Materialized views for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL (preview)



The materialized view feature of Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL is currently in preview. You can enable this feature by using the Azure portal. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement. At this time, we don't recommend that you use materialized views for production workloads. Certain features of this preview might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see the supplemental terms of use for Microsoft Azure previews.

Applications frequently are required to make queries that don't specify a partition key. In these cases, the queries might scan through all data for a small result set. The queries end up being expensive because they inadvertently run as a cross-partition query.

Materialized views, when defined, help provide a way to efficiently query a base container in Azure Cosmos DB by using filters that don't include the partition key. When users write to the base container, the materialized view is built automatically in the background. This view can have a different partition key for efficient lookups. The view also contains only fields that are explicitly projected from the base container. This view is a read-only table. The Azure Cosmos DB materialized views can be used as global secondary indexes to avoid expensive cross-partition queries.


The materialized view feature of Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL can be used as Global Secondary Indexes. Users can specify the fields that are projected from the base container to the materialized view and they can choose a different partition key for the materialized view. Choosing a different partition key based on the most common queries, helps in scoping the queries to a single logical partition and avoiding cross-partition queries..

With a materialized view, you can:

  • Use the view as a lookup or mapping container to persist cross-partition scans that would otherwise be expensive queries.
  • Provide a SQL-based predicate (without conditions) to populate only specific fields.
  • Use change feed triggers to create real-time views to simplify event-based scenarios that are commonly stored as separate containers.

The benefits of using Azure Cosmos DB Materiliazed Views include, but aren't limited to:

  • You can implement server-side denormalization by using materialized views. With server-side denormalization, you can avoid multiple independent tables and computationally complex denormalization in client applications.
  • Materialized views automatically update views to keep views consistent with the base container. This automatic update abstracts the responsibilities of your client applications that would otherwise typically implement custom logic to perform dual writes to the base container and the view.
  • Materialized views optimize read performance by reading from a single view.
  • You can specify throughput for the materialized view independently.
  • You can configure a materialized view builder layer to map to your requirements to hydrate a view.
  • Materialized views improve write performance (compared to a multi-container-write strategy) because write operations need to be written only to the base container.
  • The Azure Cosmos DB implementation of materialized views is based on a pull model. This implementation doesn't affect write performance.
  • Azure Cosmos DB materialized views for NoSQL API caters to the Global Secondary Index use cases as well. Global Secondary Indexes are also used to maintain secondary data views and help in reducing cross-partition queries.


The "id" field in the materialized view is auto populated with "_rid" from source document. This is done to maintain the one-to-one relationship between materialized view and source container documents.


Enable materialized views

Use the Azure CLI to enable the materialized views feature either by using a native command or a REST API operation on your Cosmos DB for NoSQL account.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Go to your API for NOSQL account.

  3. In the resource menu, select Settings.

  4. In the Features section under Settings, toggle the Materialized View for NoSQL API (Preview) option to On.

  5. In the new dialog, select Enable to enable this feature for the account.

Create a materialized view builder

Create a materialized view builder to automatically transform data and write to a materialized view.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Go to your API for NoSQL account.

  3. In the resource menu, select Materialized Views Builder.

  4. On the Materialized Views Builder page, configure the SKU and the number of instances for the builder.


    This resource menu option and page appear only when the materialized views feature is enabled for the account.

  5. Select Save.

Azure Cosmos DB For NoSQL uses a materialized view builder compute layer to maintain the views.

You have the flexibility of configuring the view builder's compute instances based on your latency and lag requirements to hydrate the views. From a technical standpoint, this compute layer helps you manage connections between partitions in a more efficient manner, even when the data size is large and the number of partitions is high.

The compute containers are shared among all materialized views within an Azure Cosmos DB account. Each provisioned compute container initiates multiple tasks that read the change feed from the base container partitions and write data to the target materialized view or views. The compute container transforms the data per the materialized view definition for each materialized view in the account.

Create a materialized view

After your account and the materialized view builder are set up, you should be able to create materialized views by using the REST API.

  1. Use the Azure portal, the Azure SDK, the Azure CLI, or the REST API to create a source container that has /accountId as the partition key path. Name this source container `mv-src.


    The /accountId field is used only as an example in this article. For your own containers, select a partition key that works for your solution.

  2. Insert a few items in the source container. To follow the examples that are shown in this article, make sure that the items have accountId, fullName, and emailAddress fields. A sample item might look like this example:

      "accountId": "prikrylova-libuse",
      "emailAddress": "",
      "name": {
        "first": "Libuse",
        "last": "Prikrylova"


    In this example, you populate the source container with sample data. You can also create a materialized view from an empty source container.

  3. Now, create a materialized view named mv-target with a partition key path that is different from the source container. For this example, specify /emailAddress as the partition key path for the mv-target container.

    1. First, create a definition manifest for a materialized view and save it in a JSON file named definition.json:

        "location": "North Central US",
        "tags": {},
        "properties": {
          "resource": {
            "id": "mv-target",
            "partitionKey": {
              "paths": [
              "kind": "Hash"
            "materializedViewDefinition": {
              "sourceCollectionId": "mv-src",
              "definition": "SELECT s.accountId, s.emailAddress FROM s"
          "options": {
            "throughput": 400


    In the template, notice that the partitionKey path is set as /emailAddress. We also have more parameters to specify the source collection and the definition to populate the materialized view.

  4. Now, make a REST API call to create the materialized view as defined in the mv_definition.json file. Use the Azure CLI to make the REST API call.

    1. Create a variable for the name of the materialized view and source database name:

      # Variable for database name used in later section
    2. If you haven't already, get the identifier of the account and store it in a shell variable named $accountId.

    3. Make a REST API call to create the materialized view:

      az rest \
          --method PUT \
          --uri "$accountId/sqlDatabases/
                $databaseName/containers/$materializedViewName?api-version=2022-11-15-preview" \
          --body @definition.json \
          --headers content-type=application/json
    4. Check the status of the materialized view container creation by using the REST API:

      az rest \
          --method GET \
          --uri "$accountId/sqlDatabases/
                $databaseName/containers/$materializedViewName?api-version=2022-11-15-preview" \
          --headers content-type=application/json \
          --query "{mvCreateStatus: properties.Status}"

After the materialized view is created, the materialized view container automatically syncs changes with the source container. Try executing create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations in the source container. You'll see the same changes in the materialized view container.


Materialized view containers are read-only containers for users. The containers can be automatically modified only by a materialized view builder.

Current limitations

There are a few limitations with the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL API materialized view feature while it is in preview:

  • WHERE clauses aren't supported in the materialized view definition.
  • You can project only the source container item's JSON object property list in the materialized view definition. Currently, the list can contain only one level of properties in the JSON tree.
  • In the materialized view definition, aliases aren't supported for fields of documents.
  • We recommend that you create a materialized view when the source container is still empty or has only a few items.
  • Restoring a container from a backup doesn't restore materialized views. You must re-create the materialized views after the restore process is finished.
  • You must delete all materialized views that are defined on a specific source container before you delete the source container.
  • Point-in-time restore, hierarchical partitioning, and end-to-end encryption aren't supported on source containers that have materialized views associated with them.
  • Role-based access control is currently not supported for materialized views.
  • Cross-tenant customer-managed key (CMK) encryption isn't supported on materialized views.
  • Currently, this feature can't be enabled if any of the following features are enabled: partition merge, analytical store, or continuous backup.

Note the additional following limitations:

  • Availability zones
    • Materialized views can't be enabled on an account that has availability zone-enabled regions.
    • Adding a new region with an availability zone isn't supported after enableMaterializedViews is set to true on the account.
  • Periodic backup and restore
    • Materialized views aren't automatically restored by using the restore process. You must re-create the materialized views after the restore process is finished. Then, you should configure enableMaterializedViews on the restored account before you create the materialized views and builders again.

Next steps