
An import is used by documents to provide the files and documents that need to be imported first.

public class CdmImport extends CdmObjectSimple


Name Description
CdmImport(CdmCorpusContext, string, string)
ctx: The corpus context.
corpusPath: The import path.
moniker: The import moniker.
Initializes a new instance of the CdmImport class.


Name Type Description
CorpusPath string The import path.
Moniker string A nickname used for imports to specify which document to import in the case of duplicate symbols. For example, we might have multiple Account documents, but by specifying a moniker 'base_Account', we can pinpoint the exact document.


Name Description Return Type
Copy(ResolveOptions, CdmObject) See CdmObject.Copy(...). CdmObject
Validate() See CdmObject.Validate(). bool