CMouseManager Class
Allows a user to associate different commands with a particular CView object when the user double-clicks inside that view.
class CMouseManager : public CObject
Name | Description |
CMouseManager::AddView | Adds a CView object to the Customization dialog box. The Customization dialog box enables the user to associate a double-click with a command for each of the listed views. |
CMouseManager::GetViewDblClickCommand | Returns the command that is executed when the user double-clicks inside the provided view. |
CMouseManager::GetViewIconId | Returns the icon associated with the provided view ID. |
CMouseManager::GetViewIdByName | Returns the view ID associated with the provided view name. |
CMouseManager::GetViewNames | Retrieves a list of all added view names. |
CMouseManager::LoadState | Loads the CMouseManager state from the Windows registry. |
CMouseManager::SaveState | Writes the CMouseManager state to the Windows registry. |
CMouseManager::SetCommandForDblClk | Associates the provided command and the provided view. |
The CMouseManager
class maintains a collection of CView
objects. Each view is identified by a name and by an ID. These views are shown in the Customization dialog box. The user can change the command that is associated with any view through the Customization dialog box. The associated command is executed when the user double-clicks in that view. To support this from a coding perspective, you must process the WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message and call the CWinAppEx::OnViewDoubleClick function in the code for that CView
You should not create a CMouseManager
object manually. It will be created by the framework of your application. It will also be destroyed automatically when the user exits the application. To get a pointer to the mouse manager for your application, call CWinAppEx::GetMouseManager.
Header: afxmousemanager.h
Registers a CView object with the CMouseManager Class to support custom mouse behavior.
BOOL AddView(
int iViewId,
UINT uiViewNameResId,
UINT uiIconId = 0);
BOOL AddView(
int iId,
LPCTSTR lpszViewName,
UINT uiIconId = 0);
[in] A view ID.
[in] A resource string ID that references the view name.
[in] A view icon ID.
[in] A view ID.
[in] A view name.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
In order to support custom mouse behavior, a view must be registered with the CMouseManager
object. Any object derived from the CView
class can be registered with the mouse manager. The string and icon associated with a view are displayed in the Mouse tab of the Customize dialog box.
It is the responsibility of the programmer to create and maintain view IDs such as iViewId and iId.
For more information about how to provide custom mouse behavior, see Keyboard and Mouse Customization.
The following example demonstrates how to retrieve a pointer to a CMouseManager
object by using the CWinAppEx::GetMouseManager
method and the AddView
method in the CMouseManager
class. This code snippet is part of the State Collection sample.
GetMouseManager()->AddView(IDR_MAINFRAME, _T("My view"), IDR_MAINFRAME);
Returns the command that is executed when the user double-clicks inside the provided view.
UINT GetViewDblClickCommand(int iId) const;
[in] The view ID.
The command identifier if the view is associated with a command; otherwise 0.
Retrieves the icon associated with a view ID.
UINT GetViewIconId(int iViewId) const;
[in] The view ID.
An icon resource identifier if successful; otherwise 0.
This method will fail if the view is not first registered by using CMouseManager::AddView.
Retrieves the view ID associated with a view name.
int GetViewIdByName(LPCTSTR lpszName) const;
[in] The view name.
A view ID if successful; otherwise 0.
This method searches through views registered by using CMouseManager::AddView.
Retrieves a list of all the registered view names.
void GetViewNames(CStringList& listOfNames) const;
[out] A reference to CStringList
This method fills the parameter listOfNames
with the names of all the views registered by using CMouseManager::AddView.
Loads the state of the CMouseManager Class from the registry.
BOOL LoadState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName = NULL);
[in] A path of a registry key.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
The state information loaded from the registry includes the registered views, view identifiers, and the associated commands. If the parameter lpszProfileName is NULL, this function loads the CMouseManager
data from the default registry location controlled by the CWinAppEx Class.
In most cases, you do not have to call this function directly. It is called as a part of the workspace initialization process. For more information about the workspace initialization process, see CWinAppEx::LoadState.
Writes the state of the CMouseManager Class to the registry.
BOOL SaveState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName = NULL);
[in] A path of a registry key.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
The state information written to the registry includes all registered views, view identifiers, and the associated commands. If the parameter lpszProfileName is NULL, this function writes the CMouseManager
data to the default registry location controlled by the CWinAppEx Class.
In most cases, you do not have to call this function directly. It is called as a part of the workspace serialization process. For more information about the workspace serialization process, see CWinAppEx::SaveState.
Associates a custom command with a view that is first registered with the mouse manager.
void SetCommandForDblClk(
int iViewId,
UINT uiCmd);
[in] The view identifier.
[in] The command identifier.
In order to associate a custom command with a view, you must first register the view by using CMouseManager::AddView. The AddView
method requires a view identifier as an input parameter. Once you register a view, you can call CMouseManager::SetCommandForDblClk
with the same view identifier input parameter that you supplied to AddView
. Thereafter, when the user double-clicks the mouse in the registered view, the application will execute the command indicated by uiCmd. To support the custom mouse behavior, you will also need to customize the view registered with the mouse manager. For more information about custom mouse behavior, see Keyboard and Mouse Customization.
If uiCmd is set to 0, the specified view is no longer associated with a command.
Hierarchy Chart
CWinAppEx Class
Keyboard and Mouse Customization