUris) : "";
        messageList.Add(long.Parse(message.SequenceId), $"{userPrefix}{strippedMessage}\n{chatAttachments}");

Specifically, for each file attachment, we get the previewUrl and construct a list of URLs in the for loop. Then we embed the string along with the chat message content.

Handle image attachments

You need to handle image attachments differently than standard file attachments. Image attachments have the ChatAttachmentType of image, which requires the communication token to retrieve either the preview or full-size images.

Before continuing, complete the Enabling inline image support tutorial. To identity image attachments, we need to find out if the message content contains the same image ID from the attachments.

bool isImageAttachment = message.Content.Message.Contains(x.Id);

If this flag is true, then we should apply inline image logic to render it:

IEnumerable<ChatAttachment> imageAttachments = message.Content.Attachments.Where(x => x.AttachmentType == ChatAttachmentType.Image);
// Fetch image and render
var chatAttachmentImageUris = new List<Uri>();
foreach (ChatAttachment imageAttachment in imageAttachments)
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", communicationTokenCredential.GetToken().Token);
    var response = await client.GetAsync(imageAttachment.PreviewUri);
    var randomAccessStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
        var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
        await bitmapImage.SetSourceAsync(randomAccessStream.AsRandomAccessStream());
        InlineImage.Source = bitmapImage;

Now your app supports image attachments.

Next steps