Microsoft.Scheduler jobCollections/jobs 2014-08-01-preview

Bicep resource definition

The jobCollections/jobs resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs@2014-08-01-preview' = {
  name: 'string'
  parent: resourceSymbolicName
  properties: {
    action: {
      errorAction: {
        queueMessage: {
          message: 'string'
          queueName: 'string'
          sasToken: 'string'
          storageAccount: 'string'
        request: {
          authentication: {
            type: 'string'
          body: 'string'
          headers: {}
          method: 'string'
          uri: 'string'
        retryPolicy: {
          retryCount: int
          retryInterval: 'string'
          retryType: 'string'
        serviceBusQueueMessage: {
          authentication: {
            sasKey: 'string'
            sasKeyName: 'string'
            type: 'string'
          brokeredMessageProperties: {
            contentType: 'string'
            correlationId: 'string'
            forcePersistence: bool
            label: 'string'
            messageId: 'string'
            partitionKey: 'string'
            replyTo: 'string'
            replyToSessionId: 'string'
            scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc: 'string'
            sessionId: 'string'
            timeToLive: 'string'
            to: 'string'
            viaPartitionKey: 'string'
          customMessageProperties: {}
          message: 'string'
          namespace: 'string'
          queueName: 'string'
          transportType: 'string'
        serviceBusTopicMessage: {
          authentication: {
            sasKey: 'string'
            sasKeyName: 'string'
            type: 'string'
          brokeredMessageProperties: {
            contentType: 'string'
            correlationId: 'string'
            forcePersistence: bool
            label: 'string'
            messageId: 'string'
            partitionKey: 'string'
            replyTo: 'string'
            replyToSessionId: 'string'
            scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc: 'string'
            sessionId: 'string'
            timeToLive: 'string'
            to: 'string'
            viaPartitionKey: 'string'
          customMessageProperties: {}
          message: 'string'
          namespace: 'string'
          topicPath: 'string'
          transportType: 'string'
        type: 'string'
      queueMessage: {
        message: 'string'
        queueName: 'string'
        sasToken: 'string'
        storageAccount: 'string'
      request: {
        authentication: {
          type: 'string'
        body: 'string'
        headers: {}
        method: 'string'
        uri: 'string'
      retryPolicy: {
        retryCount: int
        retryInterval: 'string'
        retryType: 'string'
      serviceBusQueueMessage: {
        authentication: {
          sasKey: 'string'
          sasKeyName: 'string'
          type: 'string'
        brokeredMessageProperties: {
          contentType: 'string'
          correlationId: 'string'
          forcePersistence: bool
          label: 'string'
          messageId: 'string'
          partitionKey: 'string'
          replyTo: 'string'
          replyToSessionId: 'string'
          scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc: 'string'
          sessionId: 'string'
          timeToLive: 'string'
          to: 'string'
          viaPartitionKey: 'string'
        customMessageProperties: {}
        message: 'string'
        namespace: 'string'
        queueName: 'string'
        transportType: 'string'
      serviceBusTopicMessage: {
        authentication: {
          sasKey: 'string'
          sasKeyName: 'string'
          type: 'string'
        brokeredMessageProperties: {
          contentType: 'string'
          correlationId: 'string'
          forcePersistence: bool
          label: 'string'
          messageId: 'string'
          partitionKey: 'string'
          replyTo: 'string'
          replyToSessionId: 'string'
          scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc: 'string'
          sessionId: 'string'
          timeToLive: 'string'
          to: 'string'
          viaPartitionKey: 'string'
        customMessageProperties: {}
        message: 'string'
        namespace: 'string'
        topicPath: 'string'
        transportType: 'string'
      type: 'string'
    recurrence: {
      count: int
      endTime: 'string'
      frequency: 'string'
      interval: int
      schedule: {
        hours: [
        minutes: [
        monthDays: [
        monthlyOccurrences: [
            day: 'string'
            Occurrence: int
        weekDays: [
    startTime: 'string'
    state: 'string'

Property values


Name Description Value
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in Bicep.
string (required)
parent In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.

For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource.
Symbolic name for resource of type: jobCollections
properties Gets or sets the job properties. JobProperties


Name Description Value
action Gets or sets the job action. JobAction
recurrence Gets or sets the job recurrence. JobRecurrence
startTime Gets or sets the job start time. string
state Gets or set the job state. 'Completed'


Name Description Value
errorAction Gets or sets the error action. JobErrorAction
queueMessage Gets or sets the storage queue message. StorageQueueMessage
request Gets or sets the http requests. HttpRequest
retryPolicy Gets or sets the retry policy. RetryPolicy
serviceBusQueueMessage Gets or sets the service bus queue message. ServiceBusQueueMessage
serviceBusTopicMessage Gets or sets the service bus topic message. ServiceBusTopicMessage
type Gets or sets the job action type. 'Http'


Name Description Value
queueMessage Gets or sets the storage queue message. StorageQueueMessage
request Gets or sets the http requests. HttpRequest
retryPolicy Gets or sets the retry policy. RetryPolicy
serviceBusQueueMessage Gets or sets the service bus queue message. ServiceBusQueueMessage
serviceBusTopicMessage Gets or sets the service bus topic message. ServiceBusTopicMessage
type Gets or sets the job error action type. 'Http'


Name Description Value
message Gets or sets the message. string
queueName Gets or sets the queue name. string
sasToken Gets or sets the SAS key. string
storageAccount Gets or sets the storage account name. string


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the http authentication. HttpAuthentication
body Gets or sets the request body. string
headers Gets or sets the headers. object
method Gets or sets the method of the request. string
uri Gets or sets the Uri. string


Name Description Value
type Gets or sets the http authentication type. 'ActiveDirectoryOAuth'


Name Description Value
retryCount Gets or sets the number of times a retry should be attempted. int
retryInterval Gets or sets the retry interval between retries. string
retryType Gets or sets the retry strategy to be used. 'Fixed'


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the authentication. ServiceBusAuthentication
brokeredMessageProperties Gets or sets the brokered message properties. ServiceBusBrokeredMessageProperties
customMessageProperties Gets or sets the custom message properties. object
message Gets or sets the message. string
namespace Gets or sets the namespace. string
queueName Gets or sets the queue name. string
transportType Gets or sets the transport type. 'AMQP'


Name Description Value
sasKey Gets or sets the SAS key. string
sasKeyName Gets or sets the SAS key name. string
type Gets or sets the authentication type. 'NotSpecified'


Name Description Value
contentType Gets or sets the content type. string
correlationId Gets or sets the correlation id. string
forcePersistence Gets or sets the force persistence. bool
label Gets or sets the label. string
messageId Gets or sets the message id. string
partitionKey Gets or sets the partition key. string
replyTo Gets or sets the reply to. string
replyToSessionId Gets or sets the reply to session id. string
scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc Gets or sets the scheduled enqueue time UTC. string
sessionId Gets or sets the session id. string
timeToLive Gets or sets the time to live. string
to Gets or sets the to. string
viaPartitionKey Gets or sets the via partition key. string


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the authentication. ServiceBusAuthentication
brokeredMessageProperties Gets or sets the brokered message properties. ServiceBusBrokeredMessageProperties
customMessageProperties Gets or sets the custom message properties. object
message Gets or sets the message. string
namespace Gets or sets the namespace. string
topicPath Gets or sets the topic path. string
transportType Gets or sets the transport type. 'AMQP'


Name Description Value
count Gets or sets the maximum number of times that the job should run. int
endTime Gets or sets the time at which the job will complete. string
frequency Gets or sets the frequency of recurrence (second, minute, hour, day, week, month). 'Day'
interval Gets or sets the interval between retries. int
schedule JobRecurrenceSchedule


Name Description Value
hours Gets or sets the hours of the day that the job should execute at. int[]
minutes Gets or sets the minutes of the hour that the job should execute at. int[]
monthDays Gets or sets the days of the month that the job should execute on. Must be between 1 and 31. int[]
monthlyOccurrences Gets or sets the occurrences of days within a month. JobRecurrenceScheduleMonthlyOccurrence[]
weekDays Gets or sets the days of the week that the job should execute on. String array containing any of:


Name Description Value
day Gets or sets the day. Must be one of monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. 'Friday'
Occurrence Gets or sets the occurrence. Must be between -5 and 5. int

ARM template resource definition

The jobCollections/jobs resource type can be deployed to:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs",
  "apiVersion": "2014-08-01-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "properties": {
    "action": {
      "errorAction": {
        "queueMessage": {
          "message": "string",
          "queueName": "string",
          "sasToken": "string",
          "storageAccount": "string"
        "request": {
          "authentication": {
            "type": "string"
          "body": "string",
          "headers": {},
          "method": "string",
          "uri": "string"
        "retryPolicy": {
          "retryCount": "int",
          "retryInterval": "string",
          "retryType": "string"
        "serviceBusQueueMessage": {
          "authentication": {
            "sasKey": "string",
            "sasKeyName": "string",
            "type": "string"
          "brokeredMessageProperties": {
            "contentType": "string",
            "correlationId": "string",
            "forcePersistence": "bool",
            "label": "string",
            "messageId": "string",
            "partitionKey": "string",
            "replyTo": "string",
            "replyToSessionId": "string",
            "scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc": "string",
            "sessionId": "string",
            "timeToLive": "string",
            "to": "string",
            "viaPartitionKey": "string"
          "customMessageProperties": {},
          "message": "string",
          "namespace": "string",
          "queueName": "string",
          "transportType": "string"
        "serviceBusTopicMessage": {
          "authentication": {
            "sasKey": "string",
            "sasKeyName": "string",
            "type": "string"
          "brokeredMessageProperties": {
            "contentType": "string",
            "correlationId": "string",
            "forcePersistence": "bool",
            "label": "string",
            "messageId": "string",
            "partitionKey": "string",
            "replyTo": "string",
            "replyToSessionId": "string",
            "scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc": "string",
            "sessionId": "string",
            "timeToLive": "string",
            "to": "string",
            "viaPartitionKey": "string"
          "customMessageProperties": {},
          "message": "string",
          "namespace": "string",
          "topicPath": "string",
          "transportType": "string"
        "type": "string"
      "queueMessage": {
        "message": "string",
        "queueName": "string",
        "sasToken": "string",
        "storageAccount": "string"
      "request": {
        "authentication": {
          "type": "string"
        "body": "string",
        "headers": {},
        "method": "string",
        "uri": "string"
      "retryPolicy": {
        "retryCount": "int",
        "retryInterval": "string",
        "retryType": "string"
      "serviceBusQueueMessage": {
        "authentication": {
          "sasKey": "string",
          "sasKeyName": "string",
          "type": "string"
        "brokeredMessageProperties": {
          "contentType": "string",
          "correlationId": "string",
          "forcePersistence": "bool",
          "label": "string",
          "messageId": "string",
          "partitionKey": "string",
          "replyTo": "string",
          "replyToSessionId": "string",
          "scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc": "string",
          "sessionId": "string",
          "timeToLive": "string",
          "to": "string",
          "viaPartitionKey": "string"
        "customMessageProperties": {},
        "message": "string",
        "namespace": "string",
        "queueName": "string",
        "transportType": "string"
      "serviceBusTopicMessage": {
        "authentication": {
          "sasKey": "string",
          "sasKeyName": "string",
          "type": "string"
        "brokeredMessageProperties": {
          "contentType": "string",
          "correlationId": "string",
          "forcePersistence": "bool",
          "label": "string",
          "messageId": "string",
          "partitionKey": "string",
          "replyTo": "string",
          "replyToSessionId": "string",
          "scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc": "string",
          "sessionId": "string",
          "timeToLive": "string",
          "to": "string",
          "viaPartitionKey": "string"
        "customMessageProperties": {},
        "message": "string",
        "namespace": "string",
        "topicPath": "string",
        "transportType": "string"
      "type": "string"
    "recurrence": {
      "count": "int",
      "endTime": "string",
      "frequency": "string",
      "interval": "int",
      "schedule": {
        "hours": [ "int" ],
        "minutes": [ "int" ],
        "monthDays": [ "int" ],
        "monthlyOccurrences": [
            "day": "string",
            "Occurrence": "int"
        "weekDays": [ "string" ]
    "startTime": "string",
    "state": "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs'
apiVersion The resource api version '2014-08-01-preview'
name The resource name

See how to set names and types for child resources in JSON ARM templates.
string (required)
properties Gets or sets the job properties. JobProperties


Name Description Value
action Gets or sets the job action. JobAction
recurrence Gets or sets the job recurrence. JobRecurrence
startTime Gets or sets the job start time. string
state Gets or set the job state. 'Completed'


Name Description Value
errorAction Gets or sets the error action. JobErrorAction
queueMessage Gets or sets the storage queue message. StorageQueueMessage
request Gets or sets the http requests. HttpRequest
retryPolicy Gets or sets the retry policy. RetryPolicy
serviceBusQueueMessage Gets or sets the service bus queue message. ServiceBusQueueMessage
serviceBusTopicMessage Gets or sets the service bus topic message. ServiceBusTopicMessage
type Gets or sets the job action type. 'Http'


Name Description Value
queueMessage Gets or sets the storage queue message. StorageQueueMessage
request Gets or sets the http requests. HttpRequest
retryPolicy Gets or sets the retry policy. RetryPolicy
serviceBusQueueMessage Gets or sets the service bus queue message. ServiceBusQueueMessage
serviceBusTopicMessage Gets or sets the service bus topic message. ServiceBusTopicMessage
type Gets or sets the job error action type. 'Http'


Name Description Value
message Gets or sets the message. string
queueName Gets or sets the queue name. string
sasToken Gets or sets the SAS key. string
storageAccount Gets or sets the storage account name. string


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the http authentication. HttpAuthentication
body Gets or sets the request body. string
headers Gets or sets the headers. object
method Gets or sets the method of the request. string
uri Gets or sets the Uri. string


Name Description Value
type Gets or sets the http authentication type. 'ActiveDirectoryOAuth'


Name Description Value
retryCount Gets or sets the number of times a retry should be attempted. int
retryInterval Gets or sets the retry interval between retries. string
retryType Gets or sets the retry strategy to be used. 'Fixed'


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the authentication. ServiceBusAuthentication
brokeredMessageProperties Gets or sets the brokered message properties. ServiceBusBrokeredMessageProperties
customMessageProperties Gets or sets the custom message properties. object
message Gets or sets the message. string
namespace Gets or sets the namespace. string
queueName Gets or sets the queue name. string
transportType Gets or sets the transport type. 'AMQP'


Name Description Value
sasKey Gets or sets the SAS key. string
sasKeyName Gets or sets the SAS key name. string
type Gets or sets the authentication type. 'NotSpecified'


Name Description Value
contentType Gets or sets the content type. string
correlationId Gets or sets the correlation id. string
forcePersistence Gets or sets the force persistence. bool
label Gets or sets the label. string
messageId Gets or sets the message id. string
partitionKey Gets or sets the partition key. string
replyTo Gets or sets the reply to. string
replyToSessionId Gets or sets the reply to session id. string
scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc Gets or sets the scheduled enqueue time UTC. string
sessionId Gets or sets the session id. string
timeToLive Gets or sets the time to live. string
to Gets or sets the to. string
viaPartitionKey Gets or sets the via partition key. string


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the authentication. ServiceBusAuthentication
brokeredMessageProperties Gets or sets the brokered message properties. ServiceBusBrokeredMessageProperties
customMessageProperties Gets or sets the custom message properties. object
message Gets or sets the message. string
namespace Gets or sets the namespace. string
topicPath Gets or sets the topic path. string
transportType Gets or sets the transport type. 'AMQP'


Name Description Value
count Gets or sets the maximum number of times that the job should run. int
endTime Gets or sets the time at which the job will complete. string
frequency Gets or sets the frequency of recurrence (second, minute, hour, day, week, month). 'Day'
interval Gets or sets the interval between retries. int
schedule JobRecurrenceSchedule


Name Description Value
hours Gets or sets the hours of the day that the job should execute at. int[]
minutes Gets or sets the minutes of the hour that the job should execute at. int[]
monthDays Gets or sets the days of the month that the job should execute on. Must be between 1 and 31. int[]
monthlyOccurrences Gets or sets the occurrences of days within a month. JobRecurrenceScheduleMonthlyOccurrence[]
weekDays Gets or sets the days of the week that the job should execute on. String array containing any of:


Name Description Value
day Gets or sets the day. Must be one of monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. 'Friday'
Occurrence Gets or sets the occurrence. Must be between -5 and 5. int

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The jobCollections/jobs resource type can be deployed to:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs@2014-08-01-preview"
  name = "string"
  parent_id = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      action = {
        errorAction = {
          queueMessage = {
            message = "string"
            queueName = "string"
            sasToken = "string"
            storageAccount = "string"
          request = {
            authentication = {
              type = "string"
            body = "string"
            headers = {}
            method = "string"
            uri = "string"
          retryPolicy = {
            retryCount = int
            retryInterval = "string"
            retryType = "string"
          serviceBusQueueMessage = {
            authentication = {
              sasKey = "string"
              sasKeyName = "string"
              type = "string"
            brokeredMessageProperties = {
              contentType = "string"
              correlationId = "string"
              forcePersistence = bool
              label = "string"
              messageId = "string"
              partitionKey = "string"
              replyTo = "string"
              replyToSessionId = "string"
              scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc = "string"
              sessionId = "string"
              timeToLive = "string"
              to = "string"
              viaPartitionKey = "string"
            customMessageProperties = {}
            message = "string"
            namespace = "string"
            queueName = "string"
            transportType = "string"
          serviceBusTopicMessage = {
            authentication = {
              sasKey = "string"
              sasKeyName = "string"
              type = "string"
            brokeredMessageProperties = {
              contentType = "string"
              correlationId = "string"
              forcePersistence = bool
              label = "string"
              messageId = "string"
              partitionKey = "string"
              replyTo = "string"
              replyToSessionId = "string"
              scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc = "string"
              sessionId = "string"
              timeToLive = "string"
              to = "string"
              viaPartitionKey = "string"
            customMessageProperties = {}
            message = "string"
            namespace = "string"
            topicPath = "string"
            transportType = "string"
          type = "string"
        queueMessage = {
          message = "string"
          queueName = "string"
          sasToken = "string"
          storageAccount = "string"
        request = {
          authentication = {
            type = "string"
          body = "string"
          headers = {}
          method = "string"
          uri = "string"
        retryPolicy = {
          retryCount = int
          retryInterval = "string"
          retryType = "string"
        serviceBusQueueMessage = {
          authentication = {
            sasKey = "string"
            sasKeyName = "string"
            type = "string"
          brokeredMessageProperties = {
            contentType = "string"
            correlationId = "string"
            forcePersistence = bool
            label = "string"
            messageId = "string"
            partitionKey = "string"
            replyTo = "string"
            replyToSessionId = "string"
            scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc = "string"
            sessionId = "string"
            timeToLive = "string"
            to = "string"
            viaPartitionKey = "string"
          customMessageProperties = {}
          message = "string"
          namespace = "string"
          queueName = "string"
          transportType = "string"
        serviceBusTopicMessage = {
          authentication = {
            sasKey = "string"
            sasKeyName = "string"
            type = "string"
          brokeredMessageProperties = {
            contentType = "string"
            correlationId = "string"
            forcePersistence = bool
            label = "string"
            messageId = "string"
            partitionKey = "string"
            replyTo = "string"
            replyToSessionId = "string"
            scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc = "string"
            sessionId = "string"
            timeToLive = "string"
            to = "string"
            viaPartitionKey = "string"
          customMessageProperties = {}
          message = "string"
          namespace = "string"
          topicPath = "string"
          transportType = "string"
        type = "string"
      recurrence = {
        count = int
        endTime = "string"
        frequency = "string"
        interval = int
        schedule = {
          hours = [
          minutes = [
          monthDays = [
          monthlyOccurrences = [
              day = "string"
              Occurrence = int
          weekDays = [
      startTime = "string"
      state = "string"

Property values


Name Description Value
type The resource type "Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs@2014-08-01-preview"
name The resource name string (required)
parent_id The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. ID for resource of type: jobCollections
properties Gets or sets the job properties. JobProperties


Name Description Value
action Gets or sets the job action. JobAction
recurrence Gets or sets the job recurrence. JobRecurrence
startTime Gets or sets the job start time. string
state Gets or set the job state. "Completed"


Name Description Value
errorAction Gets or sets the error action. JobErrorAction
queueMessage Gets or sets the storage queue message. StorageQueueMessage
request Gets or sets the http requests. HttpRequest
retryPolicy Gets or sets the retry policy. RetryPolicy
serviceBusQueueMessage Gets or sets the service bus queue message. ServiceBusQueueMessage
serviceBusTopicMessage Gets or sets the service bus topic message. ServiceBusTopicMessage
type Gets or sets the job action type. "Http"


Name Description Value
queueMessage Gets or sets the storage queue message. StorageQueueMessage
request Gets or sets the http requests. HttpRequest
retryPolicy Gets or sets the retry policy. RetryPolicy
serviceBusQueueMessage Gets or sets the service bus queue message. ServiceBusQueueMessage
serviceBusTopicMessage Gets or sets the service bus topic message. ServiceBusTopicMessage
type Gets or sets the job error action type. "Http"


Name Description Value
message Gets or sets the message. string
queueName Gets or sets the queue name. string
sasToken Gets or sets the SAS key. string
storageAccount Gets or sets the storage account name. string


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the http authentication. HttpAuthentication
body Gets or sets the request body. string
headers Gets or sets the headers. object
method Gets or sets the method of the request. string
uri Gets or sets the Uri. string


Name Description Value
type Gets or sets the http authentication type. "ActiveDirectoryOAuth"


Name Description Value
retryCount Gets or sets the number of times a retry should be attempted. int
retryInterval Gets or sets the retry interval between retries. string
retryType Gets or sets the retry strategy to be used. "Fixed"


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the authentication. ServiceBusAuthentication
brokeredMessageProperties Gets or sets the brokered message properties. ServiceBusBrokeredMessageProperties
customMessageProperties Gets or sets the custom message properties. object
message Gets or sets the message. string
namespace Gets or sets the namespace. string
queueName Gets or sets the queue name. string
transportType Gets or sets the transport type. "AMQP"


Name Description Value
sasKey Gets or sets the SAS key. string
sasKeyName Gets or sets the SAS key name. string
type Gets or sets the authentication type. "NotSpecified"


Name Description Value
contentType Gets or sets the content type. string
correlationId Gets or sets the correlation id. string
forcePersistence Gets or sets the force persistence. bool
label Gets or sets the label. string
messageId Gets or sets the message id. string
partitionKey Gets or sets the partition key. string
replyTo Gets or sets the reply to. string
replyToSessionId Gets or sets the reply to session id. string
scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc Gets or sets the scheduled enqueue time UTC. string
sessionId Gets or sets the session id. string
timeToLive Gets or sets the time to live. string
to Gets or sets the to. string
viaPartitionKey Gets or sets the via partition key. string


Name Description Value
authentication Gets or sets the authentication. ServiceBusAuthentication
brokeredMessageProperties Gets or sets the brokered message properties. ServiceBusBrokeredMessageProperties
customMessageProperties Gets or sets the custom message properties. object
message Gets or sets the message. string
namespace Gets or sets the namespace. string
topicPath Gets or sets the topic path. string
transportType Gets or sets the transport type. "AMQP"


Name Description Value
count Gets or sets the maximum number of times that the job should run. int
endTime Gets or sets the time at which the job will complete. string
frequency Gets or sets the frequency of recurrence (second, minute, hour, day, week, month). "Day"
interval Gets or sets the interval between retries. int
schedule JobRecurrenceSchedule


Name Description Value
hours Gets or sets the hours of the day that the job should execute at. int[]
minutes Gets or sets the minutes of the hour that the job should execute at. int[]
monthDays Gets or sets the days of the month that the job should execute on. Must be between 1 and 31. int[]
monthlyOccurrences Gets or sets the occurrences of days within a month. JobRecurrenceScheduleMonthlyOccurrence[]
weekDays Gets or sets the days of the week that the job should execute on. String array containing any of:


Name Description Value
day Gets or sets the day. Must be one of monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. "Friday"
Occurrence Gets or sets the occurrence. Must be between -5 and 5. int