.NET for Android error ADB0030

Example messages

error ADB0030: The installed package is incompatible. Please manually uninstall and try again.


ADB0030 means that you must manually uninstall your APK before you can deploy your .NET for Android application to the attached device or emulator. This situation can happen if you had deployed your .NET for Android application in the past, but it was signed with a different Android keystore file.

This message indicates that adb (Android Debug Bridge) reported an INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES, INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE, or INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE error. adb is part of the Android SDK and is used internally by .NET for Android to communicate with Android emulators and devices. Learn more about adb from the Android documentation.


Manually uninstall your APK from the attached device or emulator.

Implementation notes

Note that nothing in the open source https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android repository emits ADB0030, as features such as debugging and "fast deployment" are implemented in the proprietary .NET for Android additions.