Implement end-to-end Terratest testing on Terraform projects

Terraform enables the definition, preview, and deployment of cloud infrastructure. Using Terraform, you create configuration files using HCL syntax. The HCL syntax allows you to specify the cloud provider - such as Azure - and the elements that make up your cloud infrastructure. After you create your configuration files, you create an execution plan that allows you to preview your infrastructure changes before they're deployed. Once you verify the changes, you apply the execution plan to deploy the infrastructure.

End-to-end (E2E) testing is used to validate a program works before deploying it to production. An example scenario might be a Terraform module deploying two virtual machines into a virtual network. You might want to prevent the two machines from pinging each other. In this example, you could define a test to verify the intended outcome before deployment.

E2E testing is typically a three-step process.

  1. A configuration is applied to a test environment.
  2. Code is run to verify the results.
  3. The test environment is either reinitialized or taken down (such as deallocating a virtual machine).

In this article, you learn how to:

  • Understand the basics of end-to-end testing with Terratest
  • Learn how to write end-to-end test using Golang
  • Learn how to use Azure DevOps to automatically trigger end-to-end tests when code is committed to your repo

1. Configure your environment

  • Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
  • Go programming language: Install Go.

  • Example code and resources: Using the DownGit tool, download from GitHub the end-to-end-testing project and unzip into a new directory to contain the example code. This directory is referred to as the example directory.

2. Understand end-to-end testing

End-to-end tests validate a system works as a collective whole. This type of testing is as opposed to testing specific modules. For Terraform projects, end-to-end testing allows for the validation of what has been deployed. This type of testing differs from many other types that test pre-deployment scenarios. End-to-end tests are critical for testing complex systems that include multiple modules and act on multiple resources. In such scenarios, end-to-end testing is the only way to determine if the various modules are interacting correctly.

This article focuses on using Terratest to implement end-to-end testing. Terratest provides all the plumbing that is required to do the following task:

  • Deploy a Terraform configuration
  • Enables you to write a test using the Go language to validate what has been deployed
  • Orchestrate the tests into stages
  • Tear down the deployed infrastructure

3. Understand the test example

For this article, we're using a sample available in the Azure/terraform sample repo.

This sample defines a Terraform configuration that deploys two Linux virtual machines into the same virtual network. One VM - named vm-linux-1 - has a public IP address. Only port 22 is opened to allow SSH connections. The second VM - vm-linux-2 - has no defined public IP address.

The test validates the following scenarios:

  • The infrastructure is deployed correctly
  • Using port 22, it's possible to open an SSH session to vm-linux-1
  • Using the SSH session on vm-linux-1, it's possible to ping vm-linux-2

Sample end-to-end test scenario

If you downloaded the sample, the Terraform configuration for this scenario can be found in the src/ file. The file contains everything necessary to deploy the Azure infrastructure represented in the preceding figure.

If you're unfamiliar with how to create a virtual machine, see Create a Linux VM with infrastructure in Azure using Terraform.


The sample scenario presented in this article is for illustration purposes only. We've purposely kept things simple in order to focus on the steps of an end-to-end test. We don't recommend having production virtual machines that exposes SSH ports over a public IP address.

4. Examine the test example

The end-to-end test is written in the Go language and uses the Terratest framework. If you downloaded the sample, the test is defined in the src/test/end2end_test.go file.

The following source code shows the standard structure of a Golang test using Terratest:

package test

import (

    test_structure ""

func TestEndToEndDeploymentScenario(t *testing.T) {

    fixtureFolder := "../"

    // Use Terratest to deploy the infrastructure
    test_structure.RunTestStage(t, "setup", func() {
        terraformOptions := &terraform.Options{
            // Indicate the directory that contains the Terraform configuration to deploy
            TerraformDir: fixtureFolder,

        // Save options for later test stages
        test_structure.SaveTerraformOptions(t, fixtureFolder, terraformOptions)

        // Triggers the terraform init and terraform apply command
        terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)

    test_structure.RunTestStage(t, "validate", func() {
        // run validation checks here
        terraformOptions := test_structure.LoadTerraformOptions(t, fixtureFolder)
		    publicIpAddress := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "public_ip_address")

    // When the test is completed, teardown the infrastructure by calling terraform destroy
    test_structure.RunTestStage(t, "teardown", func() {
        terraformOptions := test_structure.LoadTerraformOptions(t, fixtureFolder)
        terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)

As you can see in the previous code snippet, the test is composed by three stages:

  • setup: Runs Terraform to deploy the configuration
  • validate`: Does the validation checks and assertions
  • teardown: Cleans up the infrastructure after the test has run

The following list shows some of the key functions provided by the Terratest framework:

  • terraform.InitAndApply: Enables running terraform init and terraform apply from Go code
  • terraform.Output: Retrieves the value of the deployment output variable.
  • terraform.Destroy: Runs the terraform destroy command from Go code.
  • test_structure.LoadTerraformOptions: Loads Terraform options - such as configuration and variables - from the state
  • test_structure.SaveTerraformOptions: Saves Terraform options - such as configuration and variables - to the state

5. Run the test example

The following steps run the test against the sample configuration and deployment.

  1. Open a bash/terminal window.

  2. Log in to your Azure account.

  3. To run this sample test, you need an SSH private/public key pair name id_rsa and in your home directory. Replace <your_user_name> with the name of your home directory.

    export TEST_SSH_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/id_rsa"
  4. Within the example directory, navigate to the src/test directory.

  5. Run the test.

    go test -v ./ -timeout 10m

6. Verify the results

After successfully running go test, you see results similar to the following output:

--- PASS: TestEndToEndDeploymentScenario (390.99s)
ok      test    391.052s

Troubleshoot Terraform on Azure

Troubleshoot common problems when using Terraform on Azure

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