Tutorial: Use a canary deployment strategy for Kubernetes deployments

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022

A canary deployment strategy means deploying new versions of an application next to stable, production versions. You can then see how the canary version compares to the baseline, before promoting or rejecting the deployment.

This step-by-step guide covers how to use the Kubernetes manifest task's canary strategy. Specifically, you'll learn how to set up canary deployments for Kubernetes, and the associated workflow to evaluate code. You then use that code to compare baseline and canary app deployments, so you can decide whether to promote or reject the canary deployment.

If you're using Azure Kubernetes Service, the Azure Resource Manager service connection type is the best way to connect to a private cluster, or a cluster that has local accounts disabled.


Sample code

Fork the following repository on GitHub.


Here's a brief overview of the files in the repository that are used during this guide:

  • ./app:
    • app.py - A simple, Flask-based web server that is instrumented by using the Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications. A custom counter is set up for the number of good and bad responses given out, based on the value of the success_rate variable.
    • Dockerfile - Used for building the image with each change made to app.py. With each change, the build pipeline is triggered and the image gets built and pushed to the container registry.
  • ./manifests:
    • deployment.yml - Contains the specification of the sampleapp deployment workload corresponding to the image published earlier. You use this manifest file not just for the stable version of deployment object, but also for deriving the baseline and canary variants of the workloads.
    • service.yml - Creates the sampleapp service. This service routes requests to the pods spun up by the deployments (stable, baseline, and canary) mentioned previously.
  • ./misc
    • service-monitor.yml - Used to set up a ServiceMonitor object. This object sets up Prometheus metric scraping.
    • fortio-deploy.yml - Used to set up a fortio deployment. This deployment is later used as a load-testing tool, to send a stream of requests to the sampleapp service deployed earlier. The stream of requests sent to sampleapp are routed to pods under all three deployments (stable, baseline, and canary).


In this guide, you use Prometheus for code instrumentation and monitoring. Any equivalent solution, like Azure Application Insights, can be used as an alternative.

Install prometheus-operator

To install Prometheus on your cluster, use the following command from your development machine. You must have kubectl and Helm installed, and you must set the context to the cluster you want to deploy against. Grafana, which you use later to visualize the baseline and canary metrics on dashboards, is installed as part of this Helm chart.

You'll first add the Prometheus Community Kubernetes Helm Charts repository to your Helm installation. Then you'll install the kube-prometheus stack, a collection of Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules.

helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update # update local cache
helm install --name sampleapp  prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Create service connections

  1. Go to Project settings > Pipelines > Service connections in the Azure DevOps menu.
  2. Create a Docker registry service connection associated with your container registry. Name it azure-pipelines-canary-k8s.
  3. Create a Kubernetes service connection for the Kubernetes cluster and namespace you want to deploy to. Name it azure-pipelines-canary-k8s.


If you're using Azure Kubernetes Service, the Azure Resource Manager service connection type is the best way to connect to a private cluster, or a cluster that has local accounts disabled.

Set up continuous integration

  1. Go to Pipelines > Create Pipeline, and select your repository.

  2. On the Configure tab, choose Starter pipeline.

  3. On the Review tab, replace the pipeline YAML with this code.

    - main
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      imageName: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s
    - task: Docker@2
      displayName: Build and push image
        containerRegistry: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s #replace with name of your Docker registry service connection
        repository: $(imageName)
        command: buildAndPush
        Dockerfile: app/Dockerfile
        tags: |

    If the Docker registry service connection that you created is associated with example.azurecr.io, then the image is to example.azurecr.io/azure-pipelines-canary-k8s:$(Build.BuildId), based on the preceding configuration.

Edit manifest file

In manifests/deployment.yml, replace <example> with your container registry's URL. For example, after replacement, the image field should look something like contosodemo.azurecr.io/azure-pipelines-canary-k8s.

Set up continuous deployment

The following sections provide steps for setting up continuous deployment, including how to deploy the canary stage, and how to promote or reject the canary through manual intervention.

Deploy canary stage

You can deploy with YAML or Classic.

  1. Go to Pipelines > Environments > Create environment.

  2. Create a new environment.

    • Name: akscanary
    • Resource: Choose Kubernetes.
  3. Select Next, and configure your Kubernetes resource as follows:

    • Provider: Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Azure subscription: Choose the subscription that holds your Kubernetes cluster.
    • Cluster: Choose your cluster.
    • Namespace: Create a new namespace, with the name canarydemo.
  4. Select Validate and Create.

  5. Go to Pipelines. Select the pipeline you created, and select Edit.

  6. Change the step you created previously to now use a stage. Add two more steps to copy the manifests and misc directories as artifacts for use by consecutive stages. You might also want to move a couple of values to variables, for easier usage later in your pipeline. Your complete YAML should now look like this.

    - main
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      imageName: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s
      dockerRegistryServiceConnection: dockerRegistryServiceConnectionName #replace with name of your Docker registry service connection
      imageRepository: 'azure-pipelines-canary-k8s'
      containerRegistry: example.azurecr.io #replace with the name of your container registry, Should be in the format example.azurecr.io
      tag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
    - stage: Build
      displayName: Build stage
      - job: Build
        displayName: Build
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        - task: Docker@2
          displayName: Build and push image
            containerRegistry: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection)
            repository: $(imageName)
            command: buildAndPush
            Dockerfile: app/Dockerfile
            tags: |
        - publish: manifests
          artifact: manifests
        - publish: misc
          artifact: misc
  7. Add a stage at the end of your YAML file to deploy the canary version.

    - stage: DeployCanary
      displayName: Deploy canary
      dependsOn: Build
      condition: succeeded()
      - deployment: Deploycanary
        displayName: Deploy canary
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        environment: 'akscanary.canarydemo'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@0
                displayName: Create imagePullSecret
                  action: createSecret
                  secretName: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s
                  dockerRegistryEndpoint: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s
              - task: KubernetesManifest@0
                displayName: Deploy to Kubernetes cluster
                  action: 'deploy'
                  strategy: 'canary'
                  percentage: '25'
                  manifests: |
                  containers: '$(containerRegistry)/$(imageRepository):$(tag)'
                  imagePullSecrets: azure-pipelines-canary-k8s
              - task: KubernetesManifest@0
                displayName: Deploy Forbio and ServiceMonitor
                  action: 'deploy'
                  manifests: |
  8. Save your pipeline by committing directly to the main branch. This commit should already run your pipeline successfully.

Manual intervention for promoting or rejecting canary

You can intervene manually with YAML or Classic.

  1. Go to Pipelines > Environments > New environment.

  2. Configure the new environment.

    • Name: akspromote
    • Resource: Choose Kubernetes.
  3. Select Next, and configure your Kubernetes resource as follows:

    • Provider: Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Azure subscription: Choose the subscription that holds your Kubernetes cluster.
    • Cluster: Choose your cluster.
    • Namespace: Choose the namespace, canarydemo, that you created earlier.
  4. Select Validate and Create.

  5. Select your new akspromote environment from the list of environments.

  6. Select Approvals and checks > Approvals. Then select the ellipsis icon (the three dots).

  7. Configure your approval as follows:

    • Approvers: Add your own user account.
    • Advanced: Make sure that the Allow approvers to approve their own runs box is selected.
  8. Select Create.

  9. Go to Pipelines, and select the pipeline that you created. Then select Edit.

  10. Add another stage, PromoteRejectCanary, at the end of your YAML file, to promote the changes.

    - stage: PromoteRejectCanary
      displayName: Promote or Reject canary
      dependsOn: DeployCanary
      condition: succeeded()
      - deployment: PromoteCanary
        displayName: Promote Canary
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        environment: 'akspromote.canarydemo'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@0
                displayName: promote canary
                  action: 'promote'
                  strategy: 'canary'
                  manifests: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/*'
                  containers: '$(containerRegistry)/$(imageRepository):$(tag)'
                  imagePullSecrets: '$(imagePullSecret)'
  11. Add another stage, RejectCanary, at the end of your YAML file, to roll back the changes.

    - stage: RejectCanary
      displayName: Reject canary
      dependsOn: PromoteRejectCanary
      condition: failed()
      - deployment: RejectCanary
        displayName: Reject Canary
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
        environment: 'akscanary.canarydemo'
              - task: KubernetesManifest@0
                displayName: reject canary
                  action: 'reject'
                  strategy: 'canary'
                  manifests: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/manifests/*'
  12. Save your YAML pipeline by selecting Save, and then commit it directly to the main branch.

Deploy a stable version

You can deploy a stable version with YAML or Classic.

For the first run of the pipeline the stable version of the workloads, and their baseline or canary versions don't exist in the cluster. To deploy the stable version:

  1. In app/app.py, change success_rate = 5 to success_rate = 10. This change triggers the pipeline, leading to a build and push of the image to the container registry. It will also trigger the DeployCanary stage.
  2. Because you configured an approval on the akspromote environment, the release waits before running that stage.
  3. In the summary of the run, select Review > Approve. This deploys the stable version of the workloads (the sampleapp deployment in manifests/deployment.yml) to the namespace.

Initiate canary workflow

The stable version of the workload sampleapp now exists in the cluster. Next, make the following change to the simulation application:

In app/app.py, change success_rate = 10 to success_rate = 20.

This change triggers the build pipeline, resulting in the build and push of the image to the container registry. This process in turn triggers the release pipeline and begins the Deploy canary stage.

Simulate requests

On your development machine, run the following commands, and keep it running to send a constant stream of requests at the sampleapp service. sampleapp routes the requests to the pods spun by the stable sampleapp deployment, and to the pods spun up by the sampleapp-baseline and sampleapp-canary deployments. The selector specified for sampleapp is applicable to all of these pods.

FORTIO_POD=$(kubectl get pod | grep fortio | awk '{ print $1 }')
kubectl exec -it $FORTIO_POD -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -allow-initial-errors -t 0 http://sampleapp:8080/

Set up Grafana dashboard

  1. Run the following port-forwarding command on your local development machine to be able to access Grafana.

    kubectl port-forward svc/sampleapp-grafana 3000:80
  2. In a browser, open the following URL.

  3. When you're prompted for credentials, unless the adminPassword value was overridden during the prometheus-operator Helm chart installation, you can use the following values:

    • username: admin
    • password: prom-operator
  4. From the menu on the left, choose + > Dashboard > Graph.

  5. Select anywhere on the newly added panel, and type e to edit the panel.

  6. On the Metrics tab, enter the following query:

    rate(requests_total{pod=~"sampleapp-.*", custom_status="good"}[1m])
  7. On the General tab, change the name of this panel to All sampleapp pods.

  8. In the overview bar at the top of the page, change the duration range to Last 5 minutes or Last 15 minutes.

  9. To save this panel, select the save icon in the overview bar.

  10. The preceding panel visualizes success rate metrics from all the variants. These include stable (from the sampleapp deployment), baseline (from the sampleapp-baseline deployment), and canary (from the sampleapp-canary deployment). You can visualize just the baseline and canary metrics by adding another panel, with the following configuration:

    • On the General tab, for Title, select sampleapp baseline and canary.
    • On the Metrics tab, use the following query:
    rate(requests_total{pod=~"sampleapp-baseline-.*|sampleapp-canary-.*", custom_status="good"}[1m])


    The panel for baseline and canary metrics will only have metrics available for comparison under certain conditions. These conditions are when the Deploy canary stage has successfully completed, and the Promote/reject canary stage is waiting on manual intervention.


    Set up annotations for Grafana dashboards to visually depict stage completion events for Deploy canary and Promote/reject canary. This is helpful so that you know when to start comparing the baseline with the canary, and when the promotion or rejection of the canary has completed, respectively.

Compare baseline and canary

  1. At this point, the Deploy canary stage has successfully completed (based on the change of success_rate from 10 to 20). The Promote/reject canary stage is waiting on manual intervention. You can now compare the success rate (as determined by custom_status=good) of the baseline and canary variants in the Grafana dashboard. It should look similar to the following:

    Screenshot that shows a comparison of baseline and canary metrics.

  2. Based on the observation that the success rate is higher for canary, promote the canary. Select Resume in the manual intervention task.