.NET for Android error XA4216

Example messages

error XA4216: The deployment target '19' is not supported (the minimum is '21'). Please increase the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) property value in your project file.
error XA4216: The deployment target '19' is not supported (the minimum is '21'). Please increase (or remove) the //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion value in your AndroidManifest.xml.
warning XA4216: AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:targetSdkVersion '19' is less than API-21, this configuration is not supported.


This error or warning indicates your application is targeting an unsupported API level.


Edit your csproj and increase the '$(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)' property value to something greater than or equal to the minimum supported version.


Edit your AndroidManifest.xml and remove //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion, or increase it to something greater than or equal to the minimum supported version.


Edit your AndroidManifest.xml and remove //uses-sdk/@android:targetSdkVersion, or increase it to something greater than or equal to the minimum supported version.