Microsoft.Insights metricAlerts 2018-03-01
For guidance on deploying monitoring solutions, see Create monitoring resources by using Bicep.
The metricAlerts resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts@2018-03-01' = {
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
actions: [
actionGroupId: 'string'
webHookProperties: {
{customized property}: 'string'
autoMitigate: bool
criteria: {
odata.type: 'string'
// For remaining properties, see MetricAlertCriteria objects
description: 'string'
enabled: bool
evaluationFrequency: 'string'
scopes: [
severity: int
targetResourceRegion: 'string'
targetResourceType: 'string'
windowSize: 'string'
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
Set the odata.type property to specify the type of object.
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria, use:
allOf: [
dimensions: [
name: 'string'
operator: 'string'
values: [
metricName: 'string'
metricNamespace: 'string'
name: 'string'
skipMetricValidation: bool
timeAggregation: 'string'
criterionType: 'string'
// For remaining properties, see MultiMetricCriteria objects
odata.type: 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria'
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria, use:
allOf: [
criterionType: 'string'
dimensions: [
name: 'string'
operator: 'string'
values: [
metricName: 'string'
metricNamespace: 'string'
name: 'string'
operator: 'string'
skipMetricValidation: bool
threshold: int
timeAggregation: 'string'
odata.type: 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria'
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria, use:
componentId: 'string'
failedLocationCount: int
odata.type: 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria'
webTestId: 'string'
Set the criterionType property to specify the type of object.
For DynamicThresholdCriterion, use:
alertSensitivity: 'string'
criterionType: 'DynamicThresholdCriterion'
failingPeriods: {
minFailingPeriodsToAlert: int
numberOfEvaluationPeriods: int
ignoreDataBefore: 'string'
operator: 'string'
For StaticThresholdCriterion, use:
criterionType: 'StaticThresholdCriterion'
operator: 'string'
threshold: int
Name | Description | Value |
alertSensitivity | The extent of deviation required to trigger an alert. This will affect how tight the threshold is to the metric series pattern. | 'High' 'Low' 'Medium' (required) |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' (required) |
failingPeriods | The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert. | DynamicThresholdFailingPeriods (required) |
ignoreDataBefore | Use this option to set the date from which to start learning the metric historical data and calculate the dynamic thresholds (in ISO8601 format) | string |
operator | The operator used to compare the metric value against the threshold. | 'GreaterOrLessThan' 'GreaterThan' 'LessThan' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
minFailingPeriodsToAlert | The number of violations to trigger an alert. Should be smaller or equal to numberOfEvaluationPeriods. | int (required) |
numberOfEvaluationPeriods | The number of aggregated lookback points. The lookback time window is calculated based on the aggregation granularity (windowSize) and the selected number of aggregated points. | int (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
actionGroupId | the id of the action group to use. | string |
webHookProperties | This field allows specifying custom properties, which would be appended to the alert payload sent as input to the webhook. | MetricAlertActionWebHookProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
odata.type | Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' for type MetricAlertMultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria. Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' for type MetricAlertSingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria. Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' for type WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
allOf | the list of multiple metric criteria for this 'all of' operation. | MultiMetricCriteria[] |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
actions | the array of actions that are performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. | MetricAlertAction[] |
autoMitigate | the flag that indicates whether the alert should be auto resolved or not. The default is true. | bool |
criteria | defines the specific alert criteria information. | MetricAlertCriteria (required) |
description | the description of the metric alert that will be included in the alert email. | string |
enabled | the flag that indicates whether the metric alert is enabled. | bool (required) |
evaluationFrequency | how often the metric alert is evaluated represented in ISO 8601 duration format. | string (required) |
scopes | the list of resource id's that this metric alert is scoped to. | string[] (required) |
severity | Alert severity {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} | int (required) |
targetResourceRegion | the region of the target resource(s) on which the alert is created/updated. Mandatory if the scope contains a subscription, resource group, or more than one resource. | string |
targetResourceType | the resource type of the target resource(s) on which the alert is created/updated. Mandatory if the scope contains a subscription, resource group, or more than one resource. | string |
windowSize | the period of time (in ISO 8601 duration format) that is used to monitor alert activity based on the threshold. | string (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
allOf | The list of metric criteria for this 'all of' operation. | MetricCriteria[] |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
dimensions | List of dimension conditions. | MetricDimension[] |
metricName | Name of the metric. | string (required) |
metricNamespace | Namespace of the metric. | string |
name | Name of the criteria. | string (required) |
operator | the criteria operator. | 'Equals' 'GreaterThan' 'GreaterThanOrEqual' 'LessThan' 'LessThanOrEqual' (required) |
skipMetricValidation | Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped. | bool |
threshold | the criteria threshold value that activates the alert. | int (required) |
timeAggregation | the criteria time aggregation types. | 'Average' 'Count' 'Maximum' 'Minimum' 'Total' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
operator | the criteria operator. | 'Equals' 'GreaterThan' 'GreaterThanOrEqual' 'LessThan' 'LessThanOrEqual' (required) |
threshold | the criteria threshold value that activates the alert. | int (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Name of the dimension. | string (required) |
operator | the dimension operator. Only 'Include' and 'Exclude' are supported | string (required) |
values | list of dimension values. | string[] (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
location | Resource location | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | The alert rule properties of the resource. | MetricAlertProperties (required) |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Set to 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' for type DynamicMetricCriteria. Set to 'StaticThresholdCriterion' for type MetricCriteria. | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
dimensions | List of dimension conditions. | MetricDimension[] |
metricName | Name of the metric. | string (required) |
metricNamespace | Namespace of the metric. | string |
name | Name of the criteria. | string (required) |
skipMetricValidation | Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped. | bool |
timeAggregation | the criteria time aggregation types. | 'Average' 'Count' 'Maximum' 'Minimum' 'Total' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
componentId | The Application Insights resource Id. | string (required) |
failedLocationCount | The number of failed locations. | int (required) |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' (required) |
webTestId | The Application Insights web test Id. | string (required) |
The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.
Module | Description |
Metric Alert | AVM Resource Module for Metric Alert |
The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.
Bicep File | Description |
Deploy Application Insight and create alert in it | This template allows you to deploy Application Insight and create alert in it |
The metricAlerts resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts",
"apiVersion": "2018-03-01",
"name": "string",
"location": "string",
"properties": {
"actions": [
"actionGroupId": "string",
"webHookProperties": {
"{customized property}": "string"
"autoMitigate": "bool",
"criteria": {
"odata.type": "string"
// For remaining properties, see MetricAlertCriteria objects
"description": "string",
"enabled": "bool",
"evaluationFrequency": "string",
"scopes": [ "string" ],
"severity": "int",
"targetResourceRegion": "string",
"targetResourceType": "string",
"windowSize": "string"
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
Set the odata.type property to specify the type of object.
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria, use:
"allOf": [ {
"dimensions": [
"name": "string",
"operator": "string",
"values": [ "string" ]
"metricName": "string",
"metricNamespace": "string",
"name": "string",
"skipMetricValidation": "bool",
"timeAggregation": "string",
"criterionType": "string"
// For remaining properties, see MultiMetricCriteria objects
} ],
"odata.type": "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria"
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria, use:
"allOf": [
"criterionType": "string",
"dimensions": [
"name": "string",
"operator": "string",
"values": [ "string" ]
"metricName": "string",
"metricNamespace": "string",
"name": "string",
"operator": "string",
"skipMetricValidation": "bool",
"threshold": "int",
"timeAggregation": "string"
"odata.type": "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria"
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria, use:
"componentId": "string",
"failedLocationCount": "int",
"odata.type": "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria",
"webTestId": "string"
Set the criterionType property to specify the type of object.
For DynamicThresholdCriterion, use:
"alertSensitivity": "string",
"criterionType": "DynamicThresholdCriterion",
"failingPeriods": {
"minFailingPeriodsToAlert": "int",
"numberOfEvaluationPeriods": "int"
"ignoreDataBefore": "string",
"operator": "string"
For StaticThresholdCriterion, use:
"criterionType": "StaticThresholdCriterion",
"operator": "string",
"threshold": "int"
Name | Description | Value |
alertSensitivity | The extent of deviation required to trigger an alert. This will affect how tight the threshold is to the metric series pattern. | 'High' 'Low' 'Medium' (required) |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' (required) |
failingPeriods | The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert. | DynamicThresholdFailingPeriods (required) |
ignoreDataBefore | Use this option to set the date from which to start learning the metric historical data and calculate the dynamic thresholds (in ISO8601 format) | string |
operator | The operator used to compare the metric value against the threshold. | 'GreaterOrLessThan' 'GreaterThan' 'LessThan' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
minFailingPeriodsToAlert | The number of violations to trigger an alert. Should be smaller or equal to numberOfEvaluationPeriods. | int (required) |
numberOfEvaluationPeriods | The number of aggregated lookback points. The lookback time window is calculated based on the aggregation granularity (windowSize) and the selected number of aggregated points. | int (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
actionGroupId | the id of the action group to use. | string |
webHookProperties | This field allows specifying custom properties, which would be appended to the alert payload sent as input to the webhook. | MetricAlertActionWebHookProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
odata.type | Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' for type MetricAlertMultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria. Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' for type MetricAlertSingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria. Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' for type WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
allOf | the list of multiple metric criteria for this 'all of' operation. | MultiMetricCriteria[] |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
actions | the array of actions that are performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. | MetricAlertAction[] |
autoMitigate | the flag that indicates whether the alert should be auto resolved or not. The default is true. | bool |
criteria | defines the specific alert criteria information. | MetricAlertCriteria (required) |
description | the description of the metric alert that will be included in the alert email. | string |
enabled | the flag that indicates whether the metric alert is enabled. | bool (required) |
evaluationFrequency | how often the metric alert is evaluated represented in ISO 8601 duration format. | string (required) |
scopes | the list of resource id's that this metric alert is scoped to. | string[] (required) |
severity | Alert severity {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} | int (required) |
targetResourceRegion | the region of the target resource(s) on which the alert is created/updated. Mandatory if the scope contains a subscription, resource group, or more than one resource. | string |
targetResourceType | the resource type of the target resource(s) on which the alert is created/updated. Mandatory if the scope contains a subscription, resource group, or more than one resource. | string |
windowSize | the period of time (in ISO 8601 duration format) that is used to monitor alert activity based on the threshold. | string (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
allOf | The list of metric criteria for this 'all of' operation. | MetricCriteria[] |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
dimensions | List of dimension conditions. | MetricDimension[] |
metricName | Name of the metric. | string (required) |
metricNamespace | Namespace of the metric. | string |
name | Name of the criteria. | string (required) |
operator | the criteria operator. | 'Equals' 'GreaterThan' 'GreaterThanOrEqual' 'LessThan' 'LessThanOrEqual' (required) |
skipMetricValidation | Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped. | bool |
threshold | the criteria threshold value that activates the alert. | int (required) |
timeAggregation | the criteria time aggregation types. | 'Average' 'Count' 'Maximum' 'Minimum' 'Total' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
operator | the criteria operator. | 'Equals' 'GreaterThan' 'GreaterThanOrEqual' 'LessThan' 'LessThanOrEqual' (required) |
threshold | the criteria threshold value that activates the alert. | int (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Name of the dimension. | string (required) |
operator | the dimension operator. Only 'Include' and 'Exclude' are supported | string (required) |
values | list of dimension values. | string[] (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2018-03-01' |
location | Resource location | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | The alert rule properties of the resource. | MetricAlertProperties (required) |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts' |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Set to 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' for type DynamicMetricCriteria. Set to 'StaticThresholdCriterion' for type MetricCriteria. | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
dimensions | List of dimension conditions. | MetricDimension[] |
metricName | Name of the metric. | string (required) |
metricNamespace | Namespace of the metric. | string |
name | Name of the criteria. | string (required) |
skipMetricValidation | Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped. | bool |
timeAggregation | the criteria time aggregation types. | 'Average' 'Count' 'Maximum' 'Minimum' 'Total' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
componentId | The Application Insights resource Id. | string (required) |
failedLocationCount | The number of failed locations. | int (required) |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' (required) |
webTestId | The Application Insights web test Id. | string (required) |
The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.
Template | Description |
Alert for Backend Last Byte Response metric |
Use such templates to easily create some important event alerts for your Azure Application Gateway. |
Alert for Unhealthy Host Count metric |
Use such templates to easily create some important event alerts for your Azure Application Gateway. |
BrowserBox Azure Edition |
This template deploys BrowserBox on an Azure Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS, Debian 11, or RHEL 8.7 LVM VM. |
Create alerts for your Application Gateway |
Use these templates to easily create some important event alerts for your Azure Application Gateway. |
Deploy Application Insight and create alert in it |
This template allows you to deploy Application Insight and create alert in it |
Dynamic Web Test Creation |
Create any number of App Insights web (ping) tests. |
Enterprise Governance-AppService, SQL DB, AD, OMS, Runbooks |
Cloud adoption for an Enterprise, small or large, require responsible and efficient governance models to derive value from their cloud deployments. CloudWise (a code-name for the solution), is a composite solution available from Azure Partner QuickStarts, is an adoption enabler for Customers, System Integrators and Partners alike, that delivers a self-serviceable, automated governance and operations solution, focused on Optimizing Your Costs, Improve Your Application(s) Reliability, Reducing Business Risk. The solution highlights the core governance pillars of Visibility and Control. |
Metric alert rule for an availability test |
This template creates an Application Insights availability test along with a metric alert rule that monitors it. |
Metric alert rule with a dynamic threshold |
This template creates a metric alert rule that monitors the CPU Percentage metric of a virtual machine using a dynamic threshold condition type. |
Metric alert rule with a static threshold |
This template creates a metric alert rule that monitors the CPU Percentage metric of a virtual machine using a static threshold condition type. |
Scalable Umbraco CMS Web App |
This template provides a easy way to deploy umbraco CMS web app on Azure App Service Web Apps. |
The metricAlerts resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts@2018-03-01"
name = "string"
location = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
body = jsonencode({
properties = {
actions = [
actionGroupId = "string"
webHookProperties = {
{customized property} = "string"
autoMitigate = bool
criteria = {
odata.type = "string"
// For remaining properties, see MetricAlertCriteria objects
description = "string"
enabled = bool
evaluationFrequency = "string"
scopes = [
severity = int
targetResourceRegion = "string"
targetResourceType = "string"
windowSize = "string"
Set the odata.type property to specify the type of object.
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria, use:
allOf = [
dimensions = [
name = "string"
operator = "string"
values = [
metricName = "string"
metricNamespace = "string"
name = "string"
skipMetricValidation = bool
timeAggregation = "string"
criterionType = "string"
// For remaining properties, see MultiMetricCriteria objects
odata.type = "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria"
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria, use:
allOf = [
criterionType = "string"
dimensions = [
name = "string"
operator = "string"
values = [
metricName = "string"
metricNamespace = "string"
name = "string"
operator = "string"
skipMetricValidation = bool
threshold = int
timeAggregation = "string"
odata.type = "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria"
For Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria, use:
componentId = "string"
failedLocationCount = int
odata.type = "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria"
webTestId = "string"
Set the criterionType property to specify the type of object.
For DynamicThresholdCriterion, use:
alertSensitivity = "string"
criterionType = "DynamicThresholdCriterion"
failingPeriods = {
minFailingPeriodsToAlert = int
numberOfEvaluationPeriods = int
ignoreDataBefore = "string"
operator = "string"
For StaticThresholdCriterion, use:
criterionType = "StaticThresholdCriterion"
operator = "string"
threshold = int
Name | Description | Value |
alertSensitivity | The extent of deviation required to trigger an alert. This will affect how tight the threshold is to the metric series pattern. | 'High' 'Low' 'Medium' (required) |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' (required) |
failingPeriods | The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert. | DynamicThresholdFailingPeriods (required) |
ignoreDataBefore | Use this option to set the date from which to start learning the metric historical data and calculate the dynamic thresholds (in ISO8601 format) | string |
operator | The operator used to compare the metric value against the threshold. | 'GreaterOrLessThan' 'GreaterThan' 'LessThan' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
minFailingPeriodsToAlert | The number of violations to trigger an alert. Should be smaller or equal to numberOfEvaluationPeriods. | int (required) |
numberOfEvaluationPeriods | The number of aggregated lookback points. The lookback time window is calculated based on the aggregation granularity (windowSize) and the selected number of aggregated points. | int (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
actionGroupId | the id of the action group to use. | string |
webHookProperties | This field allows specifying custom properties, which would be appended to the alert payload sent as input to the webhook. | MetricAlertActionWebHookProperties |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
odata.type | Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' for type MetricAlertMultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria. Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' for type MetricAlertSingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria. Set to 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' for type WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
allOf | the list of multiple metric criteria for this 'all of' operation. | MultiMetricCriteria[] |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.MultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
actions | the array of actions that are performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. | MetricAlertAction[] |
autoMitigate | the flag that indicates whether the alert should be auto resolved or not. The default is true. | bool |
criteria | defines the specific alert criteria information. | MetricAlertCriteria (required) |
description | the description of the metric alert that will be included in the alert email. | string |
enabled | the flag that indicates whether the metric alert is enabled. | bool (required) |
evaluationFrequency | how often the metric alert is evaluated represented in ISO 8601 duration format. | string (required) |
scopes | the list of resource id's that this metric alert is scoped to. | string[] (required) |
severity | Alert severity {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} | int (required) |
targetResourceRegion | the region of the target resource(s) on which the alert is created/updated. Mandatory if the scope contains a subscription, resource group, or more than one resource. | string |
targetResourceType | the resource type of the target resource(s) on which the alert is created/updated. Mandatory if the scope contains a subscription, resource group, or more than one resource. | string |
windowSize | the period of time (in ISO 8601 duration format) that is used to monitor alert activity based on the threshold. | string (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
allOf | The list of metric criteria for this 'all of' operation. | MetricCriteria[] |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
dimensions | List of dimension conditions. | MetricDimension[] |
metricName | Name of the metric. | string (required) |
metricNamespace | Namespace of the metric. | string |
name | Name of the criteria. | string (required) |
operator | the criteria operator. | 'Equals' 'GreaterThan' 'GreaterThanOrEqual' 'LessThan' 'LessThanOrEqual' (required) |
skipMetricValidation | Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped. | bool |
threshold | the criteria threshold value that activates the alert. | int (required) |
timeAggregation | the criteria time aggregation types. | 'Average' 'Count' 'Maximum' 'Minimum' 'Total' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Specifies the type of threshold criteria | 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
operator | the criteria operator. | 'Equals' 'GreaterThan' 'GreaterThanOrEqual' 'LessThan' 'LessThanOrEqual' (required) |
threshold | the criteria threshold value that activates the alert. | int (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
name | Name of the dimension. | string (required) |
operator | the dimension operator. Only 'Include' and 'Exclude' are supported | string (required) |
values | list of dimension values. | string[] (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
location | Resource location | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | The alert rule properties of the resource. | MetricAlertProperties (required) |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.Insights/metricAlerts@2018-03-01" |
Name | Description | Value |
criterionType | Set to 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' for type DynamicMetricCriteria. Set to 'StaticThresholdCriterion' for type MetricCriteria. | 'DynamicThresholdCriterion' 'StaticThresholdCriterion' (required) |
dimensions | List of dimension conditions. | MetricDimension[] |
metricName | Name of the metric. | string (required) |
metricNamespace | Namespace of the metric. | string |
name | Name of the criteria. | string (required) |
skipMetricValidation | Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped. | bool |
timeAggregation | the criteria time aggregation types. | 'Average' 'Count' 'Maximum' 'Minimum' 'Total' (required) |
Name | Description | Value |
Name | Description | Value |
componentId | The Application Insights resource Id. | string (required) |
failedLocationCount | The number of failed locations. | int (required) |
odata.type | specifies the type of the alert criteria. | 'Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria' (required) |
webTestId | The Application Insights web test Id. | string (required) |
The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.
Module | Description |
Metric Alert | AVM Resource Module for Metric Alert |