HttpClient // Timeout // The remote name could not be resolved
Hello, The remote name could not be resolved using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(System.BaseAddress); client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, System.Timeout); public void Exception(Exception ex, string…
How to fix the blank screen after splash screen on .net maui app
I have an application that I have deployed to an ios device that is now showing a black screen after the splash screen is loaded. I am running the latest xcode, vs versions and the project is targeting .net 9. What should I be looking for as a…
InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service while trying to implement middleware for handling global exceptions -
Hello, I am trying to implement middleware to handle exceptions globally in a .NetCore WebAPI project. My .NetCore version is 9.0. Full details of the exception that is being thrown when I'm trying to launch my webAPI is as: …
Publish Error
Copying file Content\app_content\assets\libs\\node_modules\\js\jquery.dataTables.min.js to…
Blazor server side measure delays (nuget injection?)
I was wondering, to measure the delays between client and a server based razor app. How would one approach this, i think its be nice if our app could take actions (upon delays) , and give insights in how responsive it is. If our app could inform that…
New to Blazor - A valid antiforgery token was not provided with the request.
Hi all, Can any body please give me an advice so I can move forward to the main page, why I'm getting "A valid antiforgery token was not provided with the request. Add an antiforgery token, or disable antiforgery validation for this endpoint."…
SqlDataReader error “Invalid attempt to read when no data is present”
My environment used is Visual Studio 2022 v17.12.4. Language is C# and connecting to SQL Server Express v16.0.1135.2. This is a Windows form using .Net Framework 4.8.1. I am getting the error message “Invalid attempt to read when no data is present”…
System.IO.Ports only availble on windows, but im using windows - .NET6
So i'm trying to read arduino serial from c#, but it shows me the folowing exeption when i try to open the port: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: 'System.IO.Ports is currently only supported on Windows I am currently using windows 11. Also i tried…
During the release process of the Azure Function project, there used to the. net5 stack, but the project uses. net6
We tried to release a container for the function app project in VS and found that some projects had no problems after compilation and packaging, but some projects would encounter errors when running after compilation and packaging. “Method not found Void…
Can't set the debug target on my MAC
Hi, I can't set the debug target on my MAC step 7+8 not available in empty MAUI project in .Net 9. When I build the app I got : dotnet build /Users/sasasoftware/Desktop/Test6/Test6.sln /target:MauiApp1:rebuild /property:GenerateFullPaths=true…
Error while using stripe android sdk native interopt
I am trying to bind stripe sdk of android in .net maui. I try template and it works fine. But, when i try it, it is binding and when i call , it gets me…
Error while using stripe android sdk native interopt
I am trying to bind stripe sdk of android in .net maui. I try template and it works fine. But, when i try it, it is binding and when i call , it gets me…
How To Fix App Store Submission Error
I'm trying to update my current MS Store App by submitting and updated version of the program that has been built using .NET Maui , however I am getting an error message that I cannot resolve when the new version is being uploaded to the store and…
Table border issue
Hi, What is wrong below? How to correct it?
How to know whether the snap applied in windows 11 windows. Is there any API.
Is there a method or any API to tell if snap is enabled or disabled in Windows 11? Please answer if there is any other way.
How can I symbolicate my iOS crash report?
I have uploaded my application to TestFlight but it always crashes when I start it on my iPad. I have tried to open the crash report file crashlog.crash in Xcode-->Window-->Devices and Simulators. But the crash report is not symbolicated. How can I…
iOS crash report: System_Runtime_CompilerServices_AsyncMethodBuilderCore_Start_TStateMachine_GSHAREDVT_TStateMachine_GSHAREDVT_
I get the following messages in my iOS crash report: SharedCodeProject_MyClass__Updated__301_MoveNext (in MyGameiOS) (<unknown>:1) System_Runtime_CompilerServices_AsyncMethodBuilderCore_Start_TStateMachine_GSHAREDVT_TStateMachine_GSHAREDVT_ (in…
Not Able to install some Nuget Packages
Hi I am getting following errors while installing EntityFrameworkCoreTools and EntityFramWorkDesign form Nuget Packages Manager. Please help me, I tried to install these on both .NET framewok 9.0 and 8.0 Thanks *Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common…
ASP.NET Core 8.0 data print method
I am seeking the help of the experienced for some assistance. I created an application I needed by watching YouTube and asking you guys. Uploaded it as free hosting to monitor. I am having some problems completing the task. I hope for…
Loader animation issue in bootstrap while click save button
I'm using page and it contains various controls. i used bootstrap navigation for menu and signature. i have use various scripts for bootstrap designing and dropdown search box. everything is working fine except loader animation. When i click…