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CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl Class

A toolbar button that contains a date and time picker control.


class CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl : public CMFCToolBarButton


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl Constructs a CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl object.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::~CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl Destructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::CanBeStretched Specifies whether a user can stretch the button during customization. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::CanBeStretched.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::CopyFrom Copies the properties of another toolbar button to the current button. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::CopyFrom.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::DuplicateData Reserved for future use.
CMFCToolBarButton::ExportToMenuButton Copies text from the toolbar button to a menu.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::CreateObject Used by the framework to create a dynamic instance of this class type.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetByCmd Retrieves the first CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl object in the application that has the specified command ID.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetDateTimeCtrl Returns a pointer to the date and time picker control.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetHwnd Retrieves the window handle that is associated with the toolbar button. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::GetHwnd.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetThisClass Used by the framework to obtain a pointer to the CRuntimeClass object that is associated with this class type.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetTime Gets the selected time from a date and time picker control and puts it in a specified SYSTEMTIME structure.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetTimeAll Returns the selected time from the time picker control button that has a specified command ID.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::HaveHotBorder Determines whether a border of the button is displayed when a user selects the button. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::HaveHotBorder.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::NotifyCommand Specifies whether the button processes the WM_COMMAND message. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::NotifyCommand.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnAddToCustomizePage Called by the framework when the button is added to a Customize dialog box. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnAddToCustomizePage.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnCalculateSize Called by the framework to calculate the size of the button for the specified device context and docking state. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnCalculateSize.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnChangeParentWnd Called by the framework when the button is inserted into a new toolbar. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnChangeParentWnd.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnClick Called by the framework when the user clicks the control. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnClick.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnCtlColor Called by the framework when the parent toolbar handles a WM_CTLCOLOR message. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnCtlColor.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnDraw Called by the framework to draw the button by using the specified styles and options. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnDraw.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnDrawOnCustomizeList Called by the framework to draw the button in the Commands pane of the Customize dialog box. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnDrawOnCustomizeList.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnGlobalFontsChanged Called by the framework when the global font has changed. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnGlobalFontsChanged.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnMove Called by the framework when the parent toolbar moves. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnMove.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnShow Called by the framework when the button becomes visible or invisible. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnShow.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnSize Called by the framework when the parent toolbar changes its size or position and this change causes the button to change size. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnSize.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::OnUpdateToolTip Called by the framework when the parent toolbar updates its tooltip text. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::OnUpdateToolTip.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::Serialize Reads this object from an archive or writes it to an archive, (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::Serialize.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::SetStyle Sets the style of the toolbar button. (Overrides CMFCToolBarButton::SetStyle.)
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::SetTime Sets the time and date in the time picker control.
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::SetTimeAll Sets the time and date in all instances of the time picker control that have a specified command ID.


For an example of how to use a date and time picker control, see the ToolbarDateTimePicker sample project. For information about how to add control buttons to toolbars, see Walkthrough: Putting Controls On Toolbars.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Header: afxtoolbardatetimectrl.h


Specifies whether a user can stretch the button during customization.

virtual BOOL CanBeStretched() const;

Return Value

This method returns TRUE.


By default, the framework does not allow the user to stretch a toolbar button during customization. This method extends the base class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::CanBeStretched) by allowing the user to stretch a date and time toolbar button during customization.


Creates and initializes a CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl object.

    UINT uiID,
    int iImage,
    DWORD dwStyle=0,
    int iWidth=0);


[in] The control ID.

[in] The index of the image in the toolbar's CMFCToolBarImages object.

[in] The style of the CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrlImpl window that is created when a user clicks the button.

[in] The width of the control, in pixels.


This object is initialized to the system date and time. The window style of the internal CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrlImpl object includes the dwStyle parameter and the WS_CHILD and WS_VISIBLE styles. You cannot change these styles by using CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::SetStyle. Use SetStyle to change the style of the CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl control.


The following example demonstrates how to construct an object of the CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl class. This code snippet is part of the Toolbar Date Time Picker sample.

CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl dateButton(ID_DATE,
                                   GetCmdMgr()->GetCmdImage(ID_DATE, FALSE));


Copies the properties of another toolbar button to the current button.

virtual void CopyFrom(const CMFCToolBarButton& src);


[in] A reference to the source button from which to copy.


Call this method to copy another toolbar button to this toolbar button. src must be of type CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl.


Copies text from the toolbar button to a menu.

virtual BOOL ExportToMenuButton(CMFCToolBarMenuButton& menuButton) const;


[in] A reference to the target menu button.

Return Value

This method returns TRUE.


This method overrides the base class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::ExportToMenuButton) by loading the string resource that is associated with the command ID of the control. For more information about string resources, see CStringT::LoadString.


Retrieves the first CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl object in the application that has the specified command ID.

static CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl* __stdcall GetByCmd(UINT uiCmd);


[in] The command ID of the button to retrieve.

Return Value

The first CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl object in the application that has the specified command ID, or NULL if no CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl objects have the specified command ID.


This shared utility method is used by methods such as CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::SetTimeAll and CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetTimeAll to set or get the time and date of all instances of the time picker control that have a specified command ID.


Returns a pointer to the date and time picker control.

CDateTimeCtrl* GetDateTimeCtrl() const;

Return Value

A pointer to date and time picker control; or NULL if the control does not exist.


The CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl class initializes the m_pWndDateTime data member when you insert a CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl object into a toolbar.


Retrieves the window handle that is associated with the toolbar button.

virtual HWND GetHwnd();

Return Value

The window handle that is associated with the date and time toolbar button.


This method overrides the CMFCToolBarButton::GetHwnd method.


Gets the selected time from the associated date and time picker control and puts it in a specified SYSTEMTIME structure

BOOL GetTime(COleDateTime& timeDest) const;
DWORD GetTime(CTime& timeDest) const;
DWORD GetTime(LPSYSTEMTIME pTimeDest) const;


[out] In the first overload, a COleDateTime Class object that will receive the system time information. In the second overload, a CTime object that will receive the system time information.

[out] A pointer to the SYSTEMTIME structure to receive the system time information. Must not be NULL.

Return Value

In the first overload, nonzero if the time is successfully written to the COleDateTime Class object; otherwise 0. In the second and third overloads, the return value is a DWORD that is equal to the dwFlag member that was set in the NMDATETIMECHANGE structure.


The method sets the NMDATETIMECHANGE structure member dwFlags to indicate whether the date and time picker is set to a date and time. If the value equals GDT_NONE, the control is set to no date status, and uses the DTS_SHOWNONE style. If the value returned equals GDT_VALID, the system time is successfully stored in the destination location.


Returns the time selected by the user from the time picker control button that has a specified command ID.

static BOOL GetTimeAll(
    UINT uiCmd,
    COleDateTime& timeDest);

static DWORD GetTimeAll(
    UINT uiCmd,
    CTime& timeDest);

static DWORD GetTimeAll(
    UINT uiCmd,
    LPSYSTEMTIME pTimeDest);


[in] Specifies a toolbar button's command ID.

[out] In the first overload, a COleDateTime Class object that will receive the system time information. In the second overload, a CTime object that will receive the system time information.

[out] A pointer to the SYSTEMTIME structure to receive the system time information. Must not be NULL.

Return Value

If the framework cannot find a toolbar button that matches the command ID uiCmd, the return value is zero in the first overload, and GDT_NONE in the other overloads. If the toolbar button is found, the return value is the same as the return value from a call to CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetTime on that button. A return value of zero or GDT_NONE can occur when the button is found, which indicates that the call to GetTime did not return a valid date for some other reason.


This method looks for a toolbar button that has the specified command ID and calls CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::GetTime method on that button.


Determines whether a border of the button is displayed when a user selects the button.

virtual BOOL HaveHotBorder() const;

Return Value

Nonzero if a button displays its border when selected; otherwise 0.


This method returns a nonzero value if the control is visible.


Specifies whether the button processes the WM_COMMAND message.

virtual BOOL NotifyCommand(int iNotifyCode);


[in] The notification message that is associated with the command.

Return Value

TRUE if the button processes the WM_COMMAND message, or FALSE to indicate that the message should be handled by the parent toolbar.


The framework calls this method when it is about to send a WM_COMMAND message to the parent window.

This method extends the base class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::NotifyCommand) by processing the DTN_DATETIMECHANGE notification. It updates the internal time status and updates the time property of all CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl objects with the same command ID.


Called by the framework when the button is added to a Customize dialog box.

virtual void OnAddToCustomizePage();


This method extends the base class implementation, CMFCToolBarButton::OnAddToCustomizePage, by copying the properties from the first date and time control in any toolbar that has the same command ID as this object. This method does nothing if no toolbar has a date and time control that has the same command ID as this object.

For more information about the Customize dialog box, see CMFCToolBarsCustomizeDialog Class.


Called by the framework when the button is inserted into a new toolbar.

virtual void OnChangeParentWnd(CWnd* pWndParent);


[in] The new parent window.


This method overrides the base class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::OnChangeParentWnd) by recreating the internal CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrlImpl object.


Called by the framework when the user clicks the control.

virtual BOOL OnClick(
    CWnd* pWnd,
    BOOL bDelay = TRUE);


[in] Unused.

[in] Unused.

Return Value

Nonzero if the button processes the click message; otherwise 0.


This method overrides the base class implementation, CMFCToolBarButton::OnClick, by returning a nonzero value if the internal CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrlImpl object is visible.


Called by the framework when the parent toolbar handles a WM_CTLCOLOR message.

virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColor(
    CDC* pDC,
    UINT nCtlColor);


[in] The device context that displays the button.

[in] Unused.

Return Value

A handle to the global brush that the framework uses to paint the background of the button.


This method overrides the base class implementation, CMFCToolBarButton::OnCtlColor, by setting the text and background colors of the provided device context to the global text and background colors, respectively.

For more information about global options that are available to your application, see AFX_GLOBAL_DATA Structure.


Called by the framework when the global font has changed.

virtual void OnGlobalFontsChanged();


This method extends the base class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::OnGlobalFontsChanged) by changing the font of the control to that of the global font.

For more information about global options that are available to your application, see AFX_GLOBAL_DATA Structure.


Called by the framework when the parent toolbar moves.

virtual void OnMove();


This method overrides the default class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::OnMove) by updating the position of the internal CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrlImpl object.


Called by the framework when the button becomes visible or invisible.

virtual void OnShow(BOOL bShow);


[in] Specifies whether the button is visible. If this parameter is TRUE, the button is visible. Otherwise, the button is not visible.


This method extends the base class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::OnShow) by displaying the button if bShow is TRUE. Otherwise, this method hides the button.


Called by the framework when the parent toolbar changes its size or position and this change causes the button to change size.

virtual void OnSize(int iSize);


[in] The new width of the button, in pixels.


This method overrides the default class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::OnSize) by updating the size and position of the internal CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrlImpl object.


Called by the framework when the parent toolbar updates its tooltip text.

virtual BOOL OnUpdateToolTip(
    CWnd* pWndParent,
    int iButtonIndex,
    CToolTipCtrl& wndToolTip,
    CString& str);


[in] The parent window.

[in] The zero-based index of the button in the parent button collection.

[in] The control that displays the tooltip text.

[out] A CString object that receives the updated tooltip text.

Return Value

Nonzero if the method updates the tooltip text; otherwise 0.


This method extends the base class implementation ( CMFCToolBarButton::OnUpdateToolTip) by displaying the tooltip text that is associated with the button. If the button is not docked horizontally, this method does nothing and returns FALSE.


Sets the time and date in the time picker control.

BOOL SetTime(const COleDateTime& timeNew);
BOOL SetTime(const CTime* timeNew);


[in] In the first version, a reference to a COleDateTime Class object that contains the time to which the control will be set. In the second version, a pointer to a CTime object that contains the time to which the control will be set.

[in] A pointer to the SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the time to which the control will be set.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


Sets the time in a date and time picker control by calling CDateTimeCtrl::SetTime.


Sets the time and date in all instances of the time picker control that have a specified command ID.

static BOOL SetTimeAll(
    UINT uiCmd,
    const COleDateTime& timeNew);

static BOOL SetTimeAll(
    UINT uiCmd,
    const CTime* pTimeNew);

static BOOL SetTimeAll(
    UINT uiCmd,


[in] Specifies a toolbar button's command ID.

[in] In the first version, a COleDateTime Class object that contains the time to which the control will be set. In the second version, a pointer to a CTime object that contains the time to which the control will be set.

[in] A pointer to the SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the time to which the control will be set.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


Looks for a toolbar button with the specified command ID and sets the time in a date and time picker control by calling CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrl::SetTime.

See also

Hierarchy Chart
CMFCToolBarButton Class
Walkthrough: Putting Controls On Toolbars