
Include the header <system_error> to define the exception class system_error and related templates for processing low-level system errors.


Header: <system_error>

Namespace: std



Name Description
generic_category Represents the category for generic errors.
system_category Represents the category for errors caused by low-level system overflows.


Name Description
make_error_code Creates an error_code object.
make_error_condition Creates an error_condition object.


Name Description
operator== Tests if the object on the left side of the operator is equal to the object on the right side.
operator!= Tests if the object on the left side of the operator is not equal to the object on the right side.
operator< Tests if an object is less than the object passed in for comparison.


Name Description
errc Provides symbolic names for all the error-code macros defined by POSIX in <errno.h>.

Classes and Structs

Name Description
error_category Represents the abstract, common base for objects that describes a category of error codes.
error_code Represents low-level system errors that are implementation-specific.
error_condition Represents user-defined error codes.
is_error_code_enum Represents a type predicate that tests for the error_code Class enumeration.
is_error_condition_enum Represents a type predicate that tests for the error_condition Class enumeration.
system_error Represents the base class for all exceptions thrown to report a low-level system overflow.

See also

Header Files Reference