How to persist RateLimiter tokens?
I am using .Net RateLimiting and specifically the TokenBucketRateLimiter. Example: services.AddRateLimiter(limiterOptions => { limiterOptions.AddPolicy(userPolicyName, context => { string username = Utils.getUsername(context); return…
It is not clear how the "LineHeight" property works for the "Label" element
Contains code for the class "DataTemplate" var offerPrice = new Label { FontSize = 40, LineHeight = -2, BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb("#fff") }; offerPrice.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "price"); return new Border…
Theming of WPF dialog not working for all controls on the dialog
Hi, I need to change color/theme of all controls on WPF dialog whenever there is change of theme from VS2022 (i.e. Tools -> Options -> Color Theme ) I followed below MSDN…
Capture value in Radio Button before Submit
I like to capture the values of Radio button button Submit and use validate in IF statement. If(Radio button button value == "CP"") {label="Find Selling Price"} namespace MauiAppMCQs.Models { public class…
Bing api map error on windows
Hello, I am using Bing maps API, to show a map, with a pin in my tubines page, I have a button to call a pop up and add a new turbine public partial class AddTurbnePopUpViewModel(DeviceLanguageService deviceLanguageService, TurbinesService…
CarouselView Window bug asthmatically loop
I have a CarouselView, but on Windows in will loop, this doesn't happen on android <VerticalStackLayout> <Label Margin="20" HorizontalOptions="Center" Text="{Binding…
Application_start event not firing in server, but works just fine in debug.
We have an .net framework web application running on IIS 10. I've added some code in the Application_start method of Global.asax.cs and it's not getting fired at all in the server. This is working just fine in debug using visual studio 2022 using target…
reusable template
In my collectionView, I have this <CollectionView Margin="20" ItemsSource="{Binding Turbines}"> <CollectionView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate x:DataType="model:TurbinePin"> …
How to fix a Errror Handling for Blazor Hybrid MAUI and WebApi
Hi, I've reference an WebApi to my Blazor Hybrid App. The database that I used is SQLite When I run the app "Windows machine" the response is Html The WebApi run well!!I've checked with swagger the response is OK. I suppose that the problem…
populate TextBoxes base on date value selected in DatePicker
Hi All. In form of WPF VB.Net project I would like to populate 3 TextBoxes base on selected in DatePicker date value of Monday. The first TextBox named txbWeek will display the number of week of the month depending on the selected date in the…
Invalid stack map table at instruction index 177: invokespecial Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V, error: Unexpected attempt to initialize initialized
Invalid stack map table at instruction index 93: dup, error: The max stack height of 4 is violated when pushing initialized to existing stack of size 4. In later version of R8, the method may be…
Invalid stack map table at instruction index 93: dup, error: The max stack height of 4 is violated when pushing initialized to existing stack of size 4. In later version of R8, the method may be assume
Invalid stack map table at instruction index 177: invokespecial Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V, error: Unexpected attempt to initialize initialized java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. In later version of R8, the…
SVG icons in android app
Is it possible to use SVG icons in Android applications? Do I need to add any dependency to the project, something like this is written in the doc. Is it possible to describe in more detail how to work with them in XAML and C#?
LoginUser_Authenticate() method not being hit when app deployed to app service
Assistance Needed with ASP.NET Web Application on Azure App Service Good day guys, I recently deployed an ASP.NET web application, which I upgraded to .NET Framework 4.8, to Azure App Service. However, when I attempt to log in to the web app, the page…
Change the color of the selected element
How to change the background of the element that was clicked in the "CollectionView" what can be done so that the selection animation affects the inner area of the clicked element.
How to implement Facebook login to .NET MAUI application?
Hi, Has anyone successfully implemented the Facebook manual OAuth2 login? If there are any references with examples, that would be great! We tried WebAuthenticator from .NET MAUI and our own server setup but it didn't work.
How to implement Facebook login to .NET MAUI application?
Hi, Has anyone successfully implemented the Facebook manual OAuth2 login? If there are any references with examples, that would be great! We tried WebAuthenticator from .NET MAUI and our own server setup but it didn't work.
Why can't I initialize an Init property directly/without the use of an Object Initializer?
Hello, We can initialize the Init property with Object Initializer. In fact, an Object initializer is equivalent to the variable/property initializer. If the compiler translates an Object initializer to a conventional variable initialization, Why can't…
Programmatically assign a UserControl to a DataTemplate
I'm trying to create a datagrid only by using c# without xaml because at compile time i don't know anything about the data that i will receive. So i need to use the only DataGridTemplateColumn but to archieve this i need to assign a value to the…
What will happen to performance when creating this layout?
There is a layout As I see it, it can be done on 7 "FlexLayout" elements. It will not harm the performance, and how good is this option. Maybe it is possible to somehow optimize the layout so that to use a minimum of layouts