This class provides methods for manipulating a window.
This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.
class CWindow
Name | Description |
CWindow::CWindow |
Constructor. |
Name | Description |
CWindow::ArrangeIconicWindows |
Arranges all minimized child windows. |
CWindow::Attach |
Attaches a window to the CWindow object. |
CWindow::BeginPaint |
Prepares the window for painting. |
CWindow::BringWindowToTop |
Brings the window to the top of the Z order. |
CWindow::CenterWindow |
Centers the window against a given window. |
CWindow::ChangeClipboardChain |
Removes the window from the chain of Clipboard viewers. |
CWindow::CheckDlgButton |
Changes the check state of the specified button. |
CWindow::CheckRadioButton |
Checks the specified radio button. |
CWindow::ChildWindowFromPoint |
Retrieves the child window containing the specified point. |
CWindow::ChildWindowFromPointEx |
Retrieves a particular type of child window containing the specified point. |
CWindow::ClientToScreen |
Converts client coordinates to screen coordinates. |
CWindow::Create |
Creates a window. |
CWindow::CreateCaret |
Creates a new shape for the system caret. |
CWindow::CreateGrayCaret |
Creates a gray rectangle for the system caret. |
CWindow::CreateSolidCaret |
Creates a solid rectangle for the system caret. |
CWindow::DeferWindowPos |
Updates the specified multiple-window-position structure for the specified window. |
CWindow::DestroyWindow |
Destroys the window associated with the CWindow object. |
CWindow::Detach |
Detaches the window from the CWindow object. |
CWindow::DlgDirList |
Fills a list box with the names of all files matching a specified path or file name. |
CWindow::DlgDirListComboBox |
Fills a combo box with the names of all files matching a specified path or file name. |
CWindow::DlgDirSelect |
Retrieves the current selection from a list box. |
CWindow::DlgDirSelectComboBox |
Retrieves the current selection from a combo box. |
CWindow::DragAcceptFiles |
Registers whether the window accepts dragged files. |
CWindow::DrawMenuBar |
Redraws the window's menu bar. |
CWindow::EnableScrollBar |
Enables or disables the scroll bar arrows. |
CWindow::EnableWindow |
Enables or disables input. |
CWindow::EndPaint |
Marks the end of painting. |
CWindow::FlashWindow |
Flashes the window once. |
CWindow::GetClientRect |
Retrieves the coordinates of the client area. |
CWindow::GetDC |
Retrieves a device context for the client area. |
CWindow::GetDCEx |
Retrieves a device context for the client area and allows clipping options. |
CWindow::GetDescendantWindow |
Retrieves the specified descendant window. |
CWindow::GetDlgControl |
Retrieves an interface on the specified control. |
CWindow::GetDlgCtrlID |
Retrieves the window's identifier (for child windows only). |
CWindow::GetDlgHost |
Retrieves a pointer to an interface to the ATL Control hosting container. |
CWindow::GetDlgItem |
Retrieves the specified child window. |
CWindow::GetDlgItemInt |
Translates a control's text to an integer. |
CWindow::GetDlgItemText |
Retrieves a control's text. |
CWindow::GetExStyle |
Retrieves the extended window styles. |
CWindow::GetFont |
Retrieves the window's current font. |
CWindow::GetHotKey |
Determines the hot key associated with the window. |
CWindow::GetIcon |
Retrieves the window's large or small icon. |
CWindow::GetLastActivePopup |
Retrieves the most recently active pop-up window. |
CWindow::GetMenu |
Retrieves the window's menu. |
CWindow::GetNextDlgGroupItem |
Retrieves the previous or next control within a group of controls. |
CWindow::GetNextDlgTabItem |
Retrieves the previous or next control having the WS_TABSTOP style. |
CWindow::GetParent |
Retrieves the immediate parent window. |
CWindow::GetScrollInfo |
Retrieves the parameters of a scroll bar. |
CWindow::GetScrollPos |
Retrieves the position of the scroll box. |
CWindow::GetScrollRange |
Retrieves the scroll bar range. |
CWindow::GetStyle |
Retrieves the window styles. |
CWindow::GetSystemMenu |
Creates a copy of the system menu for modification. |
CWindow::GetTopLevelParent |
Retrieves the top-level parent or owner window. |
CWindow::GetTopLevelWindow |
Retrieves the top-level owner window. |
CWindow::GetTopWindow |
Retrieves the top-level child window. |
CWindow::GetUpdateRect |
Retrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the update region. |
CWindow::GetUpdateRgn |
Retrieves the update region and copies it into a specified region. |
CWindow::GetWindow |
Retrieves the specified window. |
CWindow::GetWindowContextHelpId |
Retrieves the window's help context identifier. |
CWindow::GetWindowDC |
Retrieves a device context for the entire window. |
CWindow::GetWindowLong |
Retrieves a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
CWindow::GetWindowLongPtr |
Retrieves information about the specified window, including a value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
CWindow::GetWindowPlacement |
Retrieves the show state and positions. |
CWindow::GetWindowProcessID |
Retrieves the identifier of the process that created the window. |
CWindow::GetWindowRect |
Retrieves the window's bounding dimensions. |
CWindow::GetWindowRgn |
Obtains a copy of the window region of a window. |
CWindow::GetWindowText |
Retrieves the window's text. |
CWindow::GetWindowTextLength |
Retrieves the length of the window's text. |
CWindow::GetWindowThreadID |
Retrieves the identifier of the thread that created the specified window. |
CWindow::GetWindowWord |
Retrieves a 16-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
CWindow::GotoDlgCtrl |
Sets the keyboard focus to a control in the dialog box. |
CWindow::HideCaret |
Hides the system caret. |
CWindow::HiliteMenuItem |
Highlights or removes the highlight from a top-level menu item. |
CWindow::Invalidate |
Invalidates the entire client area. |
CWindow::InvalidateRect |
Invalidates the client area within the specified rectangle. |
CWindow::InvalidateRgn |
Invalidates the client area within the specified region. |
CWindow::IsChild |
Determines whether the specified window is a child window. |
CWindow::IsDialogMessage |
Determines whether a message is intended for the specified dialog box. |
CWindow::IsDlgButtonChecked |
Determines the check state of the button. |
CWindow::IsIconic |
Determines whether the window is minimized. |
CWindow::IsParentDialog |
Determines if the parent window of a control is a dialog window. |
CWindow::IsWindow |
Determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window. |
CWindow::IsWindowEnabled |
Determines whether the window is enabled for input. |
CWindow::IsWindowUnicode |
Determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window. |
CWindow::IsWindowVisible |
Determines the window's visibility state. |
CWindow::IsZoomed |
Determines whether the window is maximized. |
CWindow::KillTimer |
Destroys a timer event. |
CWindow::LockWindowUpdate |
Disables or enables drawing in the window. |
CWindow::MapWindowPoints |
Converts a set of points from the window's coordinate space to the coordinate space of another window. |
CWindow::MessageBox |
Displays a message box. |
CWindow::ModifyStyle |
Modifies the window styles. |
CWindow::ModifyStyleEx |
Modifies the extended window styles. |
CWindow::MoveWindow |
Changes the window's size and position. |
CWindow::NextDlgCtrl |
Sets the keyboard focus to the next control in the dialog box. |
CWindow::OpenClipboard |
Opens the Clipboard. |
CWindow::PostMessage |
Places a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the window. Returns without waiting for the thread to process the message. |
CWindow::PrevDlgCtrl |
Sets the keyboard focus to the previous control in the dialog box. |
CWindow::Print |
Requests that the window be drawn in a specified device context. |
CWindow::PrintClient |
Requests that the window's client area be drawn in a specified device context. |
CWindow::RedrawWindow |
Updates a specified rectangle or region in the client area. |
CWindow::ReleaseDC |
Releases a device context. |
CWindow::ResizeClient |
Resizes the window. |
CWindow::ScreenToClient |
Converts screen coordinates to client coordinates. |
CWindow::ScrollWindow |
Scrolls the specified client area. |
CWindow::ScrollWindowEx |
Scrolls the specified client area with additional features. |
CWindow::SendDlgItemMessage |
Sends a message to a control. |
CWindow::SendMessage |
Sends a message to the window and doesn't return until the window procedure has processed the message. |
CWindow::SendMessageToDescendants |
Sends a message to the specified descendant windows. |
CWindow::SendNotifyMessage |
Sends a message to the window. If the window was created by the calling thread, SendNotifyMessage doesn't return until the window procedure has processed the message. Otherwise, it returns immediately. |
CWindow::SetActiveWindow |
Activates the window. |
CWindow::SetCapture |
Sends all subsequent mouse input to the window. |
CWindow::SetClipboardViewer |
Adds the window to the Clipboard viewer chain. |
CWindow::SetDlgCtrlID |
Changes the window's identifier. |
CWindow::SetDlgItemInt |
Changes a control's text to the string representation of an integer value. |
CWindow::SetDlgItemText |
Changes a control's text. |
CWindow::SetFocus |
Sets the input focus to the window. |
CWindow::SetFont |
Changes the window's current font. |
CWindow::SetHotKey |
Associates a hot key with the window. |
CWindow::SetIcon |
Changes the window's large or small icon. |
CWindow::SetMenu |
Changes the window's current menu. |
CWindow::SetParent |
Changes the parent window. |
CWindow::SetRedraw |
Sets or clears the redraw flag. |
CWindow::SetScrollInfo |
Sets the parameters of a scroll bar. |
CWindow::SetScrollPos |
Changes the position of the scroll box. |
CWindow::SetScrollRange |
Changes the scroll bar range. |
CWindow::SetTimer |
Creates a timer event. |
CWindow::SetWindowContextHelpId |
Sets the window's help context identifier. |
CWindow::SetWindowLong |
Sets a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
CWindow::SetWindowLongPtr |
Changes an attribute of the specified window, and also sets a value at the specified offset in the extra window memory. |
CWindow::SetWindowPlacement |
Sets the show state and positions. |
CWindow::SetWindowPos |
Sets the size, position, and Z order. |
CWindow::SetWindowRgn |
Sets the window region of a window. |
CWindow::SetWindowText |
Changes the window's text. |
CWindow::SetWindowWord |
Sets a 16-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. |
CWindow::ShowCaret |
Displays the system caret. |
CWindow::ShowOwnedPopups |
Shows or hides the pop-up windows owned by the window. |
CWindow::ShowScrollBar |
Shows or hides a scroll bar. |
CWindow::ShowWindow |
Sets the window's show state. |
CWindow::ShowWindowAsync |
Sets the show state of a window created by a different thread. |
CWindow::UpdateWindow |
Updates the client area. |
CWindow::ValidateRect |
Validates the client area within the specified rectangle. |
CWindow::ValidateRgn |
Validates the client area within the specified region. |
CWindow::WinHelp |
Starts Windows Help. |
Name | Description |
CWindow::operator HWND |
Converts the CWindow object to an HWND . |
CWindow::operator = |
Assigns an HWND to the CWindow object. |
Name | Description |
CWindow::m_hWnd |
The handle to the window associated with the CWindow object. |
CWindow::rcDefault |
Contains default window dimensions. |
provides the base functionality for manipulating a window in ATL. Many of the CWindow
methods simply wrap one of the Win32 API functions. For example, compare the prototypes for CWindow::ShowWindow
and ShowWindow
CWindow method | Win32 function |
BOOL ShowWindow( int nCmdShow ); |
BOOL ShowWindow( HWND hWnd , int nCmdShow ); |
calls the Win32 function ShowWindow
by passing CWindow::m_hWnd
as the first parameter. Every CWindow
method that directly wraps a Win32 function passes the m_hWnd
member; therefore, much of the CWindow
documentation will refer you to the Windows SDK.
Not every window-related Win32 function is wrapped by CWindow
, and not every CWindow
method wraps a Win32 function.
stores the HWND
that identifies a window. An HWND
is attached to your object when you:
Specify an
's constructor.Call
'soperator =
.Create or subclass a window using one of the following classes derived from
Allows you to create a new window or subclass an existing window.
Implements a window contained within another object. You can create a new window or subclass an existing window.
Allows you to create a modal or modeless dialog box.
For more information about windows, see Windows and subsequent topics in the Windows SDK. For more information about using windows in ATL, see the article ATL Window Classes.
Header: atlwin.h
Arranges all minimized child windows.
UINT ArrangeIconicWindows() throw();
See ArrangeIconicWindows
in the Windows SDK.
Attaches the window identified by hWndNew
to the CWindow
void Attach(HWND hWndNew) throw();
[in] The handle to a window.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object
HWND hWnd = ::GetDesktopWindow();
CWindow myWindow;
Prepares the window for painting.
HDC BeginPaint(LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint) throw();
See BeginPaint
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object
//and calls CWindow::BeginPaint() and CWindow::EndPaint() in the
// WM_PAINT handler of a CWindowImpl-derived class
LRESULT CMyCtrl::OnPaint(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/,
BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
CWindow myWindow;
HDC hDC = myWindow.BeginPaint(&ps);
//Use the hDC as much as you want
::Rectangle(hDC, 0, 0, 50, 50);
return 0;
Brings the window to the top of the Z order.
BOOL BringWindowToTop() throw();
See BringWindowToTop
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::BringWindowToTop() to bring the window to the top
//of the z-order.
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bOnTop = myWindow.BringWindowToTop();
//check if we could bring the window on top
//Do something
Centers the window against a given window.
BOOL CenterWindow(HWND hWndCenter = NULL) throw();
[in] The handle to the window against which to center. If this parameter is NULL
(the default value), the method will set hWndCenter
to the window's parent window if it's a child window. Otherwise, it will set hWndCenter
to the window's owner window.
if the window is successfully centered; otherwise, FALSE
//The following example attaches various HWNDs to the CWindow objects
//and calls CWindow::CenterWindow() for each of them
CWindow childWindow, popupWindow, overlappedWindow;
childWindow.Attach(hWndChild); //a window created with WS_CHILD style
childWindow.CenterWindow(); //This will center the child
//window against its Parent window
popupWindow.Attach(hWndPopup); //a window created with WS_POPUP style
popupWindow.CenterWindow(); //This will center the popup window
//against its Owner window
overlappedWindow.Attach(hWndOverlapped); //a window created with
overlappedWindow.CenterWindow(::GetDesktopWindow()); //This will center
//the overlapped window against the DeskTop window
Removes the window from the chain of Clipboard viewers.
BOOL ChangeClipboardChain(HWND hWndNewNext) throw();
See ChangeClipboardChain
in the Windows SDK.
Changes the check state of the specified button.
BOOL CheckDlgButton(int nIDButton, UINT nCheck) throw();
See CheckDlgButton
in the Windows SDK.
Checks the specified radio button.
BOOL CheckRadioButton(
int nIDFirstButton,
int nIDLastButton,
int nIDCheckButton) throw();
See CheckRadioButton
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the child window containing the specified point.
HWND ChildWindowFromPoint(POINT point) const throw();
See ChildWindowFromPoint
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves a particular type of child window containing the specified point.
HWND ChildWindowFromPoint(POINT point, UINT uFlags) const throw();
See ChildWindowFromPointEx
in the Windows SDK.
Converts client coordinates to screen coordinates.
BOOL ClientToScreen(LPPOINT lpPoint) const throw();
BOOL ClientToScreen(LPRECT lpRect) const throw();
See ClientToScreen
in the Windows SDK.
The second version of this method allows you to convert the coordinates of a RECT
Creates a window.
HWND Create(
LPCTSTR lpstrWndClass,
HWND hWndParent,
_U_RECT rect = NULL,
LPCTSTR szWindowName = NULL,
DWORD dwStyle = 0,
DWORD dwExStyle = 0,
_U_MENUorID MenuOrID = 0U,
LPVOID lpCreateParam = NULL) throw();
[in] A pointer to the window's class.
[in] The handle to the parent or owner window.
[in] A variable of type _U_RECT
specifying the position of the window. The default value is NULL
. When this parameter is NULL
, the value of CWindow::rcDefault
is used.
[in] Specifies the name of the window. The default value is NULL
[in] The style of the window. The default value is 0, meaning no style is specified. For a list of possible values, see CreateWindow
in the Windows SDK.
[in] The extended window style. The default value is 0, meaning no extended style is specified. For a list of possible values, see CreateWindowEx
in the Windows SDK.
[in] A variable of type _U_MENUorID
specifying a handle to a menu or a window identifier. The default value is 0U
A pointer to the window-creation data contained in a CREATESTRUCT
If successful, the handle to the newly created window, specified by m_hWnd
. Otherwise, NULL
is defined as __declspec(selectany) RECT CWindow::rcDefault = {CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0};
See CreateWindow
in the Windows SDK for more information.
Note If 0 is used as the value for the MenuOrID
parameter, it must be specified as 0U
(the default value) to avoid a compiler error.
Creates a new shape for the system caret.
BOOL CreateCaret(HBITMAP pBitmap) throw();
See CreateCaret
in the Windows SDK.
Creates a gray rectangle for the system caret.
BOOL CreateGrayCaret(int nWidth, int nHeight) throw();
See CreateCaret
in the Windows SDK.
Passes (HBITMAP) 1
for the bitmap handle parameter to the Win32 function.
Creates a solid rectangle for the system caret.
BOOL CreateSolidCaret(int nWidth, int nHeight) throw();
See CreateCaret
in the Windows SDK.
Passes (HBITMAP) 0
for the bitmap handle parameter to the Win32 function.
The constructor.
CWindow(HWND hWnd = NULL) throw();
[in] The handle to a window.
Initializes the m_hWnd
member to hWnd
, which by default is NULL
does not create a window. Classes CWindowImpl
, CContainedWindow
, and CDialogImpl
(all of which derive from CWindow
) provide a method to create a window or dialog box, which is then assigned to CWindow::m_hWnd
. You can also use the CreateWindow
Win32 function.
Updates the specified multiple-window-position structure for the specified window.
HDWP DeferWindowPos(
HDWP hWinPosInfo,
HWND hWndInsertAfter,
int x,
int y,
int cx,
int cy,
UINT uFlags) throw();
See DeferWindowPos
in the Windows SDK.
Destroys the window associated with the CWindow
object and sets m_hWnd
BOOL DestroyWindow() throw();
See DestroyWindow
in the Windows SDK.
It doesn't destroy the CWindow
object itself.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::DestroyWindow() to destroy the window
CWindow myWindow;
//call the CWindow wrappers
hWndChild = NULL;
Detaches m_hWnd
from the CWindow
object and sets m_hWnd
HWND Detach() throw();
associated with the CWindow
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//later detaches the CWindow object from the HWND when no longer needed
CWindow myWindow;
//call CWindow wrappers
//We don't need the C++ object any more, so detach it from the HWND.
Fills a list box with the names of all files matching a specified path or file name.
int DlgDirList(
LPTSTR lpPathSpec,
int nIDListBox,
int nIDStaticPath,
UINT nFileType) throw();
See DlgDirList
in the Windows SDK.
Fills a combo box with the names of all files matching a specified path or file name.
int DlgDirListComboBox(
LPTSTR lpPathSpec,
int nIDComboBox,
int nIDStaticPath,
UINT nFileType) throw();
See DlgDirListComboBox
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the current selection from a list box.
BOOL DlgDirSelect(
LPTSTR lpString,
int nCount,
int nIDListBox) throw();
See DlgDirSelectEx
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the current selection from a combo box.
BOOL DlgDirSelectComboBox(
LPTSTR lpString,
int nCount,
int nIDComboBox) throw();
See DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx
in the Windows SDK.
Registers whether the window accepts dragged files.
void DragAcceptFiles(BOOL bAccept = TRUE);
See DragAcceptFiles
in the Windows SDK.
Redraws the window's menu bar.
BOOL DrawMenuBar() throw();
See DrawMenuBar
in the Windows SDK.
Enables or disables the scroll bar arrows.
BOOL EnableScrollBar(UINT uSBFlags, UINT uArrowFlags = ESB_ENABLE_BOTH) throw();
See EnableScrollBar
in the Windows SDK.
Enables or disables input.
BOOL EnableWindow(BOOL bEnable = TRUE) throw();
See EnableWindow
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::EnableWindow() to enable and disable the window
//wrapped by the CWindow object
CWindow myWindow;
//The following call enables the window
//CWindow::EnableWindow() takes TRUE as the default parameter
//Do something now that the window is enabled
//Now it's time to disable the window again
Marks the end of painting.
void EndPaint(LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint) throw();
See EndPaint
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object
//and calls CWindow::BeginPaint() and CWindow::EndPaint() in the
// WM_PAINT handler of a CWindowImpl-derived class
LRESULT CMyCtrl::OnPaint(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/,
BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
CWindow myWindow;
HDC hDC = myWindow.BeginPaint(&ps);
//Use the hDC as much as you want
::Rectangle(hDC, 0, 0, 50, 50);
return 0;
Flashes the window once.
BOOL FlashWindow(BOOL bInvert) throw();
See FlashWindow
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the coordinates of the client area.
BOOL GetClientRect(LPRECT lpRect) const throw();
See GetClientRect
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::GetClientRect() to get the client area rectangle
//of the window
CWindow myWindow;
RECT rc;
Retrieves a device context for the client area.
HDC GetDC() throw();
See GetDC
in the Windows SDK.
// The following example attaches a HWND to the CWindow object,
// calls CWindow::GetDC to retrieve the DC of the client
// area of the window wrapped by CWindow Object, and calls
// CWindow::ReleaseDC to release the DC.
CWindow myWindow;
HDC hDC = myWindow.GetDC();
// Use the DC
Retrieves a device context for the client area and allows clipping options.
HDC GetDCEx(HRGN hRgnClip, DWORD flags) throw();
See GetDCEx
in the Windows SDK.
Finds the descendant window specified by the given identifier.
HWND GetDescendantWindow(int nID) const throw();
[in] The identifier of the descendant window to be retrieved.
The handle to a descendant window.
searches the entire tree of child windows, not only the windows that are immediate children.
Call this function to get a pointer to an interface of an ActiveX control that is hosted by a composite control or a control-hosting dialog.
HRESULT GetDlgControl(
int nID,
void** ppCtrl) throw();
[in] The resource ID of the control being retrieved.
[in] The ID of the interface you would like to get from the control.
[out] The pointer to the interface.
Returns S_OK
on success or any valid error HRESULT
. For example, the function returns E_FAIL
if the control specified by nID
can't be found and it returns E_NOINTERFACE
if the control can be found, but it doesn't support the interface specified by iid
Using this pointer, you can call methods on the interface.
Retrieves the window's identifier (for child windows only).
int GetDlgCtrlID() const throw();
See GetDlgCtrlID
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves a pointer to an interface to the ATL Control hosting container.
int nID,
void** ppHost) throw();
[in] The resource ID of the control being retrieved.
[in] The ID of the interface you would like to get from the control.
[out] The pointer to the interface.
Returns S_OK
if the window specified by iid
is a Control Container, and the requested interface could be retrieved. Returns E_FAIL
if the window isn't a Control Container, or if the interface requested couldn't be retrieved. If a window with the specified ID couldn't be found, then the return value is equal to HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CONTROL_ID_NOT_FOUND)
Using this pointer, you can call methods on the interface.
Retrieves the specified child window.
HWND GetDlgItem(int nID) const throw();
See GetDlgItem in the Windows SDK.
Translates a control's text to an integer.
UINT GetDlgItemInt(
int nID,
BOOL* lpTrans = NULL,
BOOL bSigned = TRUE) const throw();
See GetDlgItemInt
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves a control's text.
UINT GetDlgItemText(
int nID,
int nMaxCount) const throw();
BOOL GetDlgItemText(
int nID,
BSTR& bstrText) const throw();
For more information, see GetDlgItemText
in the Windows SDK.
The second version of this method allows you to copy the control's text to a BSTR
. This version returns TRUE
if the text is successfully copied; otherwise, FALSE
Retrieves the extended window styles of the window.
DWORD GetExStyle() const throw();
The window's extended styles.
To retrieve the regular window styles, call GetStyle
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::GetExStyle() to retrieve the extended styles of
//the window
CWindow myWindow;
DWORD dwExStyles = myWindow.GetExStyle();
Retrieves the window's current font by sending a WM_GETFONT
message to the window.
HFONT GetFont() const throw();
A font handle.
Determines the hot key associated with the window by sending a WM_GETHOTKEY
DWORD GetHotKey() const throw();
The virtual key code and modifiers for the hot key associated with the window. For a list of possible modifiers, see WM_GETHOTKEY
in the Windows SDK. For a list of standard virtual key codes, see Winuser.h
Retrieves the handle to the window's large or small icon.
HICON GetIcon(BOOL bBigIcon = TRUE) const;
[in] If TRUE
(the default value) the method returns the large icon. Otherwise, it returns the small icon.
An icon handle.
sends a WM_GETICON
message to the window.
Retrieves the most recently active pop-up window.
HWND GetLastActivePopup() const throw();
See GetLastActivePopup
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the window's menu.
HMENU GetMenu() const throw();
See GetMenu
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the previous or next control within a group of controls.
HWND GetNextDlgGroupItem(HWND hWndCtl, BOOL bPrevious = FALSE) const throw();
See GetNextDlgGroupItem
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the previous or next control having the WS_TABSTOP
HWND GetNextDlgTabItem(HWND hWndCtl, BOOL bPrevious = FALSE) const throw();
See GetNextDlgTabItem
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the immediate parent window.
HWND GetParent() const throw();
See GetParent
in the Windows SDK.
// The following example attaches a HWND to the CWindow object
// and calls CWindow::GetParent to find out the parent
// window of the window wrapped by CWindow object.
CWindow myWindow;
HWND hWndParent = myWindow.GetParent();
Retrieves the parameters of a scroll bar.
BOOL GetScrollInfo(int nBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpScrollInfo) throw();
See GetScrollInfo
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the position of the scroll box.
int GetScrollPos(int nBar) const throw();
See GetScrollPos
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the scroll bar range.
BOOL GetScrollRange(
int nBar,
LPINT lpMinPos,
LPINT lpMaxPos) const throw();
See GetScrollRange
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the window styles of the window.
DWORD GetStyle() const throw();
The window's styles.
To retrieve the extended window styles, call GetExStyle
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::GetStyle() to retrieve the styles of the window
CWindow myWindow;
DWORD dwStyles = myWindow.GetStyle();
Creates a copy of the system menu for modification.
HMENU GetSystemMenu(BOOL bRevert) const throw();
See GetSystemMenu
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the window's top-level parent window.
HWND GetTopLevelParent() const throw();
The handle to the top-level parent window.
Retrieves the window's top-level parent or owner window.
HWND GetTopLevelWindow() const throw();
The handle to the top-level owner window.
Retrieves the top-level child window.
HWND GetTopWindow() const throw();
See GetTopWindow
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::GetTopWindow() to get the top-level child window
CWindow myWindow;
HWND hWndFavoriteChild = myWindow.GetTopWindow();
Retrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the update region.
BOOL GetUpdateRect(LPRECT lpRect, BOOL bErase = FALSE) throw();
See GetUpdateRect
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the update region and copies it into a specified region.
int GetUpdateRgn(HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase = FALSE) throw();
See GetUpdateRgn
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the specified window.
HWND GetWindow(UINT nCmd) const throw();
See GetWindow
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the window's help context identifier.
DWORD GetWindowContextHelpId() const throw();
See GetWindowContextHelpId
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves a device context for the entire window.
HDC GetWindowDC() throw();
See GetWindowDC
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::GetWindowDC() to retrieve the DC of the entire window
CWindow myWindow;
HDC hDC = myWindow.GetWindowDC();
Retrieves a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory.
LONG GetWindowLong(int nIndex) const throw();
See GetWindowLong
in the Windows SDK.
To write code that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, use CWindow::GetWindowLongPtr
Retrieves information about the specified window, including a value at a specified offset into the extra window memory.
LONG_PTR GetWindowLongPtr(int nIndex) const throw();
For more information, see GetWindowLongPtr
in the Windows SDK.
If you're retrieving a pointer or a handle, this function supersedes the CWindow::GetWindowLong
Pointers and handles are 32 bits on 32-bit Windows and 64 bits on 64-bit Windows.
To write code that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, use CWindow::GetWindowLongPtr
Retrieves the show state and positions.
BOOL GetWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT FAR* lpwndpl) const throw();
See GetWindowPlacement
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the identifier of the process that created the window.
DWORD GetWindowProcessID() throw();
See GetWindowThreadProcessID
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::GetWindowProcessID() to retrieve the id of the
//process that created the window
CWindow myWindow;
DWORD dwID = myWindow.GetWindowProcessID();
Retrieves the window's bounding dimensions.
BOOL GetWindowRect(LPRECT lpRect) const throw();
See GetWindowRect
in the Windows SDK.
Obtains a copy of the window region of a window.
int GetWindowRgn(HRGN hRgn) throw();
See GetWindowRgn
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the window's text.
int GetWindowText(LPTSTR lpszStringBuf, int nMaxCount) const throw();
BOOL GetWindowText(BSTR& bstrText) throw();
int GetWindowText(CSimpleString& strText) const;
A buffer to which to write the window text.
The size of the buffer in characters; also the maximum number of characters to write.
in which to store the window text.
A CString
in which to store the window text.
If the text is successfully copied, the return value is TRUE
; otherwise, the return value is FALSE
See GetWindowText
in the Windows SDK.
The second version of this method allows you to store the text in a BSTR
; the third version allows you to store the result in a CString
, since CSimpleString
is the base class of CString
Retrieves the length of the window's text.
int GetWindowTextLength() const throw();
See GetWindowTextLength
in the Windows SDK.
Retrieves the identifier of the thread that created the specified window.
DWORD GetWindowThreadID() throw();
See GetWindowThreadProcessID
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::GetWindowThreadID() to retrieve the id of the thread
//that created the window
CWindow myWindow;
DWORD dwID = myWindow.GetWindowThreadID();
Retrieves a 16-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory.
WORD GetWindowWord(int nIndex) const throw();
See GetWindowLong
in the Windows SDK.
Sets the keyboard focus to a control in the dialog box.
void GotoDlgCtrl(HWND hWndCtrl) const throw();
in the Windows SDK.
Hides the system caret.
BOOL HideCaret() throw();
See HideCaret
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::HideCaret() to hide the caret of the window owning
//the caret
CWindow myWindow;
Highlights or removes the highlight from a top-level menu item.
BOOL HiliteMenuItem(
HMENU hMenu,
UINT uHiliteItem,
UINT uHilite) throw();
See HiliteMenuItem
in the Windows SDK.
Invalidates the entire client area.
BOOL Invalidate(BOOL bErase = TRUE) throw();
See InvalidateRect
in the Windows SDK.
Passes NULL
for the RECT
parameter to the InvalidateRect
Win32 function.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::Invalidate() to invalidate the entire client area
CWindow myWindow;
Invalidates the client area within the specified rectangle.
BOOL InvalidateRect(LPCRECT lpRect, BOOL bErase = TRUE) throw();
See InvalidateRect
in the Windows SDK.
Invalidates the client area within the specified region.
void InvalidateRgn(HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase = TRUE) throw();
For more information, see InvalidateRgn
in the Windows SDK.
Specifies a void
return type, while the InvalidateRgn
Win32 function always returns TRUE
Determines whether the specified window is a child window.
BOOL IsChild(const HWND hWnd) const throw();
See IsChild
in the Windows SDK.
Determines whether a message is intended for the specified dialog box.
BOOL IsDialogMessage(LPMSG lpMsg) throw();
See IsDialogMessage
in the Windows SDK.
Determines the check state of the button.
UINT IsDlgButtonChecked(int nIDButton) const throw();
See IsDlgButtonChecked
in the Windows SDK.
Determines whether the window is minimized.
BOOL IsIconic() const throw();
See IsIconic
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::IsIconic() to determine if the window is minimized
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bIconic = myWindow.IsIconic();
Determines if the parent window of the control is a dialog window.
BOOL IsParentDialog() throw();
Returns TRUE
if the parent window is a dialog, FALSE
Determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window.
BOOL IsWindow() throw();
See IsWindow
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::IsWindow() to verify if the HWND corresponds
//to an existing window
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bWindow = myWindow.IsWindow();
Determines whether the window is enabled for input.
BOOL IsWindowEnabled() const throw();
See IsWindowEnabled
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::IsWindowEnabled() to verify if the window is enabled
//for receiving input
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bEnabled = myWindow.IsWindowEnabled();
Determines the window's visibility state.
BOOL IsWindowVisible() const throw();
See IsWindowVisible
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::IsWindowVisible() to determine the visibility state
//of the window
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bVisible = myWindow.IsWindowVisible();
Determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window.
BOOL IsWindowUnicode() throw();
See IsWindowUnicode
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::IsWindowUnicode() to determine if the window is a
//UNICODE window or an ANSI one.
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bUnicode = myWindow.IsWindowUnicode();
Determines whether the window is maximized.
BOOL IsZoomed() const throw();
See IsZoomed
in the Windows SDK.
Destroys a timer event created by CWindow::SetTimer
BOOL KillTimer(UINT nIDEvent) throw();
See KillTimer
in the Windows SDK.
Disables or enables drawing in the window by calling the LockWindowUpdate
Win32 function.
BOOL LockWindowUpdate(BOOL bLock = TRUE) throw();
[in] If TRUE
(the default value), the window will be locked. Otherwise, it will be unlocked.
if the window is successfully locked; otherwise, FALSE
If bLock
, this method passes m_hWnd
to the Win32 function; otherwise, it passes NULL
Contains a handle to the window associated with the CWindow
HWND m_hWnd throw() throw();
Converts a set of points from the window's coordinate space to the coordinate space of another window.
int MapWindowPoints(
HWND hWndTo,
LPPOINT lpPoint,
UINT nCount) const throw();
int MapWindowPoints(
HWND hWndTo,
LPRECT lpRect) const throw();
See MapWindowPoints
in the Windows SDK.
The second version of this method allows you to convert the coordinates of a RECT
Displays a message box.
int MessageBox(
LPCTSTR lpszText,
LPCTSTR lpszCaption = NULL,
UINT nType = MB_OK) throw();
See MessageBox
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::MessageBox() to pop up a Windows message box
CWindow myWindow;
myWindow.MessageBox(_T("Hello World"));
Modifies the window styles of the CWindow
BOOL ModifyStyle(
DWORD dwRemove,
DWORD dwAdd,
UINT nFlags = 0) throw();
[in] Specifies the window styles to be removed during style modification.
[in] Specifies the window styles to be added during style modification.
[in] Window-positioning flags. For a list of possible values, see the SetWindowPos
function in the Windows SDK.
if the window styles are modified; otherwise, FALSE
Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise "or" (|
) operator. See the CreateWindow
function in the Windows SDKfor information about the available window styles.
If nFlags
is nonzero, ModifyStyle
calls the Win32 function SetWindowPos
, and redraws the window by combining nFlags
with the following four flags:
Retains the current size.SWP_NOMOVE
Retains the current position.SWP_NOZORDER
Retains the current Z order.SWP_NOACTIVATE
Doesn't activate the window.
To modify a window's extended styles, call ModifyStyleEx
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::ModifyStyle() to add and remove the window styles
CWindow myWindow;
//The following line removes the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style from the
//window and adds the WS_CAPTION style to the window
Modifies the extended window styles of the CWindow
BOOL ModifyStyleEx(
DWORD dwRemove,
DWORD dwAdd,
UINT nFlags = 0) throw();
[in] Specifies the extended styles to be removed during style modification.
[in] Specifies the extended styles to be added during style modification.
[in] Window-positioning flags. For a list of possible values, see the SetWindowPos
function in the Windows SDK.
if the extended window styles are modified; otherwise, FALSE
Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise "or" (|
) operator. See the CreateWindowEx
function in the Windows SDK for information about the available extended styles.
If nFlags
is nonzero, ModifyStyleEx
calls the Win32 function SetWindowPos
, and redraws the window by combining nFlags
with the following four flags:
Retains the current size.SWP_NOMOVE
Retains the current position.SWP_NOZORDER
Retains the current Z order.SWP_NOACTIVATE
Doesn't activate the window.
To modify windows using regular window styles, call ModifyStyle
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::ModifyStyleEx() to add and remove the extended
//window styles
CWindow myWindow;
//The following line removes WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP extended style from
//the window and adds WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extended style to the window
Changes the window's size and position.
BOOL MoveWindow(
int x,
int y,
int nWidth,
int nHeight,
BOOL bRepaint = TRUE) throw();
BOOL MoveWindow(
BOOL bRepaint = TRUE) throw();
For a top-level window object, the x
and y
parameters are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. For a child window object, they're relative to the upper-left corner of the parent window's client area.
The second version of this method uses a RECT
structure to determine the window's new position, width, and height.
Sets the keyboard focus to the next control in the dialog box.
void NextDlgCtrl() const throw();
in the Windows SDK.
Opens the Clipboard.
BOOL OpenClipboard() throw();
See OpenClipboard
in the Windows SDK.
Converts a CWindow
object to an HWND
operator HWND() const throw();
Assigns an HWND
to the CWindow
object by setting the m_hWnd
member to hWnd
CWindow& operator= (HWND hWnd) throw();
Places a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the window.
BOOL PostMessage(
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0) throw();
See PostMessage
in the Windows SDK.
Returns without waiting for the thread to process the message.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//posts a WM_PAINT message to the Window wrapped by the CWindow object
//using CWindow::PostMessage() with the default values of WPARAM and
CWindow myWindow;
Sets the keyboard focus to the previous control in the dialog box.
void PrevDlgCtrl() const throw();
in the Windows SDK.
Sends a WM_PRINT
message to the window to request that it draw itself in the specified device context.
void Print(HDC hDC, DWORD dwFlags) const throw();
[in] The handle to a device context.
[in] Specifies the drawing options. You can combine one or more of the following flags:
Draw the window only if it's visible.PRF_CHILDREN
Draw all visible child windows.PRF_CLIENT
Draw the client area of the window.PRF_ERASEBKGND
Erase the background before drawing the window.PRF_NONCLIENT
Draw the non-client area of the window.PRF_OWNED
Draw all owned windows.
message to the window to request that it draw its client area in the specified device context.
void PrintClient(HDC hDC, DWORD dwFlags) const throw();
[in] The handle to a device context.
[in] Specifies drawing options. You can combine one or more of the following flags:
Draw the window only if it's visible.PRF_CHILDREN
Draw all visible child windows.PRF_CLIENT
Draw the client area of the window.PRF_ERASEBKGND
Erase the background before drawing the window.PRF_NONCLIENT
Draw the non-client area of the window.PRF_OWNED
Draw all owned windows.
Contains default window dimensions.
static RECT rcDefault;
Updates a specified rectangle or region in the client area.
BOOL RedrawWindow(
LPCRECT lpRectUpdate = NULL,
HRGN hRgnUpdate = NULL,
See RedrawWindow
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::RedrawWindow() to update the entire window using the
//default arguments
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bRedrawn = myWindow.RedrawWindow();
Releases a device context.
int ReleaseDC(HDC hDC);
See ReleaseDC
in the Windows SDK.
// The following example attaches a HWND to the CWindow object,
// calls CWindow::GetDC to retrieve the DC of the client
// area of the window wrapped by CWindow Object, and calls
// CWindow::ReleaseDC to release the DC.
CWindow myWindow;
HDC hDC = myWindow.GetDC();
// Use the DC
Resizes the window to the specified client area size.
BOOL ResizeClient(
int nWidth,
int nHeight,
BOOL bRedraw = FALSE) throw();
New width of the window in pixels.
New height of the window in pixels.
A flag indicating whether to redraw changes. Default is FALSE
, indicating the window doesn't redraw changes.
Converts screen coordinates to client coordinates.
BOOL ScreenToClient(LPPOINT lpPoint) const throw();
BOOL ScreenToClient(LPRECT lpRect) const throw();
See ScreenToClient
in the Windows SDK.
The second version of this method allows you to convert the coordinates of a RECT
Scrolls the specified client area.
BOOL ScrollWindow(
int xAmount,
int yAmount,
LPCRECT lpClipRect = NULL) throw();
See ScrollWindow
in the Windows SDK.
Scrolls the specified client area with additional features.
int ScrollWindowEx(
int dx,
int dy,
LPCRECT lpRectScroll,
LPCRECT lpRectClip,
HRGN hRgnUpdate,
LPRECT lpRectUpdate,
UINT flags) throw();
See ScrollWindowEx
in the Windows SDK.
Sends a message to a control.
LRESULT SendDlgItemMessage(
int nID,
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0) throw();
See SendDlgItemMessage
in the Windows SDK.
Sends a message to the window and doesn't return until the window procedure has processed the message.
LRESULT SendMessage(
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0) throw();
static LRESULT SendMessage(
HWND hWnd,
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam) throw();
See SendMessage
in the Windows SDK.
// The following example attaches a HWND to the CWindow
// object and sends a WM_PAINT message to the window
// wrapped by CWindow object using CWindow::SendMessage.
CWindow myWindow;
myWindow.SendMessage(WM_PAINT, 0L, 0L);
Sends the specified message to all immediate children of the CWindow
void SendMessageToDescendants(
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0,
BOOL bDeep = TRUE) throw();
[in] The message to be sent.
[in] Additional message-specific information.
[in] Additional message-specific information.
[in] If TRUE
(the default value), the message will be sent to all descendant windows; otherwise, it will be sent only to the immediate child windows.
If bDeep
, the message is additionally sent to all other descendant windows.
Sends a message to the window.
BOOL SendNotifyMessage(
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam = 0,
LPARAM lParam = 0) throw();
See SendNotifyMessage
in the Windows SDK.
If the window was created by the calling thread, SendNotifyMessage
doesn't return until the window procedure has processed the message. Otherwise, it returns immediately.
Activates the window.
HWND SetActiveWindow() throw();
See SetActiveWindow
in the Windows SDK.
// The following example attaches a HWND to the CWindow object
// and sets the window as an active window by calling
// CWindow::SetActiveWindow which returns the HWND of the
// previously active window.
CWindow myWindow;
HWND hWndPrev = myWindow.SetActiveWindow();
Sends all subsequent mouse input to the window.
HWND SetCapture() throw();
See SetCapture
in the Windows SDK.
Adds the window to the Clipboard viewer chain.
HWND SetClipboardViewer() throw();
See SetClipboardViewer
in the Windows SDK.
Sets the identifier of the window to the specified value.
int SetDlgCtrlID(int nID) throw();
[in] The new value to set for the window's identifier.
If successful, the previous identifier of the window; otherwise 0.
Changes a control's text to the string representation of an integer value.
BOOL SetDlgItemInt(
int nID,
UINT nValue,
BOOL bSigned = TRUE) throw();
See SetDlgItemInt
in the Windows SDK.
Changes a control's text.
BOOL SetDlgItemText(int nID, LPCTSTR lpszString) throw();
See SetDlgItemText
in the Windows SDK.
Sets the input focus to the window.
HWND SetFocus() throw();
See SetFocus
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::SetFocus() to set the input focus
CWindow myWindow;
HWND hWndLeftFocus = myWindow.SetFocus();
Changes the window's current font by sending a WM_SETFONT
message to the window.
void SetFont(HFONT hFont, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE) throw();
[in] The handle to the new font.
[in] If TRUE
(the default value), the window is redrawn. Otherwise, it isn't.
Associates a hot key with the window by sending a WM_SETHOTKEY
int SetHotKey(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, WORD wModifiers) throw();
[in] The virtual key code of the hot key. For a list of standard virtual key codes, see Winuser.h
[in] The modifiers of the hot key. For a list of possible values, see WM_SETHOTKEY
in the Windows SDK.
For a list of possible return values, see WM_SETHOTKEY
in the Windows SDK.
Sets the window's large or small icon to the icon identified by hIcon
HICON SetIcon(HICON hIcon, BOOL bBigIcon = TRUE) throw();
[in] The handle to a new icon.
[in] If TRUE
(the default value), the method sets a large icon. Otherwise, it sets a small icon.
The handle to the previous icon.
sends a WM_SETICON
message to the window.
Changes the window's current menu.
BOOL SetMenu(HMENU hMenu) throw();
See SetMenu
in the Windows SDK.
Changes the parent window.
HWND SetParent(HWND hWndNewParent) throw();
See SetParent
in the Windows SDK.
// The following example attaches a HWND to the CWindow object
// and sets the hWndParent as the parent window of the
// window wrapped by CWindow object using CWindow::SetParent.
CWindow myWindow;
HWND hWndPrevParent = myWindow.SetParent(hWndParent);
Sets or clears the redraw flag by sending a WM_SETREDRAW
message to the window.
void SetRedraw(BOOL bRedraw = TRUE) throw();
[in] Specifies the state of the redraw flag. If TRUE
(the default value), the redraw flag is set; if FALSE
, the flag is cleared.
Call SetRedraw
to allow changes to be redrawn or to prevent changes from being redrawn.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::SetRedraw() to set and reset the redraw flag
CWindow myWindow;
myWindow.SetRedraw(); //sets the redraw flag to TRUE
myWindow.SetRedraw(FALSE); //sets the redraw flag to FALSE
Sets the parameters of a scroll bar.
int SetScrollInfo(
int nBar,
BOOL bRedraw = TRUE) throw();
See SetScrollInfo
in the Windows SDK.
Changes the position of the scroll box.
int SetScrollPos(
int nBar,
int nPos,
BOOL bRedraw = TRUE) throw();
See SetScrollPos
in the Windows SDK.
Changes the scroll bar range.
BOOL SetScrollRange(
int nBar,
int nMinPos,
int nMaxPos,
BOOL bRedraw = TRUE) throw();
See SetScrollRange
in the Windows SDK.
Creates a timer event.
UINT SetTimer(
UINT nIDEvent,
UINT nElapse,
void (CALLBACK* lpfnTimer)(HWND, UINT, UINT, DWORD) = NULL) throw();
See SetTimer
in the Windows SDK.
Sets the window's help context identifier.
BOOL SetWindowContextHelpId(DWORD dwContextHelpId) throw();
See SetWindowContextHelpId
in the Windows SDK.
Sets a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory.
LONG SetWindowLong(int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong) throw();
See SetWindowLong
in the Windows SDK.
To write code that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, use CWindow::SetWindowLongPtr
Changes an attribute of the specified window, and also sets a value at the specified offset in the extra window memory.
LONG_PTR SetWindowLongPtr(int nIndex, LONG_PTR dwNewLong) throw();
See SetWindowLongPtr
in the Windows SDK.
This function supersedes the CWindow::SetWindowLong
method. To write code that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, use CWindow::SetWindowLongPtr
Sets the show state and positions.
BOOL SetWindowPlacement(const WINDOWPLACEMENT FAR* lpwndpl);
See SetWindowPlacement
in the Windows SDK.
Sets the size, position, and Z order.
BOOL SetWindowPos(
HWND hWndInsertAfter,
int x,
int y,
int cx,
int cy,
UINT nFlags) throw();
BOOL SetWindowPos(
HWND hWndInsertAfter,
UINT nFlags) throw();
See SetWindowPos
in the Windows SDK.
The second version of this method uses a RECT
structure to set the window's new position, width, and height.
Sets the window region of a window.
int SetWindowRgn(HRGN hRgn, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE) throw();
See SetWindowRgn
in the Windows SDK.
Changes the window's text.
BOOL SetWindowText(LPCTSTR lpszString) throw();
See SetWindowText
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::SetWindowText() to set the new title-text of the
CWindow myWindow;
myWindow.SetWindowText(_T("Hello ATL"));
Sets a 16-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory.
WORD SetWindowWord(int nIndex, WORD wNewWord) throw();
See SetWindowLong
in the Windows SDK.
Displays the system caret.
BOOL ShowCaret() throw();
See ShowCaret
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::ShowCaret() to show the caret
CWindow myWindow;
Shows or hides the pop-up windows owned by the window.
BOOL ShowOwnedPopups(BOOL bShow = TRUE) throw();
See ShowOwnedPopups
in the Windows SDK.
Shows or hides a scroll bar.
BOOL ShowScrollBar(UINT nBar, BOOL bShow = TRUE) throw();
See ShowScrollBar
in the Windows SDK.
Sets the window's show state.
BOOL ShowWindow(int nCmdShow) throw();
See ShowWindow
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::ShowWindow() to show the window in its maximized state
CWindow myWindow;
Sets the show state of a window created by a different thread.
BOOL ShowWindowAsync(int nCmdShow) throw();
See ShowWindowAsync
in the Windows SDK.
Updates the client area.
BOOL UpdateWindow() throw();
See UpdateWindow
in the Windows SDK.
//The following example attaches an HWND to the CWindow object and
//calls CWindow::UpdateWindow() to update the window
CWindow myWindow;
BOOL bUpdated = myWindow.UpdateWindow();
Validates the client area within the specified rectangle.
BOOL ValidateRect(LPCRECT lpRect) throw();
See ValidateRect
in the Windows SDK.
Validates the client area within the specified region.
BOOL ValidateRgn(HRGN hRgn) throw();
See ValidateRgn
in the Windows SDK.
Starts Windows Help.
BOOL WinHelp(
LPCTSTR lpszHelp,
DWORD dwData = 0) throw();
See WinHelp
in the Windows SDK.