These release notes provide information about new features and nonsecurity updates that are included in the Microsoft Edge Beta Channel. Archived versions of these release notes are available at Archived release notes for Microsoft Edge Beta Channel.
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Edge contextual capabilities in Business Chat work tab. Starting in mid to late March 2025, Microsoft Copilot in Edge will introduce support for page summarization and contextual queries to the Work tab for Microsoft 365 Copilot Business Chat. With this feature, users can ask Copilot contextual queries such as “summarize this page.” This feature will also include contextual prompt suggestions to help users ask relevant questions about open pages in Edge. Page summarization and contextual prompt suggestions are accessible for users when using Copilot through the Edge side pane.
A Microsoft 365 Copilot license is required to use this feature. Administrators can control the availability using the EdgeEntraCopilotPageContext policy. Broad availability of this feature will be announced via Microsoft Edge release notes.
Feature updates
Removal of “Add account” option in Profile menu for Entra ID users. The option to add a linked personal account directly from Edge is no longer available in the Edge profile menu.
Microsoft Search in Bing deprecation and policy updates. Microsoft Search in Bing, the work search experience available on, will be retired, such that the last day of availability is on March 31, 2025. The AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled policy, used to configure Microsoft Search in Bing results in the Edge for Business address bar, is deprecated in Microsoft Edge version 134 and will be obsoleted in a future Microsoft Edge version. The new policy to replace this is AddressBarWorkSearchResultsEnabled which is available in Microsoft Edge version 134.
Edge Settings Improvements. Edge Settings is migrating to WebUI2 to boost page responsiveness and introducing a series of minor visual and content upgrades to improve overall usability and utility. This includes optimizing for concise wording of individual settings, simplifying the number of pages and reorganizing content, and creating a cohesive user interface. Note: This feature is a controlled feature rollout. If you don't see this feature, check back as we continue our rollout.
Fixed an issue which prevented users from selecting 'Report this file as safe' when downloading a file.
Feature updates
Extending support for viewing MIP Protected PDF Files to different sovereignties (including GCCH). Sovereign cloud customers (including GCCH) are able to open MIP protected PDF content in Microsoft Edge. This change is available in the Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat and the legacy Microsoft Edge PDF engine.
Non-special scheme URL handling. Nonspecial scheme URL handling is updated to become compliant with the URL Standard ( This change has site compatibility impacts which might require changes to your web sites. For more information and web developer guidance, see
Deprecate textprediction attribute. Removes support for the textprediction HTML attribute, which is a nonstandard attribute that's used to enable or disable the browser-based Text Prediction feature for long-form text inputs. Instead, use the standardized writingsuggestions attribute, which functions similarly to textprediction, but also applies to other writing-assistance features that browsers may provide. Sites that explicitly set textprediction to true or false can instead set writingsuggestions to the same value. For more information, see Writing suggestions in the HTML specification.
Scareware blocker. Scareware blocker in Microsoft Edge is your AI powered shield designed to protect you and your users from scareware attacks. Once enabled, scareware blocker uses machine learning (ML) to identify and block these scams, keeping you safe as you browse the web. For more information, see Stand up to scareware with scareware blocker, now available in preview in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Blog. Note: This experience is in preview and users can opt in via Microsoft Edge Settings, under edge://settings/privacy, Scareware is located under “Security”.
Updated Downloads UI to Improve Performance. The Downloads UI is rewritten to improve performance. Customer-facing functionality and UX from previous releases remain the same.
CSS advanced attr() function. Implements the augmentation to attr() specified in CSS Level 5, which allows types besides <string> and use in all CSS properties (in addition to the existing support for the pseudo-element content).
CSS :open pseudo-class. The :open pseudo-class matches <dialog> and <details> when they are in their open state, and matches <select> and <input> when they are in modes which have a picker and the picker is showing.
CSS scroll state container queries. Use container queries to style descendants of containers based on their scroll state.
The query container is either a scroll container, or an element affected by the scrolled position of a scroll container. The following states can be queried:
stuck: A sticky positioned container is stuck to one of the edges of the scroll box.
snapped: A scroll snap aligned container is currently snapped horizontally or vertically.
scrollable: Whether a scroll container can be scrolled in a queried direction.
A new container-type: scroll-state lets containers be queried.
CSS text-box, text-box-trim, and text-box-edge. To achieve optimal balance of text content, the text-box-trim and text-box-edge properties, along with the text-box shorthand property, make finer control of vertical alignment of text possible.
The text-box-trim property specifies the sides to trim, above or below, and the text-box-edge property specifies how the edge should be trimmed.
These properties let you control vertical spacing precisely by using the font metrics.
The hint value of the popover attribute. The Pop over API specifies the behavior for two values of the popover attribute: auto and manual. This feature describes a third value, popover=hint. Hints, which are most often associated with "tooltip" type behaviors, have slightly different behaviors. Primarily, the difference is that a hint is subordinate to auto when opening nested stacks of popovers. So it's possible to open an unrelated hint popover while an existing stack of auto popovers stays open.
The canonical example is that a <select> picker is open (popover=auto) and a hover-triggered tooltip (popover=hint) is shown. That action doesn't close the <select> picker.
Popover invoker and anchor positioning improvements. Adds an imperative way to set invoker relationships between popovers with popover.showPopover({source}). Enables invoker relationships to create implicit anchor element references.
Popover nested inside invoker shouldn't re-invoke it. In the following case clicking the button properly activates the popover, however, clicking on the popover itself after that shouldn't close the popover.
Previously this happened, because the popover select bubbles to the <button> and activates the invoker, which toggles the popover closed. This has now been changed to the expected behavior.
Animation.overallProgress. Provides developers with a convenient and consistent representation of how far along an animation has advanced across its iterations and regardless of the nature of its timeline. Without the overallProgress property, you need to manually compute how far an animation has advanced, factoring in the number of iterations of the animation and whether the currentTime of the animation is a percentage of total time (as in the case of scroll-driven animations) or an absolute time quantity (as in the case of time-driven animations).
The pause() method of the Atomics object. Adds the pause() method to the Atomics namespace object, to hint the CPU that the current code is executing a spinlock.
CSP hash reporting for scripts. Complex web applications often need to keep track of the subresources that they download, for security purposes.
In particular, upcoming industry standards and best practices (for example, PCI-DSS v4) require that web applications keep an inventory of all the scripts they download and execute.
This feature builds on CSP and the Reporting API to report the URLs and hashes (for CORS/same-origin) of all the script resources that the document loads.
DOM state-preserving move. Adds a DOM primitive (Node.prototype.moveBefore) that lets you move elements around a DOM tree, without resetting the element's state.
When moving instead of removing and inserting, state such as the following is preserved:
<iframe> elements remain loaded.
The active element remains focus.
Popovers, fullscreen, and modal dialogs remain open.
CSS transitions and animations continue.
Expose attributionsrc attribute on <area>. Aligns exposure of the attributionsrc attribute on <area> with the existing processing behavior of the attribute, even when it wasn't exposed.
Additionally, it makes sense to support the attribute on <area>, as that element is a first-class navigation surface, and Microsoft Edge already supports this on the other surfaces of <a> and
Expose coarsened cross-origin renderTime in element timing and LCP (regardless of Timing-Allow-Origin). Element timing and LCP entries have a renderTime attribute, aligned with the first frame in which an image or text was painted.
This attribute is currently guarded for cross-origin images by requiring a Timing-Allow-Origin header on the image resource. However, that restriction is easy to work around (for example, by displaying a same-origin and cross-origin image in the same frame).
Since this has been a source of confusion, we instead plan to remove this restriction, and instead coarsen all render times by 4 ms when the document isn't cross-origin-isolated. This is seemingly coarse enough to avoid leaking any useful decoding-time information about cross-origin images.
The FileSystemObserver interface. The FileSystemObserver interface notifies websites of changes to the file system. Sites observe changes to files and directories, to which the user has previously granted permission, in the user's local device, or in the Bucket File System (also known as the Origin Private File System), and are notified of basic change info, such as the change type.
Multiple import maps. Import maps currently have to load before any ES module and there can only be a single import map per document. That makes them fragile and potentially slow to use in real-life scenarios: Any module that loads before them breaks the entire app, and in apps with many modules they become a large blocking resource, as the entire map for all possible modules needs to load first.
This feature enables multiple import maps per document, by merging them in a consistent and deterministic way.
Storage Access Headers. Offers an alternate way for authenticated embeds to opt in for unpartitioned cookies. These headers indicate whether unpartitioned cookies are (or can be) included in a given network request, and allow servers to activate storage-access permissions they have already been granted. Giving an alternative way to activate the storage-access permission allows usage by noniframe resources, and can reduce latency for authenticated embeds.
Support creating ClipboardItem with Promise<DOMString>. The ClipboardItem, which is the input to the async clipboard write() method, now accepts string values in addition to Blobs in its constructor. ClipboardItemData can be a Blob, a string, or a Promise that resolves to either a Blob or a string.
WebAssembly Memory64. The memory64 proposal adds support for linear WebAssembly memories with size larger than 2^32 bits. It provides no new instructions, but instead extends the existing instructions to allow 64-bit indexes for memories and tables.
Web Authentication API: PublicKeyCredential getClientCapabilities() method. The PublicKeyCredential getClientCapabilities() method lets you determine which WebAuthn features are supported by the user's client. The method returns a list of supported capabilities, allowing developers to tailor authentication experiences and workflows based on the client's specific functionality.
WebGPU: 1-component vertex formats (and unorm8x4-bgra). Adds additional vertex formats not present in the initial release of WebGPU due to lack of support or old macOS versions (which are no longer supported by any browser). The 1-component vertex formats let applications request only the necessary data when previously they had to request at least two times more for 8-bit and 16-bit data types. The unorm8x4-bgra format makes it slightly more convenient to load BGRA-encoded vertex colors while keeping the same shader.
X25519 algorithm of the Web Cryptography API. The "X25519" algorithm provides tools to perform key agreement using the X25519 function specified in [RFC7748]. The "X25519" algorithm identifier can be used in the SubtleCrypto interface to access the implemented operations: generateKey, importKey, exportKey, deriveKey, and deriveBits.
Deprecate the WebGPU maxInterStageShaderComponents limit. The maxInterStageShaderComponents limit is deprecated due to a combination of factors. The intended removal date in Microsoft Edge 135.
Redundancy with maxInterStageShaderVariables: This limit already serves a similar purpose, controlling the amount of data passed between shader stages.
Minor discrepancies: While there are slight differences in how the two limits are calculated, these differences are minor and can be effectively managed within the maxInterStageShaderVariables limit.
Simplification: Removing maxInterStageShaderComponents streamlines the shader interface and reduces complexity for developers. Instead of managing two separate limits with subtle differences, they can focus on the more appropriately named and comprehensive maxInterStageShaderVariables.
Remove <link rel=prefetch> five-minute rule. Previously, when a resource was prefetched using <link rel=prefetch>, Microsoft Edge ignored its cache semantics (namely max-age and no-cache) for the first use within five minutes, to avoid refetching. Now, Microsoft Edge removes this special case and uses normal HTTP cache semantics.
This means web developers need to include appropriate caching headers (Cache-Control or Expires) to see benefits from <link rel=prefetch>.
This also affects the nonstandard <link rel=prerender>.
Version 132.0.2957.111: January 15, 2025
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 132.0.2957.106: January 13, 2025
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 132.0.2957.101: January 11, 2025
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 132.0.2957.93: January 6, 2025
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 132.0.2957.55: December 16, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 132.0.2957.41: December 9, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 132.0.2957.26: December 2, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues, and feature updates.
Feature updates
Deprecation of Microsoft Edge Support page. To improve end user experience, edge://support is being deprecated. The information found on edge://support is available on other pages: edge://version, edge://metrics-internals, edge://extensions, and edge://policy.
AI theme generator. Microsoft Edge includes an AI theme generator that allows users to input a text string and generate a series of images to preview as browser themes. Applying the theme includes setting the generated image on the Microsoft Edge new tab page and applying the image's dominant color to the browser frame. Users can now find a new entry point in edge://settings/appearance which directs them to AI Theme Generator: Create a Custom Browser Theme. Admins can control availability to this feature using the AIGenThemesEnabled policy. If an admin chooses to disable the feature via policy, the page linked in Microsoft Edge Settings is available, but users will not be allowed to generate images and they see an error message. Note: This is a controlled feature rollout. If you don't see this feature, check back as we continue our rollout.
Version 132.0.2957.11: November 22, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues, Dev channel updates, feature updates, policy updates, and site compatibility impacting changes.
Dev channel updates
The following Dev channel updates preceded this Beta channel release. These notes provide detailed information about the changes in each release.
Intune policies in the Microsoft Edge management service. Admins now can set Intune policies via the Microsoft Edge management service, alongside the existing cloud policies. This ability lets admins deploy both browser policies in the cloud and Intune policies from a single pane, making it easy to keep users safe and the browser workflow streamlined. This feature comes along with a new policy creation wizard that streamlines the creation process into a comprehensive, step-by-step flow. Note: This experience is in public preview and can be accessed by opting in to targeted release in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Version monitoring in the Edge management service. The Edge management service offers a single view of all managed Microsoft Edge instances with their update status and possible actions to take. For out-of-date devices, you can easily schedule updates or notify users to update their browsers to avoid workflow interruptions. Note: This experience is in public preview and can be accessed by opting in to targeted release in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Shopping Product Tracking. Track product prices easily with a new experience in the Microsoft Edge Address Bar that appears on the product detail page. Users can track prices quickly and are notified when there's a price drop on that product and save more. Administrators can control the availability of Shopping in Microsoft Edge using the EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled policy. Note: This feature is a controlled feature rollout. If you don't see this feature, check back as we continue our rollout.
Feature Usage Data Sync. Microsoft Edge Sync, which enables users to synchronize their Microsoft Edge user data across multiple devices, is now launching a new sync data category called Feature Usage. This new category allows users to synchronize data regarding their utilization of Microsoft Edge features across all their devices. Note: This feature is a controlled feature rollout. If you don't see this feature, check back as we continue our rollout.
New password manager policy. The DeletingUndecryptablePasswordsEnabled policy controls whether the built-in password manager can delete undecryptable passwords from its database. This policy is required to restore the full functionality of the built-in password manager, but it might cause permanent data loss. Undecryptable password values won't become decryptable on their own. If fixing them is possible, it usually requires complex user actions.
PromotionalTabsEnabled policy deprecation. The PromotionalTabsEnabled policy is deprecated in Microsoft Edge version 132 and will be obsolete in a future Microsoft Edge version. Administrators can use the ShowRecommendationsEnabled policy instead.
Allow enterprise users to view XFA PDFs using IE Mode. Enterprise customers can view XFA PDFs in Microsoft Edge using IE mode through either the ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedOrigins or ViewXFAPDFInIEModeAllowedFileHash policy. This change is available in the new PDF viewer on Microsoft Edge.
CSS Anchor Positioning: allow anchor-size() in inset and margin properties. Originally, anchor-size() was only allowed in sizing properties. The specification now allows anchor-size() in insets and margins as well.
CSS sideways writing modes. Support of sideways-rl and sideways-lr keywords for the writing-mode CSS property. sideways-rl and sideways-lr are helpful to write non-CJK text vertically. They don't have behaviors favorable for CJK languages unlike vertical-rl and vertical-lr.
Dialog toggle events. This change incorporates the same ToggleEvent that popovers dispatch, but for <dialog> elements: when showModal or show is called, <dialog> dispatches a ToggleEvent with newState=open. When a <dialog> is closed (using the form, button, or close watcher) it should dispatch a ToggleEvent with newState=closed.
Previously, to detect when a <dialog> opens a mutation observer had to be registered to check for open.
Element Capture. Given a video MediaStreamTrack obtained through preexisting means to initiate tab-capture, Element Capture allows mutating the track to only capture a subtree of the DOM starting at a given Element.
The API bears some resemblance to the Region Capture API, but affords greater flexibility for applications, because occluding and occluded content are both excluded from the capture.
FedCM authorization features. This bundles a few features that Identity Providers (IdP) can use to implement authorization flows such as letting a user grant access to their calendar to a Relying Party (RP). Specifically:
The IdP needs to be able to show a custom prompt for the permission (continuation API).
The RP needs an extensible way to communicate to the IdP what it wants access to (parameters API).
The RP needs to be able to customize or suppress the text referring to the IdP sharing "name, email address, and profile picture" because in this situation they're asking for different information (fields API).
The IdP might want to use a different endpoint to implement the authorization flow (multiple configURLs).
Certain accounts may only be eligible for one of the authentication and authorization flows and so there needs to be a way to show different accounts in the two flows (account labels API).
FedCM Mode API and Use Other Account API. Two new extensions for FedCM:
Mode: The active mode allows websites to call FedCM inside a button select (for example, selecting a Sign-in to IdP button), which requires FedCM to guarantee it always responds with a visible user interface. Calling the FedCM API in active mode takes users to sign in to the Identity Provider (IdP) when users are logged-out. Also, because the active mode is called within an explicit user gesture, the UI is also more prominent (for example, centered and modal) compared to the UI from the passive mode (which doesn't require a user gesture requirement and can be called on page load).
Use Other Account: With this extension, an IdP can allow users to sign in to other accounts.
Fetch: Request.bytes() and Response.bytes(). Add a bytes() method to the Request and Response interfaces, which returns a promise that resolves with a Uint8Array. While Request and Response have an arrayBuffer() method, it’s not possible to read directly from a buffer. A view such as a Uint8Array must be created to read it. The bytes() method improves the ergonomics of getting the body of Request and Response.
Ignore Strict-Transport-Security for localhost.Strict-Transport-Security (STS) response headers can cause problems for localhost web servers because STS applies host-wide, across all ports. This causes compatibility problems for web developers testing locally. It also affects end-users who use software packages that commonly start localhost web servers for ephemeral reasons. For example, communication of an auth token from a web sign-in to a local software package. If one local listener sets Strict-Transport-Security on a localhost response, it's applied to all subsequent localhost requests regardless of port.
Microsoft Edge 132 resolves this problem by ignoring Strict-Transport-Security headers on responses from localhost URLs.
Keyboard focusable scroll containers. The rollout of this feature (from Microsoft Edge 130) was stopped due to an accessibility regression. This issue is fixed and the feature continues to roll out with Microsoft Edge 132. KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled is the policy for this feature.
Private State Token API Permissions Policy default allowlist wildcard. Access to the Private State Token API is gated by Permissions Policy features. Microsoft Edge 132 updates the default allowlist for both private-state-token-issuance and private-state-token-redemption features from self to * (wildcard).
PushMessageData::bytes(). The PushMessageData interface mimics the Body interface, which was amended earlier this year with a new bytes() method, following the principle that APIs should generally vend byte buffers as Uint8Arrays. Microsoft Edge 132 realigns with the Body interface by providing the bytes() accessor on the PushMessageData interface as well.
Saved queries in sharedStorage.selectURL.sharedStorage.selectURL() now lets queries to be saved and reused on a per-page basis. Two per-page-load budgets are charged the first time a saved query is run but not for subsequent runs of the saved query during the same page-load. This change is accomplished with a savedQuery parameter in the options for selectURL() that names the query.
Throw exception for popovers and dialogs in non-active documents. Previously calling showPopover() or showModal() on a popover or dialog that resides within an inactive document would silently fail. No exception was thrown, but since the document is inactive, no popover or dialog would be shown. As of Microsoft Edge 132, these situations now throw InvalidStateError.
WebAuthn Signal API. Allows WebAuthn relying parties to signal information about existing credentials back to credential storage providers, so that incorrect or revoked credentials can be updated or removed from provider and system UI.
WebGPU: 32-bit float textures blending. The float32-blendable GPU feature makes GPU textures with formats r32float, rg32float, and rgba32float blendable.
WebGPU: Expose GPUAdapterInfo from GPUDevice. The GPUDevice adapterInfo attribute exposes the same GPUAdapterInfo as the GPUAdapter object.
WebGPU: Texture view usage. Adds an optional field to WebGPU texture view creation to request a subset of the usage flags from the source texture.
By default, texture view usage inherits from the source texture but there are view formats that can be incompatible with the full set of inherited usages. Adding a usage field to texture view creation allows the user request a subset of the source texture's usages that are valid with the view format and specific to their intended usage of the texture view.
WebGPU implementations can also optimize the creation of low level resources and improve performance when using views with more specialized usage flags.
New origin trials: Document-Isolation-Policy. The Document-Isolation-Policy lets a document enable crossOriginIsolation for itself, without having to deploy COOP or COEP, and regardless of the crossOriginIsolation status of the page. The policy is backed by process isolation. Additionally, the document non-CORS cross-origin subresources will either be loaded without credentials or will need to have a CORP header.
New origin trials: Explicit Compile Hints with Magic Comments. This feature lets you attach information about which functions should be eager parsed and compiled in JavaScript files. The information is encoded as magic comments. no longer an was made an EventTarget for the Storage Pressure Event, which never made it past the prototype phase. This dead code is being removed and as a result, will no longer extend EventTarget.
Remove Prefixed HTMLVideoElement Fullscreen APIs. The prefixed HTMLVideoElement fullscreen APIs have been deprecated from Microsoft Edge.
They were replaced by the Element.requestFullscreen() API. As of 2024, most browsers have had support for the unprefixed APIs for a few years now.
Microsoft Edge 132 removes the following from HTMLVideoElement:
The webkitSupportsFullscreen attribute.
The webkitDisplayingFullscreen attribute.
The webkitEnterFullscreen() method.
The webkitExitFullscreen() method. Note the different capitalization of the "S" in FullScreen.
The webkitEnterFullScreen() method.
The webkitExitFullScreen() method.
These methods are now only aliases for the modern API. Their use has declined steadily over the years.
Version 131.0.2903.51: November 15, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 131.0.2903.48: November 14, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 131.0.2903.45: November 13, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues.
Version 131.0.2903.36: November 8, 2024
Fixed various bugs and performance issues, and feature updates.
Changes to Kyber. The Kyber algorithm was standardized with minor technical changes and renamed to the Module Lattice Key Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM). ML-KEM is implemented in the BoringSSL cryptography library, which allows for it to be deployed and utilized by services that depend on this library.
The changes to the final version of ML-KEM make it incompatible with the previously deployed version of Kyber. Due to this incompatibility the following changes in Microsoft Edge will be made:
Microsoft Edge switches from supporting Kyber to ML-KEM.
Microsoft Edge offers a key share prediction for hybrid ML-KEM (codepoint 0x11EC).
Cancel dialog for beforeunload event. Microsoft Edge changed the behavior of the canceled dialog for the beforeunload event. Calling event.preventDefault in a beforeunload event handler won't prevent the dialog from being shown. Instead, event.returnValue = '' needs to be called in the beforeunload event handler to prevent the canceled dialog. The BeforeunloadEventCancelByPreventDefaultEnabled policy is obsolete and no longer works after Microsoft Edge version 130.
Get the latest updates effortlessly with instant update. Instant update in Microsoft Edge ensures you get the latest browser updates automatically, when you step away from your computer. You can keep browsing, knowing that you already have the latest updates to keep you safe online. For more information, see Get instant updates in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support. Note: This feature is in private preview for enterprise customers. Future feature updates are available via Microsoft Edge release notes.
Site compatibility impacting changes
CSS Anchor Positioning: anchor-scope. The anchor-scope property allows limiting the visibility of anchor names to a given subtree.
CSS font-variant-emoji. The font-variant-emoji CSS property provides a way to control between colored (emoji-style) and monochromatic (text-style) emoji glyphs. This method can be also done by adding an emoji Variation Selector, specifically U+FE0E for text and U+FE0F for emoji, after each emoji codepoint.
CSS highlight inheritance. With CSS highlight inheritance, the CSS highlight pseudo-classes, such as ::selection and ::highlight, inherit their properties through the pseudo highlight chain, rather than the element chain. The result is a more intuitive model for inheritance of properties in highlights.
Improvements to styling structure of <details> and <summary> elements. Support more CSS styling for the structure of <details> and <summary> elements to allow these elements to be used in more cases where disclosure widgets or accordion widgets are built on the web. In particular, this change removes restrictions that prevented setting the display property on these elements, and adds a ::details-content pseudo-element to style the container for the part that expands and collapses.
@page margin boxes. Add support for page margin boxes, when printing a web document, or exporting it as PDF.
The @page margin boxes let you define the contents in the margin area of a page, for example to provide custom headers and footers, rather than using the built-in headers and footers generated by the browser.
A margin box is defined using an at-rule inside a CSS @page rule. The appearance and the contents of a margin box are specified with CSS properties inside the @page rule, including the content property. Counters are also supported, for page numbering. The specification defines two special counter names: page for the current page number and pages for the total number of pages.
@property support <string> syntax. Support for <string> syntax component name for registered custom properties.
Support currentcolor in relative color syntax. Allow relative colors in CSS (using the from keyword) to use currentcolor as a base. This support lets you set complementary colors, based on an element's text color, for that element's borders, shadows, or backgrounds.
This feature also includes use cases where color functions are nested with a dependency on currentcolor, for example: color-mix (in srgb, rgb(from currentcolor r g b), white)) or rgb(from rgb(from currentcolor 1 g b) b g r).
Support external SVG resources for clip-path, fill, stroke, and marker-* properties. This feature adds support for external references for clip paths, markers, and paint servers (for the fill and stroke properties). For example, clip-path: url("resources.svg#myPath").
Direct Sockets API. Allows Isolated Web Apps to establish direct transmission control protocol (TCP) and user datagram protocol (UDP) communications with network devices and systems as well as listen to and accept incoming connections.
Exempt Speculation-Rules header from CSP restrictions. Updates the integration between speculation rules and CSP so that CSP only applies to <script type=speculationrules>, and not to the Speculation-Rules header. CSP's script policies are meant to protect against injection of scripts into HTML, and the CSP threat model doesn't relate to HTTP headers. This approach allows easier deployment of speculation rules from CDNs and other edge servers.
FedCM as a trust signal for the Storage Access API. Reconciles the FedCM and Storage Access APIs by making a prior FedCM grant a valid reason to automatically approve a storage access request.
When a user grants permission to use their identity with a third-party identity provider (IdP) on a relying party (RP), many IdPs require third-party cookies to function correctly and securely. This proposal aims to satisfy that requirement in a private and secure manner by updating the Storage Access API (SAA) permission checks to not only accept the permission grant given by a storage access prompt, but also the permission grant given by a FedCM prompt.
A key property of this mechanism is limiting the grant to cases explicitly allowed by the RP with the FedCM permissions policy, enforcing a per-frame control for the RP and preventing passive surveillance by the IdP beyond the capabilities that FedCM already grants.
COOP value noopener-allow-popups. Some origins can contain different applications with different levels of security requirements. In those cases, it can be beneficial to prevent scripts running in one application from being able to open and script pages of another same-origin application.
In such cases, it can be beneficial for a document to ensure its opener can't script it, even if the opener document is a same-origin one. The noopener-allow-popups Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy value lets documents define that behavior.
Select parser relaxation. This change makes the HTML parser allow more tags in <select> besides <option>, <optgroup>, and <hr>.
This change is in support of the customizable <select> feature but is being shipped first because it can be done separately and has some compat risk.
WebGPU: Clip distances. Adds the optional GPU feature clip-distances that allows setting user-defined clip distances in vertex shader outputs. This technique is useful for the applications that need to clip all vertices in a scene that are beyond a user-defined plane, such as many CAD applications.
WebGPU: GPUCanvasContext getConfiguration(). Once GPUCanvasContext configure() is called with a configuration dictionary, the GPUCanvasContext getConfiguration() method can be used to check the canvas context configuration. It includes GPU device, format, usage, viewFormats, colorSpace, toneMapping, and alphaMode members. As discussed in issue 4828, web apps can use it to detect whether HDR canvas is supported in WebGPU.
WebHID on dedicated workers. Enables WebHID inside dedicated worker contexts. This lets the performance of heavy I/O and processing of data from a HID device on a separate thread, helping to reduce the performance impact on the main thread.
WebRTC RTCRtpEncodingParameters.scaleResolutionDownTo. An API that configures WebRTC encoders to scale input frames if they're greater than the specified maxWidth and maxHeight. This API is similar to scaleResolutionDownBy except that resolution constraints are expressed in absolute terms (for example, 640x360) as opposed to relative terms (for example, scale down by 2), avoiding race conditions related to changing input frame size on the fly.
Remove the CSS Anchor Positioning property inset-area. With the CSS Working Group resolution on renaming the inset-area property to position-area, this removal cleans up the implementation for a standards compliant feature.
Remove non-standard GPUAdapter requestAdapterInfo() method. The WebGPU Working Group decided it was impractical for requestAdapterInfo() to trigger a permission prompt so they've removed that option and replaced it with the GPU Adapter info attribute so that web developers can get the same GPUAdapterInfo value synchronously.
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