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Microsoft.Network expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings 2019-02-01

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Bicep resource definition

The expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings@2019-02-01' = {
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    gatewayManagerEtag: 'string'
    ipv6PeeringConfig: {
      microsoftPeeringConfig: {
        advertisedCommunities: [
        advertisedPublicPrefixes: [
        advertisedPublicPrefixesState: 'string'
        customerASN: int
        legacyMode: int
        routingRegistryName: 'string'
      primaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
      routeFilter: {
        id: 'string'
        location: 'string'
        properties: {
          peerings: [
              id: 'string'
              name: 'string'
              properties: {
                azureASN: int
                connections: [
                    id: 'string'
                    name: 'string'
                    properties: {
                      addressPrefix: 'string'
                      authorizationKey: 'string'
                      expressRouteCircuitPeering: {
                        id: 'string'
                      peerExpressRouteCircuitPeering: {
                        id: 'string'
                expressRouteConnection: {}
                gatewayManagerEtag: 'string'
                ipv6PeeringConfig: ...
                lastModifiedBy: 'string'
                microsoftPeeringConfig: {
                  advertisedCommunities: [
                  advertisedPublicPrefixes: [
                  advertisedPublicPrefixesState: 'string'
                  customerASN: int
                  legacyMode: int
                  routingRegistryName: 'string'
                peerASN: int
                peeringType: 'string'
                primaryAzurePort: 'string'
                primaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
                provisioningState: 'string'
                routeFilter: ...
                secondaryAzurePort: 'string'
                secondaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
                sharedKey: 'string'
                state: 'string'
                stats: {
                  primarybytesIn: int
                  primarybytesOut: int
                  secondarybytesIn: int
                  secondarybytesOut: int
                vlanId: int
          rules: [
              id: 'string'
              location: 'string'
              name: 'string'
              properties: {
                access: 'string'
                communities: [
                routeFilterRuleType: 'string'
        tags: {
          {customized property}: 'string'
      secondaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
      state: 'string'
    lastModifiedBy: 'string'
    microsoftPeeringConfig: {
      advertisedCommunities: [
      advertisedPublicPrefixes: [
      advertisedPublicPrefixesState: 'string'
      customerASN: int
      legacyMode: int
      routingRegistryName: 'string'
    peerASN: int
    peeringType: 'string'
    primaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
    secondaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
    sharedKey: 'string'
    state: 'string'
    vlanId: int

Property Values


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the express route circuit connection. ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
addressPrefix /29 IP address space to carve out Customer addresses for tunnels. string
authorizationKey The authorization key. string
expressRouteCircuitPeering Reference to Express Route Circuit Private Peering Resource of the circuit initiating connection. SubResource
peerExpressRouteCircuitPeering Reference to Express Route Circuit Private Peering Resource of the peered circuit. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the express route circuit peering. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
advertisedCommunities The communities of bgp peering. Specified for microsoft peering string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixes The reference of AdvertisedPublicPrefixes. string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixesState AdvertisedPublicPrefixState of the Peering resource. Possible values are 'NotConfigured', 'Configuring', 'Configured', and 'ValidationNeeded'. 'Configured'
customerASN The CustomerASN of the peering. int
legacyMode The legacy mode of the peering. int
routingRegistryName The RoutingRegistryName of the configuration. string


Name Description Value
azureASN The Azure ASN. int
connections The list of circuit connections associated with Azure Private Peering for this circuit. ExpressRouteCircuitConnection[]
expressRouteConnection The ExpressRoute connection. ExpressRouteConnectionId
gatewayManagerEtag The GatewayManager Etag. string
ipv6PeeringConfig The IPv6 peering configuration. Ipv6ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering. string
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN The peer ASN. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 4294967295
peeringType The peering type. 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryAzurePort The primary port. string
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
provisioningState Gets the provisioning state of the public IP resource. Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed'. string
routeFilter The reference of the RouteFilter resource. RouteFilter
secondaryAzurePort The secondary port. string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
sharedKey The shared key. string
state The peering state. 'Disabled'
stats Gets peering stats. ExpressRouteCircuitStats
vlanId The VLAN ID. int


Name Description Value
primarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
primarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int
secondarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
secondarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
gatewayManagerEtag The GatewayManager Etag. string
ipv6PeeringConfig The IPv6 peering configuration. Ipv6ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering. string
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN The peer ASN. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 4294967295
peeringType The peering type. 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
sharedKey The shared key. string
state The peering state. 'Disabled'
vlanId The VLAN ID. int


Name Description Value
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
routeFilter The reference of the RouteFilter resource. RouteFilter
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
state The state of peering. Possible values are: 'Disabled' and 'Enabled' 'Disabled'


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: expressRouteCrossConnections
properties Properties of the express route cross connection peering. ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the route filter. RouteFilterPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
peerings A collection of references to express route circuit peerings. ExpressRouteCircuitPeering[]
rules Collection of RouteFilterRules contained within a route filter. RouteFilterRule[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the route filter rule. RouteFilterRulePropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
access The access type of the rule. 'Allow'
'Deny' (required)
communities The collection for bgp community values to filter on. e.g. ['12076:5010','12076:5020'] string[] (required)
routeFilterRuleType The rule type of the rule. Valid value is: 'Community' 'Community' (required)


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string

ARM template resource definition

The expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings",
  "apiVersion": "2019-02-01",
  "name": "string",
  "properties": {
    "gatewayManagerEtag": "string",
    "ipv6PeeringConfig": {
      "microsoftPeeringConfig": {
        "advertisedCommunities": [ "string" ],
        "advertisedPublicPrefixes": [ "string" ],
        "advertisedPublicPrefixesState": "string",
        "customerASN": "int",
        "legacyMode": "int",
        "routingRegistryName": "string"
      "primaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
      "routeFilter": {
        "id": "string",
        "location": "string",
        "properties": {
          "peerings": [
              "id": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "properties": {
                "azureASN": "int",
                "connections": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "properties": {
                      "addressPrefix": "string",
                      "authorizationKey": "string",
                      "expressRouteCircuitPeering": {
                        "id": "string"
                      "peerExpressRouteCircuitPeering": {
                        "id": "string"
                "expressRouteConnection": {
                "gatewayManagerEtag": "string",
                "ipv6PeeringConfig": ...,
                "lastModifiedBy": "string",
                "microsoftPeeringConfig": {
                  "advertisedCommunities": [ "string" ],
                  "advertisedPublicPrefixes": [ "string" ],
                  "advertisedPublicPrefixesState": "string",
                  "customerASN": "int",
                  "legacyMode": "int",
                  "routingRegistryName": "string"
                "peerASN": "int",
                "peeringType": "string",
                "primaryAzurePort": "string",
                "primaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
                "provisioningState": "string",
                "routeFilter": ...,
                "secondaryAzurePort": "string",
                "secondaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
                "sharedKey": "string",
                "state": "string",
                "stats": {
                  "primarybytesIn": "int",
                  "primarybytesOut": "int",
                  "secondarybytesIn": "int",
                  "secondarybytesOut": "int"
                "vlanId": "int"
          "rules": [
              "id": "string",
              "location": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "properties": {
                "access": "string",
                "communities": [ "string" ],
                "routeFilterRuleType": "string"
        "tags": {
          "{customized property}": "string"
      "secondaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
      "state": "string"
    "lastModifiedBy": "string",
    "microsoftPeeringConfig": {
      "advertisedCommunities": [ "string" ],
      "advertisedPublicPrefixes": [ "string" ],
      "advertisedPublicPrefixesState": "string",
      "customerASN": "int",
      "legacyMode": "int",
      "routingRegistryName": "string"
    "peerASN": "int",
    "peeringType": "string",
    "primaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
    "secondaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
    "sharedKey": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "vlanId": "int"

Property Values


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the express route circuit connection. ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
addressPrefix /29 IP address space to carve out Customer addresses for tunnels. string
authorizationKey The authorization key. string
expressRouteCircuitPeering Reference to Express Route Circuit Private Peering Resource of the circuit initiating connection. SubResource
peerExpressRouteCircuitPeering Reference to Express Route Circuit Private Peering Resource of the peered circuit. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the express route circuit peering. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
advertisedCommunities The communities of bgp peering. Specified for microsoft peering string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixes The reference of AdvertisedPublicPrefixes. string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixesState AdvertisedPublicPrefixState of the Peering resource. Possible values are 'NotConfigured', 'Configuring', 'Configured', and 'ValidationNeeded'. 'Configured'
customerASN The CustomerASN of the peering. int
legacyMode The legacy mode of the peering. int
routingRegistryName The RoutingRegistryName of the configuration. string


Name Description Value
azureASN The Azure ASN. int
connections The list of circuit connections associated with Azure Private Peering for this circuit. ExpressRouteCircuitConnection[]
expressRouteConnection The ExpressRoute connection. ExpressRouteConnectionId
gatewayManagerEtag The GatewayManager Etag. string
ipv6PeeringConfig The IPv6 peering configuration. Ipv6ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering. string
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN The peer ASN. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 4294967295
peeringType The peering type. 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryAzurePort The primary port. string
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
provisioningState Gets the provisioning state of the public IP resource. Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed'. string
routeFilter The reference of the RouteFilter resource. RouteFilter
secondaryAzurePort The secondary port. string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
sharedKey The shared key. string
state The peering state. 'Disabled'
stats Gets peering stats. ExpressRouteCircuitStats
vlanId The VLAN ID. int


Name Description Value
primarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
primarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int
secondarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
secondarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
gatewayManagerEtag The GatewayManager Etag. string
ipv6PeeringConfig The IPv6 peering configuration. Ipv6ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering. string
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN The peer ASN. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 4294967295
peeringType The peering type. 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
sharedKey The shared key. string
state The peering state. 'Disabled'
vlanId The VLAN ID. int


Name Description Value
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
routeFilter The reference of the RouteFilter resource. RouteFilter
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
state The state of peering. Possible values are: 'Disabled' and 'Enabled' 'Disabled'


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2019-02-01'
name The resource name string (required)
properties Properties of the express route cross connection peering. ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings'


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the route filter. RouteFilterPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
peerings A collection of references to express route circuit peerings. ExpressRouteCircuitPeering[]
rules Collection of RouteFilterRules contained within a route filter. RouteFilterRule[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the route filter rule. RouteFilterRulePropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
access The access type of the rule. 'Allow'
'Deny' (required)
communities The collection for bgp community values to filter on. e.g. ['12076:5010','12076:5020'] string[] (required)
routeFilterRuleType The rule type of the rule. Valid value is: 'Community' 'Community' (required)


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string

Usage Examples

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings@2019-02-01"
  name = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      gatewayManagerEtag = "string"
      ipv6PeeringConfig = {
        microsoftPeeringConfig = {
          advertisedCommunities = [
          advertisedPublicPrefixes = [
          advertisedPublicPrefixesState = "string"
          customerASN = int
          legacyMode = int
          routingRegistryName = "string"
        primaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
        routeFilter = {
          id = "string"
          location = "string"
          properties = {
            peerings = [
                id = "string"
                name = "string"
                properties = {
                  azureASN = int
                  connections = [
                      id = "string"
                      name = "string"
                      properties = {
                        addressPrefix = "string"
                        authorizationKey = "string"
                        expressRouteCircuitPeering = {
                          id = "string"
                        peerExpressRouteCircuitPeering = {
                          id = "string"
                  expressRouteConnection = {
                  gatewayManagerEtag = "string"
                  ipv6PeeringConfig = ...
                  lastModifiedBy = "string"
                  microsoftPeeringConfig = {
                    advertisedCommunities = [
                    advertisedPublicPrefixes = [
                    advertisedPublicPrefixesState = "string"
                    customerASN = int
                    legacyMode = int
                    routingRegistryName = "string"
                  peerASN = int
                  peeringType = "string"
                  primaryAzurePort = "string"
                  primaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
                  provisioningState = "string"
                  routeFilter = ...
                  secondaryAzurePort = "string"
                  secondaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
                  sharedKey = "string"
                  state = "string"
                  stats = {
                    primarybytesIn = int
                    primarybytesOut = int
                    secondarybytesIn = int
                    secondarybytesOut = int
                  vlanId = int
            rules = [
                id = "string"
                location = "string"
                name = "string"
                properties = {
                  access = "string"
                  communities = [
                  routeFilterRuleType = "string"
          tags = {
            {customized property} = "string"
        secondaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
        state = "string"
      lastModifiedBy = "string"
      microsoftPeeringConfig = {
        advertisedCommunities = [
        advertisedPublicPrefixes = [
        advertisedPublicPrefixesState = "string"
        customerASN = int
        legacyMode = int
        routingRegistryName = "string"
      peerASN = int
      peeringType = "string"
      primaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
      secondaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
      sharedKey = "string"
      state = "string"
      vlanId = int

Property Values


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the express route circuit connection. ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
addressPrefix /29 IP address space to carve out Customer addresses for tunnels. string
authorizationKey The authorization key. string
expressRouteCircuitPeering Reference to Express Route Circuit Private Peering Resource of the circuit initiating connection. SubResource
peerExpressRouteCircuitPeering Reference to Express Route Circuit Private Peering Resource of the peered circuit. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the express route circuit peering. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
advertisedCommunities The communities of bgp peering. Specified for microsoft peering string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixes The reference of AdvertisedPublicPrefixes. string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixesState AdvertisedPublicPrefixState of the Peering resource. Possible values are 'NotConfigured', 'Configuring', 'Configured', and 'ValidationNeeded'. 'Configured'
customerASN The CustomerASN of the peering. int
legacyMode The legacy mode of the peering. int
routingRegistryName The RoutingRegistryName of the configuration. string


Name Description Value
azureASN The Azure ASN. int
connections The list of circuit connections associated with Azure Private Peering for this circuit. ExpressRouteCircuitConnection[]
expressRouteConnection The ExpressRoute connection. ExpressRouteConnectionId
gatewayManagerEtag The GatewayManager Etag. string
ipv6PeeringConfig The IPv6 peering configuration. Ipv6ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering. string
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN The peer ASN. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 4294967295
peeringType The peering type. 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryAzurePort The primary port. string
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
provisioningState Gets the provisioning state of the public IP resource. Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed'. string
routeFilter The reference of the RouteFilter resource. RouteFilter
secondaryAzurePort The secondary port. string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
sharedKey The shared key. string
state The peering state. 'Disabled'
stats Gets peering stats. ExpressRouteCircuitStats
vlanId The VLAN ID. int


Name Description Value
primarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
primarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int
secondarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
secondarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
gatewayManagerEtag The GatewayManager Etag. string
ipv6PeeringConfig The IPv6 peering configuration. Ipv6ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering. string
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN The peer ASN. int

Min value = 1
Max value = 4294967295
peeringType The peering type. 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
sharedKey The shared key. string
state The peering state. 'Disabled'
vlanId The VLAN ID. int


Name Description Value
microsoftPeeringConfig The Microsoft peering configuration. ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
primaryPeerAddressPrefix The primary address prefix. string
routeFilter The reference of the RouteFilter resource. RouteFilter
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix The secondary address prefix. string
state The state of peering. Possible values are: 'Disabled' and 'Enabled' 'Disabled'


Name Description Value
name The resource name string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: expressRouteCrossConnections
properties Properties of the express route cross connection peering. ExpressRouteCrossConnectionPeeringProperties
type The resource type "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings@2019-02-01"


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the route filter. RouteFilterPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
peerings A collection of references to express route circuit peerings. ExpressRouteCircuitPeering[]
rules Collection of RouteFilterRules contained within a route filter. RouteFilterRule[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the route filter rule. RouteFilterRulePropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
access The access type of the rule. 'Allow'
'Deny' (required)
communities The collection for bgp community values to filter on. e.g. ['12076:5010','12076:5020'] string[] (required)
routeFilterRuleType The rule type of the rule. Valid value is: 'Community' 'Community' (required)


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string