Defines C++ Standard Library types, functions, and operators that help to construct and manage pairs of objects, which are useful whenever two objects should be treated as if they were one.
Header: <utility>
Namespace: std
Pairs are widely used in the C++ Standard Library. They're required both as the arguments and return values for various functions and as element types for associative containers like map
and multimap
Type | Description |
chars_format |
Floating-point format for primitive numerical conversion. |
tuple_element |
Wraps the type of a pair element. |
tuple_size |
Wraps a pair element count. |
Template | Description |
index_sequence |
An alias template defined for the common case where T is std::size_t |
index_sequence_for |
Helper alias template to convert any type parameter pack into an index sequence of the same length |
make_index_sequence |
Helper alias template to simplify the creation of a std::index_sequence type. |
make_integer_sequence |
Helper alias template to simplify the creation of a std::integer_sequence type. |
Function | Description |
as_const |
Returns type. |
declval |
Shorthand expression evaluation. |
exchange |
Assigns a new value to an object and returns its old value. |
forward |
Preserves the reference type (either lvalue or rvalue ) of the argument from being obscured by perfect forwarding. |
from_chars |
get |
A function that gets an element from a pair object. |
make_pair |
A template helper function used to construct objects of type pair , where the component types are based on the data types passed as parameters. |
move |
Returns the passed in argument as an rvalue reference. |
move_if_noexcept |
swap |
Exchanges the elements of two pair objects. |
to_chars |
Converts value into a character string. |
Operator | Description |
operator!= |
Tests if the pair object on the left side of the operator isn't equal to the pair object on the right side. |
operator== |
Tests if the pair object on the left side of the operator is equal to the pair object on the right side. |
operator< |
Tests if the pair object on the left side of the operator is less than the pair object on the right side. |
operator<= |
Tests if the pair object on the left side of the operator is less than or equal to the pair object on the right side. |
operator> |
Tests if the pair object on the left side of the operator is greater than the pair object on the right side. |
operator>= |
Tests if the pair object on the left side of the operator is greater than or equal to the pair object on the right side. |
Struct | Description |
from_chars_result |
A struct used for from_chars . |
identity |
A struct that provides a type definition as the template parameter. |
in_place_t , in_place_type_t , in_place_index_t |
Indicates how to create an object in place. |
integer_sequence |
Represents an integer sequence. |
pair |
A type that provides for the ability to treat two objects as a single object. |
piecewise_construct_t |
A type used to keep separate constructor and function overloading. |
to_chars_result |
A struct used for to_chars . |
Header Files Reference
Thread Safety in the C++ Standard Library