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Browse, search, and get metadata for tRFC operations in SAP

tRFCs are not a separate artifact in an SAP system. These are categorized under a separate node by the SAP adapter because their metadata characteristics are different from that of RFCs. However, the experience of browsing, searching, and retrieving metadata for tRFCs is identical to that of the RFCs. Refer to Browse, search, and get metadata for RFC operations in SAP for information about using the Add Adapter Service Reference Plug-in or Consume Adapter Service Add-in to browse, search, and retrieve metadata for tRFCs from an SAP system.

Note that the SAP adapter surfaces a special operation RfcConfirmTransID under the TRFC node. The SAP adapter uses this operation to commit tRFC calls made to the SAP server. For more information about this operation, see Operations on tRFCs in SAP.

See Also

Get Metadata for SAP Operations in Visual Studio