Azure Databricks release notes

Databricks release notes are organized by release vehicle:

  • Azure Databricks platform release notes cover the features that we develop for the Azure Databricks environment.

  • Databricks Runtime release notes versions and compatibility cover the features that we develop for Databricks Runtime. This includes proprietary features and optimizations. A Databricks Runtime version includes the set of core components that run on the clusters managed by Azure Databricks. Each new verion provides updates that substantially improve the usability, performance, and security of big data analytics.

  • Databricks SQL release notes cover the features that we develop for the Databricks SQL user interface and SQL warehouses. You can also find the available Databricks SQL versions, the rollout schedule, and features related to each version.

  • Azure Databricks developer tools and SDKs release notes cover the features for our IDE extensions and plugins, command-line interfaces, and SDKs.

  • Delta Live Tables release notes cover the features, bug fixes, and runtime upgrade process for Delta Live Tables.

  • Serverless compute release notes cover the features released on serverless compute for notebooks and workflows. You can also find the current serverless compute version, upcoming behavioral changes, and limitations related to serverless compute.

Learn about the kinds of preview releases and how Databricks supports them.