Azure Blob Storage as an Event Grid source
This article provides the properties and schema for blob storage events. For an introduction to event schemas, see Azure Event Grid event schema. It also gives you a list of quick starts and tutorials to use Azure Blob Storage as an event source.
Only storage accounts of kind StorageV2 (general purpose v2), BlockBlobStorage, and BlobStorage support event integration. Storage (general purpose v1) does not support integration with Event Grid.
These events are triggered when a client creates, replaces, or deletes a blob by calling Blob REST APIs.
The $logs
and $blobchangefeed
containers aren't integrated with Event Grid, so activity in these containers will not generate events. Also, using the dfs endpoint (abfss://URI)
for non-hierarchical namespace enabled accounts will not generate events, but the blob endpoint (wasb:// URI)
will generate events.
Event name | Description |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated | Triggered when a blob is created or replaced. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the PutBlob , PutBlockList , or CopyBlob operations that are available in the Blob REST API and when the Block Blob is completely committed. If clients use the CopyBlob operation on accounts that have the hierarchical namespace feature enabled on them, the CopyBlob operation works a little differently. In that case, the Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated event is triggered when the CopyBlob operation is initiated and not when the Block Blob is completely committed. |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted | Triggered when a blob is deleted. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients call the DeleteBlob operation that is available in the Blob REST API. |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged | Triggered when the blob access tier is changed. Specifically, when clients call the Set Blob Tier operation that is available in the Blob REST API, this event is triggered after the tier change completes. |
Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated | Triggered when an operation involving moving or copying of data from the archive to hot or cool tiers is initiated. Specifically, this event is triggered either when clients call the Set Blob Tier API to move a blob from archive tier to hot or cool tier, or when clients call the Copy Blob API to copy data from a blob in the archive tier to a blob in the hot or cool tier. |
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/test-container/blobs/new-file.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated",
"time": "2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "PutBlockList",
"clientRequestId": "6d79dbfb-0e37-4fc4-981f-442c9ca65760",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"eTag": "\"0x8D4BCC2E4835CD0\"",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"contentLength": 524288,
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/file-to-delete.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted",
"time": "2017-11-07T20:09:22.5674003Z",
"id": "4c2359fe-001e-00ba-0e04-58586806d298",
"data": {
"api": "DeleteBlob",
"requestId": "4c2359fe-001e-00ba-0e04-585868000000",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "0000000000000281000000000002F5CA",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/Auto.jpg",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged",
"time": "2021-05-04T15:00:00.8350154Z",
"id": "0fdefc06-b01e-0034-39f6-4016610696f6",
"data": {
"api": "SetBlobTier",
"clientRequestId": "68be434c-1a0d-432f-9cd7-1db90bff83d7",
"requestId": "0fdefc06-b01e-0034-39f6-401661000000",
"contentType": "image/jpeg",
"contentLength": 105891,
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"accessTier": "Archive",
"previousTier": "Cool",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "000000000000000000000000000089A4000000000018d6ea",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "3418f7a9-7006-0014-00f6-406dc6000000"
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/00000.avro",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated",
"time": "2021-05-04T14:44:59.3204652Z",
"id": "8ea4e3f2-101e-003d-5ff4-4053b2061016",
"data": {
"api": "SetBlobTier",
"clientRequestId": "777fb4cd-f890-4c5b-b024-fb47300bae62",
"requestId": "8ea4e3f2-101e-003d-5ff4-4053b2000000",
"contentType": "application/octet-stream",
"contentLength": 3660,
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "000000000000000000000000000089A4000000000018c6d7",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "34128c8a-7006-0014-00f4-406dc6000000"
"specversion": "1.0"
These events are triggered if you enable a hierarchical namespace on the storage account, and clients use Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST APIs. For more information bout Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, see Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.
Event name | Description |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated | Triggered when a blob is created or replaced. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the CreateFile and FlushWithClose operations that are available in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API. |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted | Triggered when a blob is deleted. Specifically, This event is also triggered when clients call the DeleteFile operation that is available in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API. |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed | Triggered when a blob is renamed. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the RenameFile operation that is available in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API. |
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated | Triggered when a directory is created. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the CreateDirectory operation that is available in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API. |
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed | Triggered when a directory is renamed. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the RenameDirectory operation that is available in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API. |
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted | Triggered when a directory is deleted. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the DeleteDirectory operation that is available in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API. |
For Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, if you want to ensure that the Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated event is triggered only when a Block Blob is completely committed, filter the event for the FlushWithClose
REST API call. This API call triggers the Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated event only after data is fully committed to a Block Blob. To learn how to create a filter, see Filter events for Event Grid.
If the blob storage account has a hierarchical namespace, the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
- The
key is set to the stringCreateFile
. - The
key is included in the data set.
If applications use the PutBlockList
operation to upload a new blob to the account, the data won't contain these changes.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/my-file-system/blobs/new-file.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated",
"time": "2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "CreateFile",
"clientRequestId": "6d79dbfb-0e37-4fc4-981f-442c9ca65760",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"eTag": "\"0x8D4BCC2E4835CD0\"",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"contentLength": 0,
"contentOffset": 0,
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
If the blob storage account has a hierarchical namespace, the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
- The
key is set to the stringDeleteFile
. - The
key contains the
If applications use the DeleteBlob
operation to delete a blob from the account, the data won't contain these changes.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/my-file-system/blobs/file-to-delete.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted",
"time": "2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "DeleteFile",
"clientRequestId": "6d79dbfb-0e37-4fc4-981f-442c9ca65760",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/my-file-system/blobs/my-renamed-file.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed",
"time": "2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "RenameFile",
"clientRequestId": "6d79dbfb-0e37-4fc4-981f-442c9ca65760",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"destinationUrl": "",
"sourceUrl": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/my-file-system/blobs/my-new-directory",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated",
"time": "2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "CreateDirectory",
"clientRequestId": "6d79dbfb-0e37-4fc4-981f-442c9ca65760",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/my-file-system/blobs/my-renamed-directory",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed",
"time": "2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "RenameDirectory",
"clientRequestId": "6d79dbfb-0e37-4fc4-981f-442c9ca65760",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"destinationUrl": "",
"sourceUrl": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/my-file-system/blobs/directory-to-delete",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted",
"time": "2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "DeleteDirectory",
"clientRequestId": "6d79dbfb-0e37-4fc4-981f-442c9ca65760",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"url": "",
"recursive": "true",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
These events are triggered if you enable a hierarchical namespace on the storage account, and clients use SFTP APIs. For more information about SFTP support for Azure Blob Storage, see SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) in Azure Blob Storage.
Event name | Description |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated | Triggered when a blob is created or overwritten. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the put operation, which corresponds to the SftpCreate and SftpCommit APIs. An empty blob is created when the file is opened and the uploaded contents are committed when the file is closed. If the SFTP Resumable Uploads preview feature is enabled then some SftpWrite events will also be triggered during the upload. |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted | Triggered when a blob is deleted. Specifically, this event is also triggered when clients call the rm operation, which corresponds to the SftpRemove API. |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed | Triggered when a blob is renamed. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the rename operation on files, which corresponds to the SftpRename API. |
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated | Triggered when a directory is created. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the mkdir operation, which corresponds to the SftpMakeDir API. |
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed | Triggered when a directory is renamed. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the rename operation on a directory, which corresponds to the SftpRename API. |
Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted | Triggered when a directory is deleted. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the rmdir operation, which corresponds to the SftpRemoveDir API. |
When an event is triggered, the Event Grid service sends data about that event to subscribing endpoint. This section contains an example of what that data would look like for each blob storage event.
If the blob storage account uses SFTP to create or overwrite a blob, then the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
key is set to a value of3
key is set to the stringSftpCreate
, orSftpCommit
key isn't included.The
key is set toapplication/octet-stream
key is included in the data set.The
key is included in the data set. This corresponds to the local user used for SFTP authentication.
SFTP uploads will generate 2 events. One SftpCreate
for an initial empty blob created when opening the file and one SftpCommit
when the file contents are committed at the end of the upload. If the SFTP Resumable Uploads
preview feature is enabled then some SftpWrite
events will also be triggered during the upload.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/new-file.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated",
"time": "2022-04-25T19:13:00.1522383Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "SftpCommit",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"eTag": "\"0x8D4BCC2E4835CD0\"",
"contentType": "application/octet-stream",
"contentLength": 0,
"contentOffset": 0,
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
If the blob storage account uses SFTP to delete a blob, then the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
key is set to a value of2
key is set to the stringSftpRemove
key isn't included.The
key is set toapplication/octet-stream
key is included in the data set. This corresponds to the local user used for SFTP authentication.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/new-file.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted",
"time": "2022-04-25T19:13:00.1522383Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "SftpRemove",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"blobType": "BlockBlob",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
If the blob storage account uses SFTP to rename a blob, then the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
key is set to the stringSftpRename
key isn't included.The
key is included in the data set. This corresponds to the local user used for SFTP authentication.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/my-renamed-file.txt",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed",
"time": "2022-04-25T19:13:00.1522383Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "SftpRename",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"destinationUrl": "",
"sourceUrl": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
If the blob storage account uses SFTP to create a directory, then the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
key is set to a value of2
key is set to the stringSftpMakeDir
key isn't included.The
key is included in the data set. This corresponds to the local user used for SFTP authentication.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/my-new-directory",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated",
"time": "2022-04-25T19:13:00.1522383Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "SftpMakeDir",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"url": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
If the blob storage account uses SFTP to rename a directory, then the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
key is set to the stringSftpRename
key isn't included.The
key is included in the data set. This corresponds to the local user used for SFTP authentication.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/my-renamed-directory",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed",
"time": "2022-04-25T19:13:00.1522383Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "SftpRename",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"destinationUrl": "",
"sourceUrl": "",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
If the blob storage account uses SFTP to delete a directory, then the data looks similar to the previous example with an exception of these changes:
key is set to the stringSftpRemoveDir
key isn't included.The
key is included in the data set. This corresponds to the local user used for SFTP authentication.
"source": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/Storage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/my-storage-account",
"subject": "/blobServices/default/containers/testcontainer/blobs/directory-to-delete",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted",
"time": "2022-04-25T19:13:00.1522383Z",
"id": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e069631",
"data": {
"api": "SftpRemoveDir",
"requestId": "831e1650-001e-001b-66ab-eeb76e000000",
"url": "",
"recursive": "false",
"sequencer": "00000000000004420000000000028963",
"storageDiagnostics": {
"batchId": "b68529f3-68cd-4744-baa4-3c0498ec19f0"
"specversion": "1.0"
These events are triggered when the actions defined by a policy are performed.
Event name | Description |
Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted | Triggered when the inventory run completes for a rule that is defined an inventory policy. This event also occurs if the inventory run fails with a user error before it starts to run. For example, an invalid policy, or an error that occurs when a destination container isn't present will trigger the event. |
Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted | Triggered when the actions defined by a lifecycle management policy are performed. |
When an event is triggered, the Event Grid service sends data about that event to subscribing endpoint. This section contains an example of what that data would look like for each blob storage event.
"source": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/BlobInventory/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/BlobInventoryTopic",
"subject": "BlobDataManagement/BlobInventory",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted",
"time": "2021-05-28T15:03:18Z",
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"scheduleDateTime": "2021-05-28T03:50:27Z",
"accountName": "testaccount",
"ruleName": "Rule_1",
"policyRunStatus": "Succeeded",
"policyRunStatusMessage": "Inventory run succeeded, refer manifest file for inventory details.",
"policyRunId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"manifestBlobUrl": ""
"specversion": "1.0"
"source": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/contosoresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/contosostorageaccount",
"subject": "BlobDataManagement/LifeCycleManagement/SummaryReport",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted",
"time": "2022-05-26T00:00:40.1880331",
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"scheduleTime": "2022/05/24 22:57:29.3260160",
"deleteSummary": {
"totalObjectsCount": 16,
"successCount": 14,
"errorList": ""
"tierToCoolSummary": {
"totalObjectsCount": 0,
"successCount": 0,
"errorList": ""
"tierToColdSummary": {
"totalObjectsCount": 0,
"successCount": 0,
"errorList": ""
"tierToArchiveSummary": {
"totalObjectsCount": 0,
"successCount": 0,
"errorList": ""
"specversion": "1.0"
An event has the following top-level data:
Property | Type | Description |
source |
string | Full resource path to the event source. This field isn't writeable. Event Grid provides this value. |
subject |
string | Publisher-defined path to the event subject. |
type |
string | One of the registered event types for this event source. |
time |
string | The time the event is generated based on the provider's UTC time. |
id |
string | Unique identifier for the event. |
data |
object | Blob storage event data. |
specversion |
string | CloudEvents schema specification version. |
The data object has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
api |
string | The operation that triggered the event. |
clientRequestId |
string | a client-provided request ID for the storage API operation. This ID can be used to correlate to Azure Storage diagnostic logs using the "client-request-id" field in the logs, and can be provided in client requests using the "x-ms-client-request-id" header. See Log Format. |
requestId |
string | Service-generated request ID for the storage API operation. Can be used to correlate to Azure Storage diagnostic logs using the "request-id-header" field in the logs and is returned from initiating API call in the 'x-ms-request-id' header. See Log Format. |
eTag |
string | The value that you can use to run operations conditionally. |
contentType |
string | The content type specified for the blob. |
contentLength |
integer | The size of the blob in bytes. |
blobType |
string | The type of blob. Valid values are either "BlockBlob" or "PageBlob". |
accessTier |
string | The target tier of the blob. Appears only for the event BlobTierChanged. |
previousTier |
string | The source tier of the blob. Appears only for the event BlobTierChanged. If the blob is inferring the tier from the storage account, this field will not appear. |
contentOffset |
number | The offset in bytes of a write operation taken at the point where the event-triggering application completed writing to the file. Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace. |
destinationUrl |
string | The url of the file that will exist after the operation completes. For example, if a file is renamed, the destinationUrl property contains the url of the new file name. Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace. |
sourceUrl |
string | The url of the file that exists before the operation is done. For example, if a file is renamed, the sourceUrl contains the url of the original file name before the rename operation. Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace. |
url |
string | The path to the blob. If the client uses a Blob REST API, then the url has this structure: <storage-account-name>\<container-name>\<file-name> . If the client uses a Data Lake Storage REST API, then the url has this structure: <storage-account-name><file-system-name>/<file-name> . |
recursive |
string | True to run the operation on all child directories; otherwise False . Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace. |
sequencer |
string | An opaque string value representing the logical sequence of events for any particular blob name. Users can use standard string comparison to understand the relative sequence of two events on the same blob name. |
identity |
string | A string value representing the identity associated with the event. For SFTP, this is the local user name. |
storageDiagnostics |
object | Diagnostic data occasionally included by the Azure Storage service. When present, should be ignored by event consumers. |
Title | Description |
Quickstart: route Blob storage events to a custom web endpoint with Azure CLI | Shows how to use Azure CLI to send blob storage events to a WebHook. |
Quickstart: route Blob storage events to a custom web endpoint with PowerShell | Shows how to use Azure PowerShell to send blob storage events to a WebHook. |
Quickstart: create and route Blob storage events with the Azure portal | Shows how to use the portal to send blob storage events to a WebHook. |
Azure CLI: subscribe to events for a Blob storage account | Sample script that subscribes to event for a Blob storage account. It sends the event to a WebHook. |
PowerShell: subscribe to events for a Blob storage account | Sample script that subscribes to event for a Blob storage account. It sends the event to a WebHook. |
Resource Manager template: Create Blob storage and subscription | Deploys an Azure Blob storage account and subscribes to events for that storage account. It sends events to a WebHook. |
Overview: reacting to Blob storage events | Overview of integrating Blob storage with Event Grid. |
- For an introduction to Azure Event Grid, see What is Event Grid?
- For more information about creating an Azure Event Grid subscription, see Event Grid subscription schema.
- For an introduction to working with blob storage events, see Route Blob storage events - Azure CLI.