.NET for Android warning XA0125

Example messages

warning XA0125: 'AndroidApp1.pdb' is using a deprecated debug
information level. Set the debugging information to Portable in the
Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a
text editor and set the 'DebugType' MSBuild property to 'portable' to
use the newer, cross-platform debug information level. If this file
comes from a NuGet package, update to a newer version of the NuGet
package or notify the library author.


Support for .mdb or .pdb symbols files that were built with the DebugType MSBuild property set to full or pdbonly is now deprecated. This applies to .mdb and .pdb files in application projects as well as in referenced libraries, including NuGet packages.


Set DebugType to portable in the application project as well all library references. portable is the recommended setting for all projects from now on. The older full and pdbonly settings are for older Windows-specific file formats. .NET 6 and higher will not support those older formats.

In Visual Studio, go to Properties > Build > Advanced in the project property pages and change Debugging information to Portable.

In Visual Studio for Mac, go to Build > Compiler > Debug information in the project property pages and change Debug information to Portable.

If the problematic symbol file comes from a NuGet package, update to a newer version of the package or notify the library author.