Microsoft.Compute galleries 2022-01-03

Bicep resource definition

The galleries resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Compute/galleries resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Compute/galleries@2022-01-03' = {
  name: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  tags: {
    tagName1: 'tagValue1'
    tagName2: 'tagValue2'
  properties: {
    description: 'string'
    identifier: {}
    sharingProfile: {
      communityGalleryInfo: {
        eula: 'string'
        publicNamePrefix: 'string'
        publisherContact: 'string'
        publisherUri: 'string'
      permissions: 'string'
    softDeletePolicy: {
      isSoftDeleteEnabled: bool

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-80

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and periods.

Start and end with alphanumeric.
location Resource location string (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties Describes the properties of a Shared Image Gallery. GalleryProperties


Name Description Value
description The description of this Shared Image Gallery resource. This property is updatable. string
identifier Describes the gallery unique name. GalleryIdentifier
sharingProfile Profile for gallery sharing to subscription or tenant SharingProfile
softDeletePolicy Contains information about the soft deletion policy of the gallery. SoftDeletePolicy


This object doesn't contain any properties to set during deployment. All properties are ReadOnly.


Name Description Value
communityGalleryInfo Information of community gallery if current gallery is shared to community. CommunityGalleryInfo
permissions This property allows you to specify the permission of sharing gallery.

Possible values are:





Name Description Value
eula End-user license agreement for community gallery image. string
publicNamePrefix The prefix of the gallery name that will be displayed publicly. Visible to all users. string
publisherContact Community gallery publisher support email. The email address of the publisher. Visible to all users. string
publisherUri The link to the publisher website. Visible to all users. string


Name Description Value
isSoftDeleteEnabled Enables soft-deletion for resources in this gallery, allowing them to be recovered within retention time. bool

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Azure Image Builder with Azure Windows Baseline

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Image Builder environment and builds a Windows Server image with the latest Windows Updates and Azure Windows Baseline applied.
Create an Azure Compute Gallery

Deploy to Azure
This module creates an Azure Compute Gallery resource with apiVersion 2019-12-01.
Create a Azure Compute Gallery

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Azure Compute Gallery.
Configure Dev Box service

Deploy to Azure
This template would create all Dev Box admin resources as per Dev Box quick start guide. You can view all resources created, or directly go to to create your first Dev Box.

ARM template resource definition

The galleries resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Compute/galleries resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries",
  "apiVersion": "2022-01-03",
  "name": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "tags": {
    "tagName1": "tagValue1",
    "tagName2": "tagValue2"
  "properties": {
    "description": "string",
    "identifier": {},
    "sharingProfile": {
      "communityGalleryInfo": {
        "eula": "string",
        "publicNamePrefix": "string",
        "publisherContact": "string",
        "publisherUri": "string"
      "permissions": "string"
    "softDeletePolicy": {
      "isSoftDeleteEnabled": "bool"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Compute/galleries'
apiVersion The resource api version '2022-01-03'
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-80

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and periods.

Start and end with alphanumeric.
location Resource location string (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
properties Describes the properties of a Shared Image Gallery. GalleryProperties


Name Description Value
description The description of this Shared Image Gallery resource. This property is updatable. string
identifier Describes the gallery unique name. GalleryIdentifier
sharingProfile Profile for gallery sharing to subscription or tenant SharingProfile
softDeletePolicy Contains information about the soft deletion policy of the gallery. SoftDeletePolicy


This object doesn't contain any properties to set during deployment. All properties are ReadOnly.


Name Description Value
communityGalleryInfo Information of community gallery if current gallery is shared to community. CommunityGalleryInfo
permissions This property allows you to specify the permission of sharing gallery.

Possible values are:





Name Description Value
eula End-user license agreement for community gallery image. string
publicNamePrefix The prefix of the gallery name that will be displayed publicly. Visible to all users. string
publisherContact Community gallery publisher support email. The email address of the publisher. Visible to all users. string
publisherUri The link to the publisher website. Visible to all users. string


Name Description Value
isSoftDeleteEnabled Enables soft-deletion for resources in this gallery, allowing them to be recovered within retention time. bool

Quickstart templates

The following quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Azure Image Builder with Azure Windows Baseline

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure Image Builder environment and builds a Windows Server image with the latest Windows Updates and Azure Windows Baseline applied.
Create an Azure Compute Gallery

Deploy to Azure
This module creates an Azure Compute Gallery resource with apiVersion 2019-12-01.
Create a Azure Compute Gallery

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Azure Compute Gallery.
Configure Dev Box service

Deploy to Azure
This template would create all Dev Box admin resources as per Dev Box quick start guide. You can view all resources created, or directly go to to create your first Dev Box.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The galleries resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Compute/galleries resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Compute/galleries@2022-01-03"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  tags = {
    tagName1 = "tagValue1"
    tagName2 = "tagValue2"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      description = "string"
      identifier = {}
      sharingProfile = {
        communityGalleryInfo = {
          eula = "string"
          publicNamePrefix = "string"
          publisherContact = "string"
          publisherUri = "string"
        permissions = "string"
      softDeletePolicy = {
        isSoftDeleteEnabled = bool

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.Compute/galleries@2022-01-03"
name The resource name string (required)

Character limit: 1-80

Valid characters:
Alphanumerics and periods.

Start and end with alphanumeric.
location Resource location string (required)
parent_id To deploy to a resource group, use the ID of that resource group. string (required)
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
properties Describes the properties of a Shared Image Gallery. GalleryProperties


Name Description Value
description The description of this Shared Image Gallery resource. This property is updatable. string
identifier Describes the gallery unique name. GalleryIdentifier
sharingProfile Profile for gallery sharing to subscription or tenant SharingProfile
softDeletePolicy Contains information about the soft deletion policy of the gallery. SoftDeletePolicy


This object doesn't contain any properties to set during deployment. All properties are ReadOnly.


Name Description Value
communityGalleryInfo Information of community gallery if current gallery is shared to community. CommunityGalleryInfo
permissions This property allows you to specify the permission of sharing gallery.

Possible values are:





Name Description Value
eula End-user license agreement for community gallery image. string
publicNamePrefix The prefix of the gallery name that will be displayed publicly. Visible to all users. string
publisherContact Community gallery publisher support email. The email address of the publisher. Visible to all users. string
publisherUri The link to the publisher website. Visible to all users. string


Name Description Value
isSoftDeleteEnabled Enables soft-deletion for resources in this gallery, allowing them to be recovered within retention time. bool