You will also need to make sure that the Microsoft.EventGrid resource provider has been successfully registered with your Azure subscription to deploy the events feature. For more information, see Azure resource providers and types - Register resource provider.
For the purposes of this quickstart, we'll be using a basic events set up and an event hub as the endpoint for events messages. To learn how to deploy Azure Event Hubs, see Quickstart: Create an event hub using Azure portal.
Deploy events
Browse to the workspace that contains the FHIR or DICOM service you want to send events messages from, and select the Events button on the left hand side of the portal.
Select + Event Subscription to begin the creation of an event subscription.
In the Create Event Subscription box, enter the following subscription information.
Name: Provide a name for your events subscription.
System Topic Name: Provide a name for your system topic.
The first time you set up the events feature, you will be required to enter a new System Topic Name. Once the system topic for the workspace is created, the System Topic Name will be used for any additional events subscriptions that you create within the workspace.
Event types: The type of FHIR or DICOM events to send messages for (for example: create, updated, and deleted).
Endpoint Details: The endpoint to send events messages to (for example: an Azure Event Hubs namespace + an event hub).
For the purposes of this quickstart, we'll use the default values for the Event Schema and the Managed Identity Type settings.
After the form is completed, select Create to begin the subscription creation.
Event messages aren't sent until the Event Grid System Topic deployment has successfully completed. Upon successful creation of the Event Grid System Topic, the status of the workspace changes from Updating to Succeeded.
After the subscription is deployed, it will require access to your message delivery endpoint.
FHIR® is a registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.
DICOM® is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its Standards publications relating to digital communications of medical information.
Learn to use Azure Event Hubs to reliably process high-volume data streams to enable you to code applications to send and receive messages through the hub.
Build end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure to create Azure Functions, implement and manage web apps, develop solutions utilizing Azure storage, and more.
Get answers to common questions about the events capability in the FHIR and DICOM services in Azure Health Data Services. Find out how events work, what types of events are supported, and how to subscribe to events by using Azure Event Grid.
Learn how to use events in Azure Health Data Services to subscribe to and receive notifications of changes to health data in the FHIR and DICOM services, and trigger other actions or services based on health data changes.
Learn how to access the FHIR, DICOM, and MedTech services in Azure Health Data Services by using cURL, REST Client, and programming languages like Python and C# for efficient data management.