Train ML models with Azure Databricks AutoML Python API

This article demonstrates how to train a model with Azure Databricks AutoML using the API. Learn more about What is AutoML?. The Python API provides functions to start classification, regression, and forecasting AutoML runs. Each function call trains a set of models and generates a trial notebook for each model.

The following steps describe generally how to set up an AutoML experiment using the API:

  1. Create a notebook and attach it to a cluster running Databricks Runtime ML.
  2. Identify which table you want to use from your existing data source or upload a data file to DBFS and create a table.
  3. To start an AutoML run, pass the table name to the appropriate API specification: classification, regression, or forecasting.
  4. When the AutoML run begins, an MLflow experiment URL appears in the console. Use this URL to monitor the progress of the run. Refresh the MLflow experiment to see the trials as they are completed.
  5. After the AutoML run completes:
    • Use the links in the output summary to navigate to the MLflow experiment or to the notebook that generated the best results.
    • Use the link to the data exploration notebook to get some insights into the data passed to AutoML. You can also attach this notebook to the same cluster and re-run the notebook to reproduce the results or do additional data analysis.
    • Use the summary object returned from the AutoML call to explore more details about the trials or to load a model trained by a given trial. Learn more about the AutoMLSummary object.
    • Clone any generated notebook from the trials and re-run the notebook by attaching it to the same cluster to reproduce the results. You can also make necessary edits and re-run them to train additional models and log them to the same experiment.


See Requirements for AutoML experiments.

Classification specification

The following code example configures an AutoML run for training a classification model. For additional parameters to further customize your AutoML run see Classification and regression parameters.


The max_trials parameter is deprecated in Databricks Runtime 10.4 ML and is not supported in Databricks Runtime 11.0 ML and above. Use timeout_minutes to control the duration of an AutoML run.

  dataset: Union[pyspark.sql.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pyspark.pandas.DataFrame, str],
  target_col: str,
  data_dir: Optional[str] = None,
  exclude_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None,                      # <DBR> 10.3 ML and above
  exclude_frameworks: Optional[List[str]] = None,                   # <DBR> 10.3 ML and above
  experiment_dir: Optional[str] = None,                             # <DBR> 10.4 LTS ML and above
  experiment_name: Optional[str] = None,                            # <DBR> 12.1 ML and above
  feature_store_lookups: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,               # <DBR> 11.3 LTS ML and above
  imputers: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, # <DBR> 10.4 LTS ML and above
  max_trials: Optional[int] = None,                                 # <DBR> 10.5 ML and below
  pos_label: Optional[Union[int, bool, str] = None,                 # <DBR> 11.1 ML and above
  primary_metric: str = "f1",
  time_col: Optional[str] = None,
  timeout_minutes: Optional[int] = None,
) -> AutoMLSummary

Regression specification

The following code example configures an AutoML run for training a regression model. For additional parameters to further customize your AutoML run see Classification and regression parameters.


The max_trials parameter is deprecated in Databricks Runtime 10.4 ML and is not supported in Databricks Runtime 11.0 ML and above. Use timeout_minutes to control the duration of an AutoML run.

  dataset: Union[pyspark.sql.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pyspark.pandas.DataFrame, str],
  target_col: str,
  data_dir: Optional[str] = None,
  exclude_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None,                      # <DBR> 10.3 ML and above
  exclude_frameworks: Optional[List[str]] = None,                   # <DBR> 10.3 ML and above
  experiment_dir: Optional[str] = None,                             # <DBR> 10.4 LTS ML and above
  experiment_name: Optional[str] = None,                            # <DBR> 12.1 ML and above
  feature_store_lookups: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,               # <DBR> 11.3 LTS ML and above
  imputers: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, # <DBR> 10.4 LTS ML and above
  max_trials: Optional[int] = None,                                 # <DBR> 10.5 ML and below
  primary_metric: str = "r2",
  time_col: Optional[str] = None,
  timeout_minutes: Optional[int] = None,
) -> AutoMLSummary

Forecasting specification

The following code example configures an AutoML run for training a forecasting model. For additional detail about parameters for your AutoML run see Forecasting parameters. To use Auto-ARIMA, the time series must have a regular frequency (that is, the interval between any two points must be the same throughout the time series). The frequency must match the frequency unit specified in the API call. AutoML handles missing time steps by filling in those values with the previous value.

  dataset: Union[pyspark.sql.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pyspark.pandas.DataFrame, str],
  target_col: str,
  time_col: str,
  country_code: str = "US",                                         # <DBR> 12.0 ML and above
  data_dir: Optional[str] = None,
  exclude_frameworks: Optional[List[str]] = None,
  experiment_dir: Optional[str] = None,
  experiment_name: Optional[str] = None,                            # <DBR> 12.1 ML and above
  feature_store_lookups: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,               # <DBR> 12.2 LTS ML and above
  frequency: str = "D",
  horizon: int = 1,
  identity_col: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
  output_database: Optional[str] = None,                            # <DBR> 10.5 ML and above
  primary_metric: str = "smape",
  timeout_minutes: Optional[int] = None,
) -> AutoMLSummary

Classification and regression parameters


For classification and regression problems only, you can:

  • Specify which columns to include in training.
  • Select custom imputation methods.
Field Name Type Description
dataset str pandas.DataFrame pyspark.DataFrame pyspark.sql.DataFrame Input table name or DataFrame that contains training features and target.

Table name can be in format “..” or “.” for non Unity Catalog tables
target_col str Column name for the target label.
data_dir str of format
(Optional) DBFS path used to store the training dataset. This path is visible to both driver and worker nodes.

Databricks recommends leaving this field empty, so AutoML can save the training dataset as an MLflow artifact.

If a custom path is specified, the dataset does not inherit the AutoML experiment’s access permissions.
exclude_cols List[str] (Optional) List of columns to ignore during AutoML calculations.

Default: []
exclude_ frameworks List[str] (Optional) List of algorithm frameworks that AutoML should not consider as it develops models. Possible values: empty list, or one or more of “sklearn”, “lightgbm”, “xgboost”.

Default: [] (all frameworks are considered)
experiment_dir str (Optional) Path to the directory in the workspace to save the generated notebooks and experiments.

Default: /Users/<username>/databricks_automl/
experiment_name str (Optional) Name for the MLflow experiment that AutoML creates.

Default: Name is automatically generated.
feature_store_ lookups List[Dict] (Optional) List of dictionaries that represent features from Feature Store for data augmentation. Valid keys in each dictionary are:

* table_name (str): Required. Name of the feature table.
* lookup_key (list or str): Required. Column name(s) to use as key when joining the feature table with the data passed in the
dataset param. The order of the column names must match the order of the primary keys of the feature table.
* timestamp_lookup_key (str): Required if the specified table is a time series feature table. The column name to use when performing point-in-time lookup on the feature table with the data passed in the dataset param.

Default: []
imputers Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]] (Optional) Dictionary where each key is a column name, and each value is a string or dictionary describing the imputation strategy. If specified as a string, the value must be one of “mean”, “median”, or “most_frequent”. To impute with a known value, specify the value as a dictionary
{"strategy": "constant", "fill_value": <desired value>}. You can also specify string options as dictionaries, for example {“strategy”: “mean”}.

If no imputation strategy is provided for a column, AutoML selects a default strategy based on column type and content. If you specify a non-default imputation method, AutoML does not perform semantic type detection.

Default: {}
max_trials int (Optional) Maximum number of trials to run.

This parameter is available in Databricks Runtime 10.5 ML and below, but is deprecated starting in Databricks Runtime 10.3 ML. In Databricks Runtime 11.0 ML and above, this parameter is not supported.

Default: 20

If timeout_minutes=None, AutoML runs the maximum number of trials.
pos_label Union[int, bool, str] (Classification only) The positive class. This is useful for calculating metrics such as precision and recall. Should only be specified for binary classification problems.
primary_metric str Metric used to evaluate and rank model performance.

Supported metrics for regression: “r2” (default), “mae”, “rmse”, “mse”

Supported metrics for classification: “f1” (default), “log_loss”, “precision”, “accuracy”, “roc_auc”
time_col str Available in Databricks Runtime 10.1 ML and above.

(Optional) Column name for a time column.

If provided, AutoML tries to split the dataset into training, validation, and test sets chronologically, using the earliest points as training data and the latest points as a test set.

Accepted column types are timestamp and integer. With Databricks Runtime 10.2 ML and above, string columns are also supported. If column type is string, AutoML tries to convert it to timestamp using semantic detection. If the conversion fails, the AutoML run fails.
timeout_minutes int (Optional) Maximum time to wait for AutoML trials to complete. Longer timeouts allow AutoML to run more trials and identify a model with better accuracy.

Default: 120 minutes

Minimum value: 5 minutes

An error is reported if the timeout is too short to allow at least one trial to complete.

Forecasting parameters

Field Name Type Description
dataset str

pandas.DataFrame pyspark.DataFrame pyspark.sql.DataFrame
Input table name or DataFrame that contains training features and target.

Table name can be in format “..” or “.” for non Unity Catalog tables
target_col str Column name for the target label.
time_col str Name of the time column for forecasting.
frequency str Frequency of the time series for forecasting. This is the period with which events are expected to occur. The default setting is “D” or daily data. Be sure to change the setting if your data has a different frequency.

Possible values:

“W” (weeks)

“D” / “days” / “day”

“hours” / “hour” / “hr” / “h”

“m” / “minute” / “min” / “minutes” / “T”

“S” / “seconds” / “sec” / “second”

The following are only available with Databricks Runtime 12.0 ML and above:

“M” / “month” / “months”

“Q” / “quarter” / “quarters”

“Y” / “year” / “years”

Default: “D”
horizon int Number of periods into the future for which forecasts should be returned. The units are the time series frequency. Default: 1
data_dir str of format
(Optional) DBFS path used to store the training dataset. This path is visible to both driver and worker nodes.

Databricks recommends leaving this field empty, so AutoML can save the training dataset as an MLflow artifact.

If a custom path is specified, the dataset does not inherit the AutoML experiment’s access permissions.
exclude_ frameworks List[str] (Optional) List of algorithm frameworks that AutoML should not consider as it develops models. Possible values: empty list, or one or more of “prophet”, “arima”. Default: [] (all frameworks are considered)
experiment_dir str (Optional) Path to the directory in the workspace to save the generated notebooks and experiments.

Default: /Users/<username>/databricks_automl/
experiment_name str (Optional) Name for the MLflow experiment that AutoML creates.

Default: Name is automatically generated.
feature_store_ lookups List[Dict] (Optional) List of dictionaries that represent features from Feature Store for data augmentation. Valid keys in each dictionary are:

* table_name (str): Required. Name of the feature table.
* lookup_key (list or str): Required. Column name(s) to use as key when joining the feature table with the data passed in the
dataset param. The order of the column names must match the order of the primary keys of the feature table.
* timestamp_lookup_key (str): Required if the specified table is a time series feature table. The column name to use when performing point-in-time lookup on the feature table with the data passed in the dataset param.

Default: []
identity_col Union[str, list] (Optional) Column(s) that identify the time series for multi-series forecasting. AutoML groups by these column(s) and the time column for forecasting.
output_database str (Optional) If provided, AutoML saves predictions of the best model to a new table in the specified database.

Default: Predictions are not saved.
primary_metric str Metric used to evaluate and rank model performance. Supported metrics: “smape”(default) “mse”, “rmse”, “mae”, or “mdape”.
timeout_minutes int (Optional) Maximum time to wait for AutoML trials to complete. Longer timeouts allow AutoML to run more trials and identify a model with better accuracy.

Default: 120 minutes

Minimum value: 5 minutes

An error is reported if the timeout is too short to allow at least one trial to complete.
country_code str Available in Databricks Runtime 12.0 ML and above. Only supported by the Prophet forecasting model.

(Optional) Two-letter country code that indicates which country’s holidays the forecasting model should use. To ignore holidays, set this parameter to an empty string (“”). Supported countries.

Default: US (United States holidays).



Summary object for an AutoML run that describes the metrics, parameters, and other details for each of the trials. You also use this object to load the model trained by a specific trial.

Property Type Description
experiment mlflow.entities.Experiment The MLflow experiment used to log the trials.
trials List[TrialInfo] A list containing information about all the trials that were run.
best_trial TrialInfo Info about the trial that resulted in the best weighted score for the primary metric.
metric_distribution str The distribution of weighted scores for the primary metric across all trials.
output_table_name str Used with forecasting only and only if output_database is provided. Name of the table in output_database containing the model’s predictions.


Summary object for each individual trial.

Property Type Description
notebook_path Optional[str] The path to the generated notebook for this trial in the workspace. For classification and regression, this value is set only for the best trial, while all other trials have the value set to None. For forecasting, this value is present for all trials
notebook_url Optional[str] The URL of the generated notebook for this trial. For classification and regression, this value is set only for the best trial, while all other trials have the value set to None. For forecasting, this value present for all trials
artifact_uri Optional[str] The MLflow artifact URI for the generated notebook.
mlflow_run_id str The MLflow run ID associated with this trial run.
metrics Dict[str, float] The metrics logged in MLflow for this trial.
params Dict[str, str] The parameters logged in MLflow that were used for this trial.
model_path str The MLflow artifact URL of the model trained in this trial.
model_description str Short description of the model and the hyperparameters used for training this model.
duration str Training duration in minutes.
preprocessors str Description of the preprocessors run before training the model.
evaluation_metric_score float Score of primary metric, evaluated for the validation dataset.
Method Description
load_model() Load the model generated in this trial, logged as an MLflow artifact.

Import a notebook

To import a notebook that has been saved as an MLflow artifact, use the databricks.automl.import_notebook Python API.

def import_notebook(artifact_uri: str, path: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> ImportNotebookResult:
    Import a trial notebook, saved as an MLflow artifact, into the workspace.

    :param artifact_uri: The URI of the MLflow artifact that contains the trial notebook.
    :param path: The path in the Databricks workspace where the notebook should be imported. This must be an absolute path. The directory will be created if it does not exist.
    :param overwrite: Whether to overwrite the notebook if it already exists. It is `False` by default.

    :return: ImportNotebookResult contains two fields, `path` and `url`, referring to the imported notebook

A usage example:

summary = databricks.automl.classify(...)
result = databricks.automl.import_notebook(summary.trials[5].artifact_uri, "/Users/")

Register and deploy a model

You can register and deploy your AutoML trained model just like any registered model in the MLflow model registry, see Log, load, register, and deploy MLflow models.

No module named ‘pandas.core.indexes.numeric

When serving a model built using AutoML with Model Serving, you may get the error: No module named 'pandas.core.indexes.numeric.

This is due to an incompatible pandas version between AutoML and the model serving endpoint environment. You can resolve this error by running the script. The script edits the requirements.txt and conda.yaml for your logged model to include the appropriate pandas dependency version: pandas==1.5.3.

  1. Modify the script to include the run_id of the MLflow run where your model was logged.
  2. Re-registering the model to the MLflow model registry.
  3. Try serving the new version of the MLflow model.

Notebook examples

Review these notebooks to get started with AutoML.

The following notebook shows how to do classification with AutoML.

AutoML classification example notebook

Get notebook

The following notebook shows how to do regression with AutoML.

AutoML regression example notebook

Get notebook

The following notebook shows how to do forecasting with AutoML.

AutoML forecasting example notebook

Get notebook

The following notebook shows how to train an ML model with AutoML and Feature Store feature tables.

AutoML experiment with Feature Store example notebook

Get notebook