Hosting web apps on Azure

Learn how to set common configurations for your web app. If a common setting is missing, open an issue in the feedback and tell us about it.

Any required settings are requested with you create the resource. If a setting isn't requested at that time, it has a default value, which you can change after resource creation.

What is a web app?

A web app is anything that is reached with an Internet URL. There are many Azure services that can be considered as a web app. The top services typically used for a web app are:

How to configure web app settings

Most Azure services provide four ways to configure settings:

Many settings can also be configured within Visual Studio Code with extensions.

Use default domain name provided by Azure

Most Azure services provide a URL for your resource. The service name determines the subdomain with the rest of the domain coming from Azure.

For example:

  • Azure Functions -
  • Azure Web app -
  • Azure Storage Blobs -

Some services, such as Static Web apps, provide a subdomain for you that is relatively unique, allowing you to use it immediately in production:

  • Azure Static Web apps =

Configure custom domain name

Each service provides its own mechanism to add a custom domain.

Configure port forwarding

You need to map the app's port number if it isn't the default port. This lets the App service forward requests to the correct port.

// 3000 is an example port
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000

Configure browser for CORS to connect with server

If you need to connect to your own server, and need to ignore CORS security while running and debugging with the client locally, the recommended solution is to configure this setting in the Visual Studio Code debug file, launch.json, to pass settings to the browser to disable the security.

Because this file is strictly used for launching a debugging session, it is safe to check into your source control.

Configure Edge browser to disable CORS for debugging

The following launch.json file configures the Edge browser setting to turn off CORS security for the debug session: --disable-web-security.

    // Debug client, with requests to server, w/o 
    // changes to client or server
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch Edge against localhost",
            "request": "launch",
            "type": "pwa-msedge",
            "url": "http://localhost:3000",
            "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "runtimeArgs": [

Configure Chrome browser to disable CORS for debugging

The following launch.json file configures the Chrome browser setting to turn off CORS security for the debug session: --disable-web-security.

    // Debug client, with requests to server, w/o 
    // changes to client or server
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "pwa-chrome",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
            "url": "http://localhost:3000",
            "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "runtimeArgs": [

Configure certificates

If your app requires certificates immediately, you have several choices about how to provide certificates:

  • Upload your own certificate
  • Manage certificates within the App service
  • Import the certificate from Azure Key vault
  • Provide certificate in code

Configure secrets

Secrets are typically provided in the following ways:

  • Azure Key Vault - Create a resource for this service, which provides app secrets.
  • App settings - If you are looking for a lighter weight solution, you can provide secrets as App settings, and reference these using the typical environment variables, process.env.VARNAME.

Storing settings, settings and feature flags

Use Azure App Configuration to store settings, and feature flags. You can link your Key Vault secrets to your App Configuration resource, then pull secrets.

App Configuration has several features that are advanced beyond the typical name/value pair of settings and feature flags:

Configure logging

Logging includes:

  • platform logging - what is happening outside the app
  • app logging - what is happening inside the app

Platform logs are provided for you:

  • To understand the health of the environment.
  • Let you scale to a different pricing tier, or across regions.

Application logs may be provided for you if you use the default logging functions.

Configure database and storage

Typically, a connection to a database or data storage begins with a connection string.

Considerations for data connections:

  • Bring your current connection
  • New data storage - If your app needs a new storage mechanism, Azure provides many different database choices. The connection does need to be securely stored.

Missing something?

If something is missing from this list, please fill out the feedback to tell us about it.

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