Retrieve a specific offer


The Cloud Partner Portal APIs are integrated with and will continue working in Partner Center. The transition introduces small changes. Review the changes listed in Cloud Partner Portal API Reference to ensure your code continues working after transitioning to Partner Center. CPP APIs should only be used for existing products that were already integrated before transition to Partner Center; new products should use Partner Center submission APIs.

Retrieves the specified offer within the publisher namespace.

You can also retrieve a particular version of the offer, or retrieve the offer in draft, view, or production slots. If a slot isn't specified, the default is draft. Attempting to retrieve an offer that hasn't been previewed or published will result in a 404 Not Found error.


The secret values for secret type fields will not be retrieved by this API.


URI parameters

Name Description Data type
publisherId publisherId. For example, Contoso String
offerId Guid that uniquely identifies the offer. String
version Version of the offer being retrieved. By default, the latest offer version is retrieved. Integer
slotId The slot from which the offer is to be retrieved, can be one of:
- Draft (default) retrieves the offer version currently in draft.
- Preview retrieves the offer version currently in preview.
- Production retrieves the offer version currently in production.
api-version Latest version of API Date
Name Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Body example


    "offerTypeId": "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines",
    "publisherId": "contoso",
    "status": "failed",
    "id": "059afc24-07de-4126-b004-4e42a51816fe",
    "version": 5,
    "definition": {
        "displayText": "Contoso Virtual Machine Offer",
        "offer": {
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace-testdrive.enabled": false,
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace-testdrive.videos": [],
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.title": "Contoso App",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.summary": "Contoso App makes dev ops a breeze",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.longSummary": "Contoso App makes dev ops a breeze",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.description": "Contoso App makes dev ops a breeze",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.offerMarketingUrlIdentifier": "contosoapp",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.allowedSubscriptions": [
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.usefulLinks": [
                "linkTitle": "Contoso App for Azure",
                "linkUrl": ""
                "microsoft-azure-marketplace.categoryMap": [
                "categoryL1": "analytics",
                "categoryL2-analytics": [
                "categoryL1": "ai-plus-machine-learning",
                "categoryL2-ai-plus-machine-learning": [
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.smallLogo": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.mediumLogo": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.largeLogo": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.wideLogo": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.screenshots": [],
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.videos": [],
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.leadDestination": "None",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.tableLeadConfiguration": {},
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.blobLeadConfiguration": {},
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.salesForceLeadConfiguration": {},
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.crmLeadConfiguration": {},
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.httpsEndpointLeadConfiguration": {},
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.marketoLeadConfiguration": {},
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.privacyURL": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.termsOfUse": "Terms of use",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.engineeringContactName": "Jon Doe",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.engineeringContactEmail": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.engineeringContactPhone": "555-555-5555",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.supportContactName": "Jon Doe",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.supportContactEmail": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.supportContactPhone": "555-555-5555",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.publicAzureSupportUrl": "",
            "microsoft-azure-marketplace.fairfaxSupportUrl": ""
            "plans": [
                "planId": "contososkuidentifier",
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.skuTitle": "Contoso App",
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.skuSummary": "Contoso App makes dev ops a breeze.",
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.skuDescription": "This is a description for the Contoso App that makes dev ops a breeze.",
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.hideSKUForSolutionTemplate": false,
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.cloudAvailability": [
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.certificationsFairfax": [],
                "virtualMachinePricing": {
                    "isByol": true,
                    "freeTrialDurationInMonths": 0
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.operatingSystemFamily": "Windows",
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.windowsOSType": "Other",
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.operationSystem": "Contoso App",
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.recommendedVMSizes": [
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.openPorts": [],
                "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines.vmImages": {
                    "1.0.1": {
                    "osVhdUrl": "",
                    "lunVhdDetails": []
                "regions": [
        "changedTime": "2017-06-07T06:15:39.7349221Z"

Response body properties

Name Description
offerTypeId Identifies the type of offer
publisherId Unique Identifier of the publisher
status Status of the offer. For the list of possible values, see Offer status.
Id GUID that uniquely identifies the offer
version Current version of the offer. The version property can't be modified by the client. It's incremented after each publishing.
definition Actual definition of the workload
changedTime UTC datetime when the offer was last modified

Response status codes

Code Description
200 OK - The request was successfully processed and all the offers under the publisher were returned to the client.
400 Bad/Malformed request - The error response body might contain more information.
403 Forbidden - The client doesn't have access to the specified namespace.
404 Not found - The specified entity doesn't exist. Client should check the publisherId, offerId, and version (if specified).

Offer status

Name Description
NeverPublished Offer has never been published.
NotStarted Offer is new but isn't started.
WaitingForPublisherReview Offer is waiting for publisher approval.
Running Offer submission is being processed.
Succeeded Offer submission processing is completed.
Canceled Offer submission was canceled.
Failed Offer submission failed.