API plugins in Microsoft Copilot for Security

API plugin from existing OpenAI Plugin

This quickstart tutorial shows how to use an existing OpenAI Plugin in Copilot for Security.

For this exercise, this manifest file is used.

Upload the plugin manifest

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Copilot for Security.

  2. Access Manage Plugins by selecting the Plugin button from the prompt bar.

    Screenshot that shows Plugin button.

  3. Scroll down to Custom and select Add plugin.

    Screenshot that shows Add plugin button.

  4. Select OpenAI plugin as the upload format, enter https://hacktrack.routum.io/.well-known/ai-plugin.json as the link and select Add.

    Screenshot that shows Add OpenAI plugin.

API plugin from existing API

This quickstart tutorial shows how to turn an existing API into a Copilot for Security API plugin.

Create the OpenAPI specification

If the API already has an OpenAPI Spec, then you can just use that. Host the OpenAPI spec https://[domain]/template.yaml.

Create a new plugin manifest file with the following contents (replacing the OpenaApiSpecUrl value with the URL to the OpenAPI spec file created in the prior section):


  - Format: API
      OpenApiSpecUrl: https://[domain]/template.yaml

API Authentication

Supported schemes

Copilot for Security supports several schemes for authenticating plugins:

Scheme Description Copilot manifest support OpenAI support +
None No authentication. Yes Yes
Basic Basic authentication. Yes No
ApiKey ApiKey based authentication where a developer provided ApiKey is passed in a custom header or query parameter. Yes Yes*
ServiceHttp Authentication based on the provided token. Yes Yes
OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow is a more secure and complex authentication method used to grant access to non-Microsoft applications without sharing user credentials. Yes Yes
OAuthClientCredentialsFlow Like Basic Auth but used for server-to-server communication instead or when accessing public data that doesn't require user-specific permissions. Yes No
Microsoft Entra ID Application only access. Yes Yes*
AADDelegated User + application only access. Yes Yes*

+ This field is used to indicate the two different types of upload supported in Copilot for Security.

* These represent authentication methods that are extended beyond what was initially supported by openAI.

The following table shows the supported settings for each authentication type.

Authentication Type Setting Description
AAD or AADDelegated EntraScopes A comma separated list of Microsoft Entra scopes to request.
Basic Username The username to use for basic authentication.
Basic Password The password to use for basic authentication.
ApiKey or ServiceHttp Key The name of the header/query parameter.
ApiKey or ServiceHttp AuthScheme The name of the authentication scheme, prepended to the Value when used in a header.
ApiKey or ServiceHttp Location The location of the API key, either Header or QueryParams.
ApiKey or ServiceHttp Value The key/token to use.
OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow or OAuthClientCredentialsFlow TokenEndpoint The endpoint to request the token from.
OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow or OAuthClientCredentialsFlow Scopes A comma separated list of scopes to request.
OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow or OAuthClientCredentialsFlow ClientId The client ID to use when requesting the token.
OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow or OAuthClientCredentialsFlow ClientSecret The client secret to use when requesting the token.
OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow or OAuthClientCredentialsFlow AuthorizationContentType The content type used when sending the token request.
OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow AuthorizationEndpoint The endpoint to request the authorization code from.

Preconfiguring authentication settings


It is currently only possible to preconfigure settings for one authentication type.

It's possible to preconfigure authentication settings for your plugin in cases where the same values will be used for every instance of your plugin (for example the set of Microsoft Entra scopes). Preconfiguring the settings is handled by populating the Authorization field in the descriptor with a collection of key/value pairs along with the authentication type.

The following example shows how to specify a default set of Microsoft Entra scopes for the AAD authentication type.

  Name: SampleAPI
  Description: Sample API
    - AAD
    Type: AAD
    EntraScopes: https://graph.microsoft.com/.default

API plugin with basic authentication

This quickstart tutorial shows how to create a plugin that uses HTTP Basic authentication.


It is strongly recommended that Basic authentication is only used with APIs endpoints that use HTTPS.

Create the OpenAPI specification

In this example, we'll be using the httpbin.org service to validate basic authentication. Httpbin.org already publishes and OpenAPI specification, however, for example, purposes we're only going to use one of the operations.

Create a new file with the following contents and upload it somewhere publicly accessible. This tutorial used GitHub Gist to create a new gist with the content at https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PetRich-MSFT/fd3a8a92cbd7b6c120569a7a2c96c93c/raw/d1716b9022b140d702c31da59ff431c4b1fc603e/openapi.yaml

openapi: 3.0.0

    title: httpbin.org
    description: A simple HTTP Request & Response Service.
    version: "0.9.2"

    - url: https://httpbin.org/

            operationId: TestBasicAuth
            description: |
              This is a plugin to test basic authentication 
              #ExamplePrompts Test Basic Auth using HTTPbin plugin
              #ExamplePrompts Use HTTPbin to test basic authorization 
            summary: Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Basic 
                - in: path 
                  name: user
                    type: string
                  required: true
                - in: path
                  name: passwd 
                    type: string
                  required: true
                    description: Successful authentication. 
                    description: Unsuccessful authentication.

Create the plugin manifest

In this example, we'll be using the httpbin.org service to validate basic authentication. Httpbin.org already publishes and OpenAPI specification.

Create a new plugin manifest file plugin.yaml with the following contents:

  Name: SampleAPIForBasicAuth
  DisplayName: httpbin.org
  Description: Plugin for making example http requests
    - Basic

  - Format: API
      OpenApiSpecUrl: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PetRich-MSFT/fd3a8a92cbd7b6c120569a7a2c96c93c/raw/d1716b9022b140d702c31da59ff431c4b1fc603e/openapi.yaml 

Upload the plugin manifest

Follow the instructions in Manage plugins to upload the plugin manifest to Copilot for Security.

Configure authentication


DO NOT enter any existing username or password when setting up this example. The credentials are not validated so any values will be accepted.

After uploading the plugin, enter the username and password for the basic authentication. You can either complete the step now, or select Do this later to configure it later.

Screenshot that shows Set username and password dialog

If you chose the Do this later option, then you can configure the username and password later by selecting the Set up button on the manage plugins page.

Screenshot that shows Option for set up

If you want to update the settings after configuration you can do so by clicking on the settings icon in the management plugins page.

Screenshot that shows Settings image.

API plugin with API key authentication

This quickstart tutorial shows how to create a plugin that uses an API Key to authenticate. API Key authentication uses a secret key/token that is passed as part of the request either as query-string parameter or as a header. The API Key is used to authenticate the request and isn't tied to a specific user.

Create the OpenAPI specification

In this example, we'll be using the httpbin.org service to validate API key authentication. Httpbin.org already publishes and OpenAPI specification, however, for example, purposes we're only going to use one of the operations.

Create a new file with the following contents and upload it somewhere publicly accessible. This tutorial used GitHub Gist to create a new gist with the content at https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PetRich-MSFT/85c8ab522a15710302e5f1b6e7525f43/raw/99aab78b8e4cd933453591227565075d62ecd7df/openapi.yaml

openapi: 3.0.0

    title: httpbin.org
    description: A simple HTTP Request & Response Service.
    version: "0.9.2"

    - url: https://httpbin.org/

            operationId: TestApiKeyAuth
            summary: Returns the provided headers
                    description: Successful request. 

Create the plugin manifest

In this example, we'll configure the plugin so send the API Key using a x-test-api-key header. We'll preconfigure the location of the key, but require the user to enter the key value when installing the plugin.

Create a new plugin manifest file plugin.yaml with the following contents:

  Name: SampleAPIForApiKeyAuth
  DisplayName: httpbin.org - API Key Authentication
  Description: Plugin for making example http requests
    - ApiKey
    Type: APIKey
    Key: x-test-api-key
    Location: Header
    AuthScheme: ''

  - Format: API
      OpenApiSpecUrl: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PetRich-MSFT/85c8ab522a15710302e5f1b6e7525f43/raw/99aab78b8e4cd933453591227565075d62ecd7df/openapi.yaml

Upload the Plugin Manifest

Follow the instructions in Manage plugins to upload the plugin manifest to Copilot for Security.

Configure Authentication


DO NOT enter any existing API Key when setting up this example. The API key is not validated so any values will be accepted.

After uploading the plugin, you'll be prompted to enter the API Key for authentication. You can either complete this now, or select Do this later to configure it later.

Screenshot that shows Set API Key

If you chose the Do this later option then you can configure the username and password later by selecting the Set up button on the manage plugins page.

Screenshot that shows Set up option.

If you want to update the settings after configuration, you can do so by clicking on the settings icon in the management plugins page.

Screenshot of settings

API Plugin with customizable endpoint URL

This example adds a configurable settings name "InstanceURL" that the user can configure through Copilot for Security. A setting is then added under the API skill group that tells Copilot for Security to use the value of the "InstanceURL" setting as the endpoint for making the API requests:

  Name: Example
    - Name: InstanceURL
      Label: Instance URL
      Description: The URL of the instance to connect to
      HintText: "e.g. https://example.com"
      SettingType: String
      Required: true

 - Format: API
     OpenApiSpecURL: https://example.com/openapi.json
     EndpointUrlSettingName: InstanceURL

The following example shows the use of a customizable endpoint URL with an API Key:

  Name: Example
    - Name: InstanceURL
      Label: Instance URL
      Description: The URL of the instance to connect to
      HintText: "e.g. https://example.com"
      SettingType: String
      Required: true
    - ApiKey
    Type: APIKey
    Key: session
    Location: Header
    AuthScheme: ''

 - Format: API
     OpenApiSpecURL: https://example.com/openapi.json
     EndpointUrlSettingName: InstanceURL

API Plugin with OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow

This quickstart tutorial shows how to create a skill that uses OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow flow for authentication.

Create the Plugin Manifest

Create a new Plugin manifest file plugin.yaml with the following contents and replace the OpenApiSpecUrl and EndpointUrl values from your webapp.

  Name: SamplePluginManifestOAuth
  Description: Gets info via OAuth
  DescriptionDisplay: Current DateTime, report status
  DescriptionForModel: Shows an OAUTH Sample
  DisplayName: WeatherNew
    Type: OAuthAuthorizationCodeFlow
    ClientId: <id of client that wants to auth>
    AuthorizationEndpoint: https://sample.com/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
    TokenEndpoint: https://sample.com/oauth2/v2.0/token
    Scopes: <Scopes>
    AuthorizationContentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Format: API
    OpenApiSpecUrl: https://sample.com
    EndpointUrl: https://sample.com

Upload the Plugin Manifest

Follow the instructions here to upload the plugin manifest to Copilot for Security.

Configure the Authentication

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Copilot for Security.

  2. Scroll down to Custom and select Setup.

    Screenshot that shows My organization's connections

  3. Enter the client secret and select Connect.

    Screenshot that shows Step to enter the client secret

  4. You'll see a notification that the account has been successfully linked.

    Image of web browser.

  5. The setup is complete.

    Image of status.

The plugin should now be enabled.

If you see an error message when you select Connect, use the following steps to address the error: Image of error message.

Add the following callback uri (https://securitycopilot.microsoft.com/auth/v1/callback) as shown in the following image and try reconnecting.

Image of authentication page.


  1. HTTP verbs that typically allow state changes and write operations (for example, POST) can only be used for data retrieval purposes. Write operations are currently not supported.

  2. Request body schemas must be limited to a depth of 1. This means the parent object cannot contain nested objects within itself. Violating this depth limitation will result in an error with code 2006.

    2.1 The following is an example of request body has depth = 1:

        "id": "UserID",
        "name": "Alex Wilber",
        "email": "AlexW@contoso.com",
        "isActive": true

    2.2 The following example request body won't be accepted as the depth is more than 1:

        "productId": 123456,
        "name": "Widget",
        "price": 9.99,
        "manufacturer": {
           "name" :"Tailspin Toys",
           "address": {
              "street" : "123 Anystreet",
              "city" : "Redmond",
              "zipcode": "98005"
        "tags": [
           "Holiday2024", "Popular"