CMDITabInfo Class
The CMDITabInfo
class is used to pass parameters to CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableMDITabbedGroups method. Set members of this class to control the behavior of MDI tabbed groups.
class CMDITabInfo
Name | Description |
CMDITabInfo::CMDITabInfo |
Default constructor. |
Name | Description |
CMDITabInfo::Serialize | Reads or writes this object from or to an archive. |
Name | Description |
CMDITabInfo::m_bActiveTabCloseButton; | Specifies whether a Close button is displayed on the label of the active tab. |
CMDITabInfo::m_bAutoColor | Specifies whether to color the MDI tabs. |
CMDITabInfo::m_bDocumentMenu | Specifies whether the tab group displays a popup menu that shows a list of opened documents or displays scroll buttons. |
CMDITabInfo::m_bEnableTabSwap | Specifies whether the user can swap the positions of tabs by dragging. |
CMDITabInfo::m_bFlatFrame | Specifies whether tabs have a flat frame. |
CMDITabInfo::m_bTabCloseButton | Specifies whether each tab label displays a Close button. |
CMDITabInfo::m_bTabCustomTooltips | Specifies whether custom tooltips are enabled. |
CMDITabInfo::m_bTabIcons | Specifies whether to display icons on MDI tabs. |
CMDITabInfo::m_nTabBorderSize | Specifies the border size of each tab window. |
CMDITabInfo::m_style | Specifies the style of the tab labels. |
CMDITabInfo::m_tabLocation | Specifies whether the tabs labels are located at the top or the bottom of the page. |
This class specifies the parameters of the MDI tab groups that the framework creates.
The following example demonstrates how to set the values of the various member variables in CMDITabInfo
CMDITabInfo mdiTabParams;
mdiTabParams.m_style = CMFCTabCtrl::STYLE_3D_ONENOTE;
// set to FALSE to place close button at right of tab area
mdiTabParams.m_bActiveTabCloseButton = FALSE;
// set to TRUE to enable document icons on MDI taba
mdiTabParams.m_bTabIcons = TRUE;
// set to FALSE to disable auto-coloring of MDI tabs
mdiTabParams.m_bAutoColor = FALSE;
// set to TRUE to enable the document menu at the right edge of the tab area
mdiTabParams.m_bDocumentMenu = TRUE;
//set to TRUE to enable the user to change the tabs positions by dragging the tabs
mdiTabParams.m_bEnableTabSwap = TRUE;
// set to TRUE to give each tab window has a flat frame
mdiTabParams.m_bFlatFrame = TRUE;
// set to TRUE to enable each tab window to display the Close button on the right edge of the tab.
mdiTabParams.m_bTabCloseButton = FALSE;
// set to TRUE to enable the tabs to display tooltips.
mdiTabParams.m_bTabCustomTooltips = TRUE;
// Specifies that the tabs labels are located at the top of the page
mdiTabParams.m_tabLocation = CMFCTabCtrl::LOCATION_TOP;
EnableMDITabbedGroups(TRUE, mdiTabParams);
Header: afxmdiclientareawnd.h
Specifies whether a Close button is displayed on the label of the active tab.
BOOL m_bActiveTabCloseButton;
If TRUE, the label of the active tab will display a Close button. The Close button will be removed from the right top corner of the tab area. Otherwise, the label of the active tab will not display a Close button. The Close button will appear in the right top corner of the tab area.
Specifies whether each MDI tab has its own color.
BOOL m_bAutoColor;
If TRUE, each tab will have its own color. The set of colors is managed by the MFC library. Otherwise, the tabs are displayed in white. The default value is FALSE.
Specifies whether each tab displays a popup menu that shows a list of opened documents at the right edge of the tab area.
BOOL m_bDocumentMenu;
If TRUE, each tab windows displays a popup menu that shows a list of opened documents at the right edge of the tab area; Otherwise, the tab window displays scroll buttons at the right edge of the tab area. The default value is FALSE.
Specifies whether the user can swap the positions of tabs by dragging.
BOOL m_bEnableTabSwap;
If TRUE, the user can change the tabs positions by dragging the tabs. Otherwise, the user cannot change the tabs positions. The default value is TRUE.
Specifies whether each tab window has a flat frame.
BOOL m_bFlatFrame;
Specifies whether each tab window displays a Close button.
BOOL m_bTabCloseButton;
If TRUE, each tab window displays the Close button on the right edge of the tab. Otherwise, the Close button is not displayed. The default value is TRUE.
Specifies whether the tabs display tooltips.
BOOL m_bTabCustomTooltips;
If TRUE, the application sends an AFX_WM_ON_GET_TAB_TOOLTIP message to the main frame. You can handle this message by using the ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE macro.
Specifies whether to display icons on MDI tabs.
BOOL m_bTabIcons;
If TRUE, icons are displayed on each MDI tab. Otherwise, icons are not displayed on tabs. The default value is FALSE.
Specifies the border size, in pixels, of each tab window.
int m_nTabBorderSize;
CMFCVisualManager::GetMDITabsBordersSize returns the default value.
Specifies the style of the tab labels.
CMFCTabCtrl::Style m_style
Specify one of the following styles for the tab labels:
Macro | Description |
STYLE_3D | 3D style. |
STYLE_3D_ONENOTE | Microsoft OneNote style. |
STYLE_3D_VS2005 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 style. |
STYLE_3D_SCROLLED | 3D style with rectangle tab labels. |
STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLL | Flat style with shared horizontal scroll bar. |
STYLE_3D_ROUNDED_SCROLL | 3D style with round tab labels. |
Specifies whether the tabs labels are located at the top or the bottom of the page.
CMFCTabCtrl::Location m_tabLocation;
Apply to the tabs one of the following location flags:
LOCATION_BOTTOM: the tabs labels are located at the bottom of the page.
LOCATION_TOP: the tabs labels are located at the top of the page
Reads or writes this object from an archive or to an archive.
void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
[in] A CArchive Class object to serialize.
CMDIFrameWndEx Class
MDI Tabbed Groups
Hierarchy Chart