Generate Responsible AI vision insights with YAML and Python (preview)

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current) Python SDK azure-ai-ml v2 (current)

The Responsible AI (RAI) dashboard brings together several RAI tools in a single interface to help inform data-driven decisions about your models. Understanding computer vision models can be different from assessing tabular or text data. RAI dashboard model debugging and visualizations now support image data.

The Responsible AI text dashboard provides several mature RAI tools in the areas of model performance, data exploration, and model interpretability. The dashboard supports holistic assessment and debugging of computer vision models, leading to informed mitigations for fairness issues and transparency across stakeholders to build trust.

This article describes the Responsible AI vision insights component and how to use it in a pipeline job to generate a Responsible AI image dashboard. The following sections provide specifications and requirements for the vision insights component and example code snippets in YAML and Python. To view the full code, see the sample YAML and Python notebooks for Responsible AI.


The Responsible AI vision insights component is currently in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement, and isn't recommended for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

Responsible AI vision insights component

The core component for constructing the Responsible AI image dashboard in Azure Machine Learning is the RAI vision insights component, which differs from how to construct the Responsible AI dashboard for tabular data.

Requirements and limitations

  • All models must be registered in Azure Machine Learning.
  • MLflow models with PyTorch flavor and HuggingFace models are supported.
  • The dataset inputs must be in mltable format.
  • The test dataset is restricted to 5,000 rows of the visualization UI, for performance reasons.
  • Complex objects, such as lists of column names, must be supplied as single JSON-encoded strings.
  • Hierarchical cohort naming or creating a new cohort from a subset of an existing cohort, and adding images to an existing cohort, aren't supported.
  • Guided_gradcam doesn't work with vision-transformer models.
  • SHapley Additive ExPlanations (SHAP) isn't supported for AutoML computer vision models.


The Responsible AI vision insights component supports the following scenarios through the task_type parameter:

Name Description Parameter name in RAI Vision Insights component
Image classification (binary and multiclass) Predict a single class for the given image. task_type="image_classification"
Image multilabel classification Predict multiple labels for the given image. task_type="multilabel_image_classification"
Object detection Locate and identify classes of multiple objects for a given image, and define objects with a bounding box. task_type="object_detection"

The RAI vision insights component also accepts the following optional parameters:

Parameter name Description Type
title Brief description of the dashboard. String
maximum_rows_for_test_dataset The maximum number of rows allowed in the test dataset. Defaults to 5,000. Integer
classes The full list of class labels in the training dataset. List of strings
precompute_explanation Enable generating an explanation for the model. Boolean
enable_error_analysis Enable generating an error analysis for the model. Boolean
use_model_dependency The Responsible AI environment doesn't include the model dependencies by default. When set to True, installs the model dependency packages. Boolean
use_conda Install the model dependency packages using conda if True, otherwise uses pip. Boolean


The Responsible AI vision insights component has three major input ports:

  • The machine learning model
  • The training dataset
  • The test dataset

To start, register your input model in Azure Machine Learning and reference the same model in the model_input port of the Responsible AI vision insights component.

To generate RAI image dashboard model-debugging insights like model performance, data explorer, and model interpretability, and populate visualizations, use the same training and test datasets as for training your model. The datasets should be in mltable format and don't have to be, but can be the same dataset.

The following example shows the dataset schema for the image classification task type:

DataFrame({ 'image_path_1' : 'label_1', 'image_path_2' : 'label_2' ... })

The following example shows the dataset schema for the object detection task type:

'image_path_1' : [
[object_1, topX1, topY1, bottomX1, bottomY1, (optional) confidence_score],
[object_2, topX2, topY2, bottomX2, bottomY2, (optional) confidence_score],
[object_3, topX3, topY3, bottomX3, bottomY3, (optional) confidence_score]
'image_path_2': [
[object_1, topX4, topY4, bottomX4, bottomY4, (optional) confidence_score],
[object_2, topX5, topY5, bottomX5, bottomY5, (optional) confidence_score]

The component assembles the generated insights into a single Responsible AI image dashboard. There are two output ports:

  • The insights_pipeline_job.outputs.dashboard port contains the completed RAIVisionInsights object.
  • The insights_pipeline_job.outputs.ux_json port contains the data required to display a minimal dashboard.

Pipeline job

To create the Responsible AI image dashboard, define the RAI components in a pipeline and submit the pipeline job.

You can specify the pipeline in a YAML file, as in the following example.

    type: command
    component: azureml://registries/AzureML-RAI-preview/components/rai_vision_insights/versions/2
      title: From YAML 
      task_type: image_classification
        type: mlflow_model
        path: azureml:<registered_model_name>:<registered model version>
      model_info: ${{parent.inputs.model_info}}
        type: mltable
        path: ${{parent.inputs.my_test_data}}
      target_column_name: ${{parent.inputs.target_column_name}}
      maximum_rows_for_test_dataset: 5000
      classes: '["cat", "dog"]'
      precompute_explanation: True
      enable_error_analysis: True

You can submit the pipeline by using the Azure CLI az ml job create command.

You can also use the Designer UI in Azure Machine Learning studio to create and submit a RAI-vision insights component pipeline.

After you specify and submit the pipeline and it executes, the dashboard should appear in the Machine Learning studio in the registered model view.

Integration with AutoML

Automated ML in Azure Machine Learning supports model training for computer vision tasks like image classification and object detection. AutoML models for computer vision are integrated with the RAI image dashboard for debugging AutoML vision models and explaining model predictions.

To generate Responsible AI insights for AutoML computer vision models, register your best AutoML model in the Azure Machine Learning workspace and run it through the Responsible AI vision insights pipeline. For more information, see Set up AutoML to train computer vision models.

For notebooks related to AutoML supported computer vision tasks, see RAI vision dashboard and scorecard notebooks and automl-standalone-jobs.

AutoML-specific RAI vision insights parameters

In addition to the parameters in the preceding section, AutoML models can use the following AutoML-specific RAI vision component parameters.


A few parameters are specific to the Explainable AI (XAI) algorithm chosen and are optional for other algorithms.

Parameter name Description Type Values
model_type Flavor of the model. Select pyfunc for AutoML models. Enum pyfunc,
dataset_type Whether the images in the dataset are read from publicly available URLs or are stored in the user's datastore.
For AutoML models, images are always read from the user's workspace datastore, so the dataset type for AutoML models is private. For private dataset type, you download the images on the compute before generating the explanations.
Enum public,
xai_algorithm Type of XAI algorithm supported for AutoML models
Note: SHAP isn't supported for AutoML models.
Enum guided_backprop,
xrai_fast Whether to use the faster version of xrai. If True, computation time for explanations is faster but leads to less accurate explanations or attributions. Boolean
approximation_method This parameter is specific to integrated gradients.
Method for approximating the integral.
Enum riemann_middle,
n_steps This parameter is specific to integrated gradients and xrai.
The number of steps used by the approximation method. Larger number of steps lead to better approximations of attributions or explanations. The range of n_steps is [2, inf], but the performance of attributions starts to converge after 50 steps.
confidence_score_threshold_multilabel This parameter is specific to multilabel classification. The confidence score threshold above which labels are selected for generating explanations. Float

Generate model explanations for AutoML models

Once the AutoML pipeline completes and the Responsible AI vision dashboard is generated, you need to connect the dashboard to a running compute instance to generate explanations. Once the compute instance is connected, you can select the input image, and explanations using the selected XAI algorithm appear in the sidebar to the right.


For image classification models, methods like xrai and integrated gradients usually provide better visual explanations than guided_backprop and guided_gradCAM, but are much more compute intensive.